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September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

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    September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

    Hi DG - the FitTV website also has some good video clips on different exercises.

    Here's a link
    FitTV :: Video :: Virtual Video Training


      September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

      My workout this week:
      Sun - 5mile run - Nike's HumanRace
      Mon/Tues - complete blob
      Weds - Bike Ride
      Thurs - 4 mi run right now - I'm off.


        September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

        Wonderworld reporting for duty!

        I am unbelievably psyched about the fact that my weight is not only the lowest it has been in about 8 years, but I am within about 5/8 pounds of my IDEAL WEIGHT, which I was once for about five minutes a very long time ago. I have been doing alot of walking - pretty fast with hills - and in the last week or so added wrist weights which I pump in various directions while I march. I' ve always been very athletic (skiing, rollerblading, biking, cardio and weights at the gym, yoga, etc.), so the muscle tone is there - but it was usually with at least a little extra weight. I want to get really toned now. That's my goal.

        So - I'm into it!! I go to the gym, but not so much during the summer when I can be outside. I also want to do more yoga these days. My favorite exercise has been and will always be - outside with headphones and music on - either jogging or speed walking. SO good for my head !

        woo hoo!! glad to be healthy!!!

        ww xox


          September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

          Hi Abbercisers:

          I am in awe of all of you. This is where I was last week and this is where I am today. :sofa:

          I seem to have all kinds of excuses and I haven't found an exercise I like. My friend, who I normally would walk with, has football practice with young child five days a week, when we would normally walk.

          I do have a gym at our community so I could go over there, but I lack the motivation.

          I am whining and I certainly don't like that; I am getting more motivated by all of you and your weight loss- I need that desperately. I hesitate to post this because I sound so utterly pittiful. If any of you had a difficult time getting started, I would love some hints to get me off (or out from under) my couch!!!
          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


            September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

            Doing GREAT, DG!!! I love getting into those old, smaller pants!!

            And WW, and DogLvr, feels good to be getting some sweating done, doesn't it? It was raining again nearly all day so I just did 20 minutes on the spinner. I figure that's about the same as 30 minutes out on the bicycle, since there is no such thing as "downhill" on a spinner! WW, what kind of yoga do you do? I would like to get back into it, just did a little Hatha Yoga last fall, but that opportunity went away in the spring and I haven't gotten back into it...



              September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

              Hey Kriger, we cross posted... you know, early on here, I got some inspiration from the MWO book because RJ set the bar so low! I think she recommended something like 20 minutes of walking, and that seemed so much better than the "nothing" I had been doing, that I started doing exactly that. Most days, I walked about 20 minutes, fairly briskly. And it didn't take long at ALL before I started ramping it up some, because it felt good. But not up to any kind of extreme level, I am careful about that because I tend to get competitive with myself, then get burned out and just quit. I'd rather do very modest exercise, over the long haul. It helps when I remind myself that exercise is a major antidepressant, and it contributes to improved immune function as well as all kinds of other health-related benefits.



                September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                WOW it's late and I'm tired. I did my ab work and ran 3 miles. I call my abs, flabs. I know there is some muscle, maybe 1 or 2 in there someplace:H

                Happy trails,

                Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                  September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                  Thanks WIP... Today I will walk briskly for 20 minutes!! K
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                    September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                    good job AB's exercise crew!

                    I was pleasantly surprised to be comfortable in size 36 pants yesterday throughout 6 hours of driving. now just one more size to go.....

                    got home and went a few rounds on the two punch/kick bags in the back yard. Feeling pretty good!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                      Got a last minute call from work and said I had to get my butt to some training... and I needed to wear jeans:upset:


                      I tossed on the middle sized one (the ladies will understand that) and they well I might add. Yippie!!

                      I think were all in the same boat, lose a little here and there and it all adds up. I am going to do another 3 miles again today.

                      Lordy it feels good to not look like a cupcake in my jeasn!! Well, I'm outa here.

                      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                        September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                        Excellent, MWO! And I TOTALLY understand what you mean! I have a pair of those "middle-sized ones" on, right now, and am enjoying the heck out of it!



                          September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                          Inspired By You All

                          I too was almost too ashamed to post....pitiful today after a week of drinking....I had 3 weeks AF behind me before last Friday...damn it. I've been out of touch with MWO for several months, but I really need to come back.
                          I'm ready to get to work. I actually like to work-out and I KNOW how well it can help me stay sober....
                          There really is nothing that feels as good as the "strong/healthy" feeling I get after a good work-out and knowing that I haven't poisoned myself with AL today.
                          It feels good to share that! Thanks!


                            September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                            :b&d::sofa: HAPPY SATURDAY ABBERCISERS!!!!

                            Now that I have your attention....

                            DogLvr - Congratulations on the 5 mile Nicke's Human Race run! Also, thanks for the FitTV link. I'm starting a collection of exercise links in my favorites, so I appreciate that!

                            WW - congrats on your weight loss and being so close to your idea weight. Sounds like you are quite athletic, and we would love your input around here!

                            kriger - did you take that walk yesterday? You sound a lot like me...the hardest part for me was finding the motivation to get out there and try stuff, and find something I like. I've tried gym's before - wish I had a nickel for every nickel I wasted on an unused membership. I always felt intimidated or something. Have you ever tried a place like Curves? I like the small, women only atmosphere and assuming the local club is following the guidelines that Curves corporate sets out, they keep it fun. If a more traditional gym isn't your thing - something like Curves or one of the other women's places might be worth a try. Caysea's got me thinking that tennis lessons might not be out of the question next year!!!

                            WIP - it sounds like you are doing well with the spinner to cover your exercise on those rainy days. Congrats on the "middle jeans!!"

                            OMW - abs = flabs :H!!!!! Me too!! I KNOW I have more than two ab muscles though because there are at least a dozen in there talking LOUD to me after my extra credit ab work this week. I wish I would have known I was over doing it in time to stop!! Kudos to you too on those "middle jeans!!" Feels good, doesn't it? Hope training was OK.

                            Welcome USMgirl!! Glad you joined us!! Sorry to hear about your struggles. Exercise will surely help you get and stay back on the AF wagon.

                            Had a pathetic workout at Curves yesterday due to the massive soreness of my flabs. Today will be equally pathetic I'm sure - but I'm NOT skipping it!! I need my endorphins for dog training. I am going to SO appreciate my day off tomorrow!

                            Have a great day everyone!! :b&d::sofa:

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                              Good morning all. Had a lovely bike ride yesterday, hills felt really easy! I think that other times I have done a lot of bicycling I have also been drinking, and it kept me from really putting on muscle. This time I am seeing all kinds of improvement in a very short time. Pretty nice!

                              DG and OMW, mustn't allow yourself to give mean names to your abs!!! The way we talk to (and about) ourselves is important!! Be nice to your abs, and they will respond accordingly!

                              Hoping everyone has a nice day for a workout... looks like it is going to be beautiful, here in the middle of the USA.



                                September Abbercise - GET OFF THAT SOFA!!!

                                Good morning everyone!!! Wouldn't you know it????? I get up all excited about my early morning treadmill work-out and the damn thing doesn't work!!! UGH!!! :durn:
                                Hubby just bought it for me in January and I LOVE my runs in the early am!!!

                                It appears it was taken out by Gustav!! We are finding several things not working! 'Had a major power surge on Monday pm when the old guy blew in!!!
                                So, I'm forced to go to the gym today...or I could run the neighborhood. It's actually cool here today!
                                Anyway, just checking in! I hope you all have fabulous fun Saturday afternoons!!!

                                Day 2 has arrived.....

