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September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

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    September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!


    Well, since nobody else started it......I'M BACK WITH MY WHIP IN HAND!!

    Yesterday was a day off for me - Curves closed on Sunday so it's always my day off.

    Today was destined to be another day off as Curves is closed for the holiday. (US) a very cool turn of events, I was challenged yesterday in the SMART meeting to get on my bike. (in a fun way) I mentioned this to Mr. Doggy yesterday, and he said he's been thinking we should go bike riding and just never brought it up. SO...last night he cleaned up our old ratty bikes (filled the tires, etc.) and we went for about a 6 or 7 mile ride on the really nice bike trail near our house.

    I also inflated the exercise ball as I'm going to add in some extra ab work to my routine. My next internet stop is finding a web site that hopefully includes video instructions for some basic (and safe looking - easy on the back) ab exercises with the ball.

    I was also on a bit of a stall weight wise that was getting me down. (three weeks!!!!!) But I finally got what is sometimes called a "whoosh" and it's clear my body was busy working on itself inside before showing the results on Mr. Eville (my scale).

    Life is good. I pulled more "test clothes" out of the closet today so later I can see if anything fits. Shopping in the closet it good.


    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

    Whew, I am tired just hearing about you...HA HA
    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


      September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

      I know I've said it before, but this month count me in.

      I am at that stage where I need to start taking better care of my physical self as well.

      In the end I only lost 6 pounds of the 12 I put on in May when I went AF.That's in addition to the spare 20 I was already carrying. So off to weight watchers again on Wednesday for me.

      I've bought some 10 minute solutions DVDs for when I am too busy to do anything else. Did the abs and arms yesterday, today is thighs and powerstretch whatever that is.

      Way back in the beginning I also bought a skipping rope to leave on top of the fridge so that if I had a few minutes I could step outside the back door and have a bit of a workout. Well after I had practically knocked myself out, I realised the flaw in that plan. Industrial strength sporting underwear required if black eyes are to be avoided. Having to go and get changed sort of defeats the object.

      I'll keep you posted on how I get on and any other bright ideas I have.
      Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
      AF 8 June 2012


        September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

        brittzak;398086 wrote: Whew, I am tired just hearing about you...HA HA
        Not as tired as you're gonna be. :b&d:

        Loppy, sounds like you've got some good tools going on. read you on that underwear thing. I used to be a 38C and now I'm a 38L(ong). We're on the same vibe. I'm gonna chase you around here every day so look out.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

          Doggie and Loppy, I agree, you can't beat a good sports over the shoulder boulder holder:H

          Today mini man and I are going on a long bike ride. Also going to make myself do the evil sit-ups.

          Happy day to all

          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

            Good morning all! Good stuff goin' on! I too am back into bicycling, nothing way extreme like I used to do, just about 20-40 minutes a day, most days, on the bike. I always make sure there are some hills, and I am seeing some strength returning to the ol' legs. And today I put on a pair of the jeans I had been wearing all summer... and they really HAD to go into the (growing!) Too Big Pile. I love it. I am not weighing myself because I go nuts when I do that, just watching my waistline, and that is working really well. Also, for some reason, I am getting into soup a lot. Getting away from the standard dinner of meat, and a veg, and a starch. I use that celery soup that Bluey posted as a base, and add in other ingredients, like garbanzo beans, cabbage, quinoa, brown rice, tomatoes... so it is always different, but really tasty and filling and full-o-vegetables and good fiber.

            Take care, all...



              September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!


              The celery soup looks really good....i love veggies of any kind. The saddle is a Specialized (Dolce) I think they make several types for gals. I can?t read the number on it?.would need a sharp eyed kid for that.
              The geometry is perfect. I admit it, 8 years ago, I would have adamantly refused to believe something so small and not leather could be comfy for my caboose; I would have steered for something MUCH larger. However, I was very wrong. I can pull off a ? century w/o discomfort. You obviously have ridden a bit. There are so many improvements in equipment. I have an old leather Brookes saddle 25+ yrs, it nice but??they?ve really nailed it for a woman?s anatomy now.

              Hey Doggie, have you ever ridden on the prairie path?? I think there is a spur out your way. When I visit my rents, I love to take along a bike and ride it.

              Happy trails

              Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                Hello abbercizers!!

                OMW - a bike ride and some extra ab would sound great! How old is mini man? Thanks for the info about bike seats and comfort for women in general. If me and Mr. Doggy get into riding very much, I definitely need a different seat! I'm feelin' it today in a couple places that don't seem to involve any muscles. More like bones. I also don't think the overall fit of the bike is anywhere close to right as my shoulders started aching yesterday. Maybe that's just because I haven't biked in so very long, and hey - at this age anything the least bit new causes pain at first. Will definitely be researching a seat though!!

                WIP :cheering: for the growing pile of too big clothes!!!! Sounds like you are about due for some retail therapy!! Amazing what a bit of exercise can do as long as we are consistent with it. Soup rocks. I usually get on a soup kick in the fall/winter and get get enough. I will go look for that recipe from Bluey.

                The Curves workout was good today - felt good to be back after they were closed 2 days. Someone said to me today "I hope you took a before picture." (meant in a good way) That made me feel good!!

                I haven't done the exercise ball ab work yet today - been running like a crazy woman. BUT...found a series of "core" exercises on the Mayo Clinic web site. I figure that's a safe place to start. My ball is inflated and ready to go as soon as my lunch digests!!

                WIP I probably should learn to leave the scale alone like you do. It really does affect my mood when Mr. Eville is being mean. But for the time being I guess I'll keep doing what I'm doing.

                Hope all the other abbercisers and having a good workout today!!


                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!


                  This was a great thread to leave to last - has left me with a big grin on my face!!

                  I'm away from gym, but walking everywhere and have done a couple of run/walks. Managed 5/7 last week and 2/3 so far this week. I'm staying in a small town where everyone walks and bikes, so it is easy to go with the flow.

                  And is now September, so feeling very spring like here! I even felt motivated to go and get my legs waxed!!! Next week it will be the fake tan ........
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                    Doggie, age wise, I’m nippin at your heals but bike riding has a break in period. The bike seat is the key, a great seat on a modest bike is the ticket. Our bones are different for the obvious reasons than the guy bones. (Don’t laugh too much) The girl seat cradles I guess, rather than jabs. Supports the right places. This time of year there are great sales at bike shops, look around.

                    Mini man is a young 4, I pull him in a trailer gadget, he calls it “his rig” I think it’s more like his chariot and he’s Julius. I’d be the horse or some part of the horse.

                    Have fun, omw
                    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                      September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                      Hi All
                      My workout so far this week
                      Mon - hour and a half tennis clinic with the pro and my tennis friends + biked 15 miles
                      Tues- two hours of tennis singles + biked 15 miles

                      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                      AF 5-16-08


                        September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                        DG, the "sit bones" are always hurtin' just after starting out with the bicycling again, they will quickly adjust. For most of us, the "soft tissue" issues are more difficult to deal with, on an ongoing basis. I find that soft padded saddles, and saddles with cut-outs, are not at all comfortable. Someone suggested a Brooks saddle, which is hard leather, and seems like it would NOT be comfortable... but I find that it is great, because most of your weight rests on the "sit" bones toward the rear of the saddle, and you don't get mashed down into the padding of the front part of the saddle. It helps men, too, with their issues of getting numbness from the pressure in the perineum area, up ahead of the sit bones.

                        Bicycles with a more upright position tend to be more comfortable for all the "sitting" issues, too. I have been too vain to go in that direction, because I feel like an old lady, on an upright bike, altho they are getting more stylish, these days.



                          September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                          :b&d::sofa: HELLO ABBERCISERS!!! (yes, I'm yelling. LOUD. )

                          Mame, it's great to see you here too! The town you are staying in sounds fabulous and I bet you are really enjoying those walks. And the arrival of spring!!

                          omw, I definitely have to shop for a seat. And WIP - I have no pride and will check out one of those upright Granny Bikes if I need to. Probably next spring if we really do follow through with some riding during the fall season. Mini man and his chariot LOLOL!! I want pictures!!

                          Caysea your workouts sound killer as always. Your body fat % must be about 2% by now. You Inspire!!!!! We need a tennis playing smilie in your honor.

                          The workout was good at Curves today. The circuit was very busy today (kids back in school??) but all was going smoothly until one particular woman came in. I guess she can't see very well or doesn't think or something. She jumped in at the most crowded place when she could have taken a less crowded spot to jump in, and then was not listening to the "change stations now" voice at all - staying on machines as long as she wanted to, causing everyone else to back up and not be able to keep pace with our workouts. That drives me nuts. I think I will start going a little later since *I can* when it's not so crowded. In better news, I won $2 Curves Bucks playing bean bags which is building my confidence that I will have enough Curves Bucks for that 200 Workout Shirt when I get that far. I also did the exercise ball AND dusted of the Torture Trak oops I mean Torso Trak when I got home.

                          Look out world - I'm gonna be so friggin' hot you BETTER put on your shades. Tina Turner legs - that's what I'm after!!!!! And Six Pack of Diet A&W Root Beer Abs!!!!

                          OK - where is everyone else? FRONT AND CENTER!! :b&d::sofa:

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                            Raining today, all day, so I did 30 minutes on the treadmill in the basement. Got up a pretty good sweat (I like to walk not very fast, but uphill). Felt good! It is downright cool outside, all the way to "sweater weather" all of a sudden. Should be GREAT bicycling weather, when it stops raining (and before it starts snowing!!). Feels really good to be back into nearly-daily workouts! Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement, DG and company!



                              September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                              :b&d: where is everyone today?????:sofa:

                              Went to Curves and had a good workout. Earned $5 Curves Bucks in the Bean Bag Toss. Ab muscles are talkin' to me today, so the Torture Trak and Exercise Ball extra credit work is working! I didn't do it today due to soreness (although I did the full meal deal at curves). I think I might have to go every other day - at least for now, on my weenie level extra ab work.

                              I am wearing a pair of size 14 capri jeans that I found last night while shopping in my closet. Since I started SQUISHED into 18's, I'm quite happy with this development. I am in pursuit of hotness after 50.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

