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BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

    Happy Monday all you Booze Busters out there!

    (and Happy Tuesday to our New Zealand Booze Busters and anyone else in the way out time zones!)

    On-going Booze Busters, go to the next post and carry on as usual! For anyone new, here's what us Booze Busters are all about.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

    Q: What the sam hill is a Booze Buster?
    A: Anyone who has a serious goal of staying Hangover Free (HF) (=Alcohol Free (AF)) for 30 consecutive days, no matter what.

    Q: Do I have to join at the start of the month?
    A: NO!! Your "Day 1" can be at any time. And if you are already into your first month or your hundredth month AF, come join us! All who desire to be AF for at least 30CONSECUTIVE days are welcome.

    Q: Why are you being such a hard a$$ about 30 consecutive
    days AF?
    A: Because that's how tough I have to be on myself to succeed, and this challenge is meant to be "tough love" when it comes to the goal.

    Q: What if I fall off the wagon - do I get kicked out?
    A: NO!! We do hope you will let us help you dust off the seat of your pants, and drag you right back onto the Booze Busters wagon. You will get your butt kicked, but you won't get kicked out. Oh - and we have a Fugly Green Suit you have to wear for a day during your butt kickin'. That polyester green suit with high water pants is worse than the butt kickin'. Give back your stars and bling and start over at Day 1 (for purposes of this challenge).

    Q: What if I am tempted to drink - really really badly tempted?
    A: Come here for a kick in the seat of the pants! Read inspirational threads from start to finish, and if the desire to drink still exists, scream for help in the "Need Help ASAP" Section and yell for someone to join you in chat. (I wish I had done all that before my falls way back when!!)

    Q: What does the Booze Beast look like?
    A: :alf: Is one ugly SOB.

    Q: How does the group keep track of what day people are on?
    A: We count on YOU to shout out your stats loud and proud every day in whatever way suits you. For me, I'm collecting a gold star *
    for every AF day out of due respect for my inner child. At 30 days, collect your :bling . Grab a shiny gold :award: for every consecutive 30 days. SHOUT OUT YOUR OWN MILESTONES so we can help you celebrate!

    Speak up if you have other questions!! We are here to prove that WE CAN DO THIS! And that we can have a little fun while we're doing it! Let us know if you have suggestions as to how we can improve the BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Perpetual Challenge.

    Here's to a Rockin' Booze Beast Bustin' Week to kick off September!

    Day 103 AFHF
    :award: X 3 + *************
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

    GOOD MORNING BOOZE BUSTERS!!! It's the start of a new week, a new month, and for those of us in the USA a holiday Monday to boot. What are your plans for your sober day? Mr. Doggy and I realized that we DO, in fact, have two bikes in the garage that we haven't used in a very very long time. He cleaned 'em up and pumped up the tires last night, and we're going biking today on a really cool trail through a forest preserve. I hope I don't fall over - it's been a long time! But I'm looking forward to it. I'm still getting used to the freedom to plan stuff amidst SO many options now that I'm not spending all my time planning my drinking.

    louise - carrying on from last weeks thread - WOW it sounds like you are having a nice weekend. I would love to go with you to the museum! And your dinner last night sounds like it was awesome. Makes house painting sound attractive. LOL on your doggy who barks at nothing. Our mutt Cleopatra went through an annoying phase as a puppy (about 6 months old this started) where she was always doing that. And once she started she would NOT SHUT UP. She's lucky to be alive. (just kidding....but.....that was a horrid time in her life!) GOOD FOR YOU spiffing up your house when you are NOT getting ready to sell it. I've been guilty of that too until this current house. Glad you are joining in for 30 days! You are right - you can do it.

    :colorwelcome: to all Booze Busters old and new!!! September is going to be a GREAT month to enjoy Hangover Free.

    Day 103
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

      Hi Doggygirl

      Thanks for starting this thread for a new month. I am returning after a lapse of several months(see my other message on another thread), have decided 1st September 2008 is the date I start my new life and get a grip of this beast. Thanks for replying to my pm. I need to do this for my health, and also for my wonderful husband who never complains or makes any comment on my drinking. So upwards and onwards day one AF for me. Wish me luck and good luck to everyone trying to conquer the beast.



        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

        Good morning all! I forgot this was Monday, and posted my "morning hello post" onto the end of last week's thread... and a lovely post it was, too, by damn!!! oh hell!!! ... well, never mind... that's OK...



          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

          Welcome Madison! Glad you are here, and you are certainly starting out in the right place (the BoozeBuster thread is fabulous)!!!



            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

            Hi Madisonmay and WIP!! Good to see you both here for some September booze bustin'. Madisonmay we will have to work on a short name for you since we now have two Mary's as "regulars" here in abs. (retteacher) And MM is Meditation Mamma - where has she been these days????

            My creative juices are not flowing today. But as long as we are not drinking, life is good.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

              :H no, we are not drinking DG!

              Happy Labor Day Boozebusters!

              Just planting my September AF flag over here with you guys too.

              I'm feeling very strong AF-wise and looking forward to a kick-ass month!

              Today was a very mellow day - gardening, a friend with his 2 little girls came to visit for a couple of hours, and now I'm gonna head out for a walk down by the water. Gorgeous sunny day here. Life is good .

              madisonmay - :welcome: back - great timing! Lots of good AF energy around here these days. Look forward to hearing more........ glad you're here!

              see you later!

              ww xox


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

                Looking forward to an AF September with everyone here: DG, Madisonmay, WW, wip and all our other BBuster fall achievers.



                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

                  Good to see you, July. Strength in numbers, and in connection!



                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

                    Hi to you all, thank you for all your welcomes back(hope that sounds grammatical).

                    Did OK yesterday on day 1, although sleep was disburbed, but I know it is only early days and this will settle eventually, hopefully. Very proud of myself yesterday, when I got home from the office, I poured a half bottle of white wine(my favourite) left over from night before down the sink. Like others 1st September seems to be a really good date to start on this new commitment, and I so want this to work. Hope you all have a good day today.

                    DG as for a shorter name, how about I use my initials MP, I was going to use Madi but I think there is already one listed in members. Let me know what you think.

                    Looking forward to getting to know everyone again.



                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

                      Hi All Boooze Busters! and Doggygirl.

                      I Feel im ready (to join you all again if that ok!) and comitted for a Af september. The last time i join bb deep down within i really wanted to beat the AL and im feeling the some way again.
                      I think the last time i let my emotions over come me and to be honest after my 1 to 1 sessions were finish i kind of feel lost in myself. (if that make senses.) Anyway im back to
                      1to1 sessions with my therapist.
                      This time round i will not let the beast beat me!

                      Love to u ALL:l


                      p.s There is something about this thread that makes me feel strong inside!
                      family is everything to me


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

                        Hi All


                        I'm new hear and have just introduced myself on the just starting out thread earlier today. May I join you? I've been AF for about 36 hrs now and would like to remain AF for the whole of Sept. I once managed 108 days AF (Jan - may earlier this year) but then when I tried to moderate assuming I could just have the odd glass (as i'd managed 90+ days, my original goal), things got out of hand within a few days I was back to 30-40 units of wine before. Since May i've only managed a couple of short runs of about 6 AF days - otherwise drank every day. Have been under a lot of stress - excuses are 2 very young preschool children / husband not always around because of work and no other family support, Post natal depression - have just come off medication, part timejob, recent hysterectomy due to other medical issues which took a bit of getting over physically and emotionally. Husband is a serious wine drinker (although prob not an alcoholic) - probably has about 200+ bottles in garage so it's always around and he refuses to get rid of it as he says he enjoys it and doesn't have a problem so why should he!! Reaching 30 AF days would be a huge achievement for me


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

                          GOOD DAY BOOZE BUSTERS!!!!! Hard to believe it's Tuesday (well, Wednesday for Mame already I think). It always feels like Monday the day after a holiday. And what a good day it was!

                          WW (WonderWoman) - I'm so glad you are going to Bust Booze Beast Booty with us for September. I like your "plant flags" analogy. There are lots of good AF threads around here and the more places we "plant our flags' the stronger we will be!

                          July - love your fly bys as always!! "BBuster Fall Achievers." I'm likin' that.

                          MP!!! Now I'm likin' that nick name. Shades of :b&d: to fight this battle!! Congratulations on Day 1 down, and your wine dumping event. I bet that DID feel good. I hope the sleep improves for you soon. You're on your way though and that's great!!

                          Teardrop, it's wonderful to see you and I'm so glad you will be Busting Booze Beast Booty with us too!! Good for you on getting back with your therapist since that was working before, and you didn't feel quite right without that as part of your program. We will beat the beast together.

                          :colorwelcome: Sausage to MWO and to Booze Busters. Your story sounds much like mine in terms of managing a stint of AF (for me was 60 days), then falling for the "we can moderate now" lie. (well, for me it's a lie and sounds like you too) I too was right back to daily drinking within a matter of a few days. And it felt HARD to climb back on the wagon - you are doing WAY better than me in that regard. With the exception of a few week or so AF stints, it took me almost 8 months to get the booze out of my life again. This time I am determined - no booze for me now or ever. I'm sure the wine in the garage will call your name, but you can over come that too with enough determination. It would be nice if Mr. Sausage came around with some "no booze in the house" support - but every spouse doesn't do that, and we can't let that stop us from making the right choices. I'm glad you are here with us!!

                          The holiday weekend was busy and wonderful here. I cooked on the new grill last night - first time EVER that I grilled something. Why did I wait so long??? I made hot wings from an Al Roken BBQ book I got from the library. They turned out really good. If everything I try from that book turns out as good, I'm going to have to hunt down a used copy through Amazon or something. The other Big Thing yesterday was a bike ride for me and Mr. Doggy. We haven't done that in years. Getting through the hills in our own neighborhood on the way to the trail is the hardest part. At one point I HAD to walk because we were laughing so hard I couldn't breathe much less pedal. It was fun. I think we will pack the bikes in the camper for our upcoming fall outings.

                          Yesterday was also the 5 year anniversary of our business. YAY!! And this summer has been really good - both of us giving up our vices - do you suppose that has something to do with it??? (duh) Life is good.

                          Gotta run - it's back to Curves and the regular routine today. KICK BOOZE BEAST A$$ EVERYONE!!

                          Day 104 AFHF
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

                            Welcome Teardrop and Sausage, and good goin' to you, MP!! DG I am so envious that you have a wooded trail nearby to bicycle on! Even though there are formidable hills on the way... soon those hills will be a piece of cake! And the grilling sounds great. I have one of those Weber grills that has a gas canister you can use to start the charcoal. It's not a gas grill but using the gas under the charcoal, you can get the coal ready to go very quickly. I love grilling outside, esp. with smoke chips. Your wings sound GREAT.

                            Back to my sort-of-work-schedule today, at the Free Health Clinic, my private practice, and prep for class on Thursday. Also ongoing business and health-related stuff for Mother. She is doing better... not what anyone would call "doing well," but better, and we are working hard to try to get her back home.

                            Everyone have a great day, OK?



                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge - Week of 9/1/08!

                              Hi all! Just a quick hello during my rare chance to get online. It's been a whirlwind with my Dad in hospital. His breathing is laboured and he no longer wishes to hang on, so they started him on morphine yesterday. I'm not sure whether he'll still wake up for short periods or whether they'll keep him under from now on. But this is the beginning of the end. I phoned up the grief counsellor I saw way back when after my Mom died, and we had our first session today. I've been sad and angry and anxious and everything under the sun, but I seem to bounce back to togetherness. Knock on wood. I have to say I've been amazed with myself so far. A few days have been really hard, and my past pattern would have been to down a bottle or two. Thank God for sobriety!! I've thought of it as a protective shield even in the past, but right now it is absolutely essential. Be well folks, and thanks for your good wishes!

