Sorry for yesterday's less than cheerful post, but thanks for the advice I'll look into the Inositol. Meditation is not yet for me but is on the horizon.
Please don't worry no matter what, I will not drink. Death by alcohol is not a pleasant death and if I ever forget that, I will revisit the teardrops youtube clip to remind myself.
On the plus side, I must be getting a bit better because the number of major panic attacks is reducing which is probably why I have the time to notice the constant low level anxirety. I just have to relearn how to trust my instincts because they are good. To just get on and do things rather than agonising over them for hours until I am shaking and in a cold sweat.
So how is everyone?
How were our newbies second days of sobriety? And everyone else on there varying days? Was it what you expected?
Sounds like everyone is working hard sorting the kids out for the new term. I live close to the local Grammar school which went back yesterday and what really struct me, beyond how shiney they all looked in their new uniforms (won't last long) is aren't kids tall nowadays? When did that happen?
Anyway enough for today. I probably won't post tomorrow as tonight is the anniversary of Dad's death and that phone call. If I feel this bad now heaven knows what I'll be like tomorrow morning. I'll save you all from the self pitying waffle.
Have a good day everyone.