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Tuesday 2 September

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    Tuesday 2 September

    Good morning all. Gentle cleansing rain here. Really glad to hear that the worst of Gustav has missed New Orleans.

    Hope everyone got through yesterday OK. I must admit I had quite a thoughtful day. As we keep saying here, there is so much more to this not drinking lark than simply not drinking.

    I was surprised yesterday when I realised how much my not drinking was negatively affecting my work. I don't know how much it is noticed elsewhere since there is a time delay on my doing or not doing the work and the results being apparant. Being truthful it is the anxiety that is affecting my work which wasn't a problem when I was drinking.

    So my dilemma is do I push on with my goal which is to learn to live substance free, or do I take some help with the anxiety. I don't see the doc again until next week so have time to decide.

    That aside life is pretty good.

    How did everyone get on yesterday? I was thinking of all the people starting off and remembering back to those early days. I remember being so exhausted I fell asleep every time I sat down. I also remember that others were suffering from insomnia and generally bouncing off the walls.

    Well wouldn't life be boring if we were all the same?

    Anyway spent so long doing this I am runing late again.

    Catch you all later. Take care
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Tuesday 2 September

    Hi Loppy Lugs

    Woke to sunshine today, the first for a very long time, husband even enquired "what's that big round yellow thing in the sky". Anyway, got through day 1 yesterday OK, but had sleep problems, but no doubt this will work it's way out eventually.

    Thought 1st September was good day to start anew, and I am determined it works this time. The only problem we have in our household when I don't drink is husband complains he is no longer in control of the remote for the tv, usually I have passed out by 9.30/10.00 p.m. and he usually watches whatever he wants, but I said what do you want a sober me or control of the remote, he didn't answer, no seriously he said he wants me sober. Anyway hope everyone has a good AF day.

    (deciding which short name to use as other Mary's on forum)


      Tuesday 2 September

      Good Day AFers!

      Loppy, I'm sorry to hear that the anxiety is causing problems at work. You sound very rational about it though - considering all things and going to talk to your doc. I hope you find a solution that fits decently with your various goals. You are sure right that life would be dull if we were all the same!

      Hi MP/Madi/Mary!!! I like MP :b&d: or Madi. Congrats again on Day 1. LOL about control of the remote. Tell Mr. Madi that his easy remote "control" days are over - there is a new sheriff in town. The remote is going back to the control of it's rightful owner.

      Life is good and today is going to be a busy one!! I need to get going and get to Curves so this is short (as they breathe a sigh of relief!!! ) It'll be an AF day here, and I hope for everyone else too.

      Day 104
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Tuesday 2 September

        Good morning all,

        Been very busy here, worked all holiday weekend. I don?t like 12 hour shifts?.however, work went a lot better than last weekend. No drama, I can only take so much excitement.

        Loppy, I know you?ve been somewhat against taking an anti depressant. There are some very mild ones that can help greatly with anxiety. It need not be taken long term. A few years ago I had a very difficult situation to deal with and took something called Lexapro. I took it for 3 months without side affects or with drawl problems, it helped greatly.

        Nice start MP, I sometimes have trouble with sleep, after the first few days of Abs, it really improved for me, hope it does for you too! Good sleep is so underrated.

        Today I am going to start a diet, try and loose the 10 extra I put on this summer. Not sure how it happened but it did. Think I will dig out the Atkins book?..Doggie, any good low carb recipes to pass along?? At any rate, I am tired of hauling around this big butt:H

        Happy AF day to all!!

        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


          Tuesday 2 September

          Good morning all! Loppy, it worried me a bit to hear that it seems to you that NOT drinking is negatively affecting your work... I think it raised a small red flag in my own mind, because it is the sort of thing my own alcohol-loving mind would begin telling me, to get me back on the road to drinking again... I do hope you find a way to cope with the feelings of anxiety. If you are really opposed to considering any kind of medication, you might consider something else, such as meditation? It can be tremendously helpful.

          Best wishes all!



            Tuesday 2 September

            Good Morning Abbers,

            I am sitting at the airport. I forgot I changed my itinerary to a 9:30 flight and I arrived for a 6:30 flight.

            That means I am sitting here with a lot of time on my hands.

            Loppy, I can't advise on the anxiety issue. I hope your doctor can help. I have anxiety, too, but this time around sober, it hasn't reared its ugly head. As a matter of fact, I am quite relaxed and serene, despite some really serious personal problems at the moment., I can't explain why.

            Hang in there, talk honestly to the doctor and do what makes you feel most comfortable. Remember that Lexapro and the others take a couple of weeks to help. So if you take one, don't be expecting immediate relief. I am wishing you much relief from your anxiety.

            DG, it is always good to read your posts. I love them. Enjoy Curves. I am jealous. I can't do Curves easily because of my travel. I did buy a DVD to use in the hotel room. I am looking forward to it.

            MadinsonMay, I imagine hubby truly wants you to be sober more than the remote. Sleep will start coming easier soon. And when you get real sleep without alcohol, it is sooo refreshing.

            OMW, I have gained weight since quitting drinking. When I drank, I didn't eat at all. So, I am with you. I am starting a diet today. Let's get this extra weight off and feel good!!

            Mary, Det, and all to come. Please have a wonderful, sober, blessed day!!

            AF April 9, 2016


              Tuesday 2 September

              Top of the tuesday ABeronies!

              what great fun it.

              loppy, I've gotten a lot of relief from a mild anti-dep called 'citalopram'. you may also want to look into a non rx supplement called 'inositol' which helps me with panic disorder (although I'm happy to say I've not needed it in many months now).

              well not I"M off to the doc today if they can get me in on short notice...have a weird rash on my face that's getting worse and driving me kwazy. ick!

              Cindi, airports really suck...hang in there!

              be well my friends
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Tuesday 2 September

                Day 13

                Hi guys!

                Been AF for 13 days and feel really good on that front, except I think I have a hernia. I am going to doc tomorrow. I am in so much freaking pain.

                I went online and it sounds like I have a hernia, hopefully I am wrong because I will need surgery if it's that, and I have way too much coming up to have surgery! I have court for my daughter next Wed (suing NYC Board of Ed to get her the services she needs, she is autistic for those of you who don't know me), her first day of kindergarten next Tuesday, and parent orientation next Monday! I am also supposed to go to the US Open this coming Sat and Sun for the mens semi-finals and mens finals. I have a feeling I am not going to be able to see tennis but I'll know more tomorrow after I go to the doc. :upset:

                Good luck to all, Camper :l:h:h:h

                Det- I've missed the crap out of you!
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  Tuesday 2 September

                  Yoooo happy camper, we have one on the spectrum too......good luck with the court thing. Fighting the school is a kin to hunting for me. I like the challenge, hate their elusive reasoning. The jackass' seem to know what my child needs better than I.

                  Our reteacher (Mary) is a retired SPed teacher, God bless her Janice too (not retired)

                  Every day is a wild adventure in our world, not for sissies you know:H
                  But really now, good luck tomorrow!

                  Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                    Tuesday 2 September

                    Hi Everyone: I am doing very, very well. I had a great day w/the g-sons & am now going to get some much-needed rest. I haven't had any drinking thoughts, but that doesn't mean they will never occur. I'm on my guard & do plenty of reading & go to meetings as well. The most important thing to remember is DON'T DRINK NO MATTER WHAT! I feel so great abs, it's a wonder I even get drinking thoughts.

                    Happy Camper: I was a SPED teacher for 25 years & always, always told parents that you are your child's most committed advocate. You have to fight for what you think is best. If you don't fight, the school system will take the easiest, least expensive route. If you little one is just entering Kindergarten, there are years of education & socialization ahead of her. She will change, grow, & learn, so never, ever give up trying to get the very best for her.

                    For everyone else...especially newbies: stay strong & abs. You are worth a long, healthy, & happy life.

                    Love, Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Tuesday 2 September

                      Hi, Mary!

                      Good to "see" you.

                      I, too, am not having drinking thoughts and I am feeling so absolutely fantastic and serene at the same time.

                      I am working at a difficult client and under a tight schedule and it is not bothering me one whit.

                      I am not sure what happened mentally but I am not looking this gift horse in the mouth.

                      However, I am on guard and I try to make it to an AA meeting every day. It is not always possible but they sure do help me. It is also good to spend time there instead of sitting in the hotel room getting lonely and bored. (HALT)

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Tuesday 2 September

                        Mary, you?re awesome!!
                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

