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Wednesday 3 September

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    Wednesday 3 September

    Good morning all,

    Sorry for yesterday's less than cheerful post, but thanks for the advice I'll look into the Inositol. Meditation is not yet for me but is on the horizon.

    Please don't worry no matter what, I will not drink. Death by alcohol is not a pleasant death and if I ever forget that, I will revisit the teardrops youtube clip to remind myself.

    On the plus side, I must be getting a bit better because the number of major panic attacks is reducing which is probably why I have the time to notice the constant low level anxirety. I just have to relearn how to trust my instincts because they are good. To just get on and do things rather than agonising over them for hours until I am shaking and in a cold sweat.

    So how is everyone?

    How were our newbies second days of sobriety? And everyone else on there varying days? Was it what you expected?

    Sounds like everyone is working hard sorting the kids out for the new term. I live close to the local Grammar school which went back yesterday and what really struct me, beyond how shiney they all looked in their new uniforms (won't last long) is aren't kids tall nowadays? When did that happen?

    Anyway enough for today. I probably won't post tomorrow as tonight is the anniversary of Dad's death and that phone call. If I feel this bad now heaven knows what I'll be like tomorrow morning. I'll save you all from the self pitying waffle.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Wednesday 3 September

    Morning Loppy and all to follow

    Hope you get through today ok - no wonder you are feeling anxious this week if there is a sad anniversry to get through! Just get through it the best you can and be kind to yourself xxx

    I am starting Day 9 today and feel so pleased I've got this far! I know it's a small step but it feels good all the same!! Sleeping is much better I'm very surprised as I couldn't sleep for the 1st 4 - 5 days.

    I have to dash - running late - wish you all a great day xxx


      Wednesday 3 September

      Hi Loopy Lugs & Seen the Light

      Another day AF for me yesterday, that makes 2 days. Slept a bit better last night, but not as much as I would have liked, but, hey, it's only early days.

      Loopy I hope you get through your day with your anniversary, but always remember all the good memories of your Dad. Hope your day goes ok

      Seen the Light glad to hear your sleep pattern is improving, something for me to look forward to. Hope you have a good day.

      We have a funny looking thing in the sky here, it's a big huge round yellow blob, is it a space ship, is it an alien, no it's the SUN, which we haven't seen alot of here for several weeks, only rain and dullness.

      Hope all you abbers have a good AF day.

      Madi(decided to use Madi as nick name as after DG mentioning MP as some kind of enforcer with a whip, I had visions of me in tight female military outfit with whip in hand, oooh not a pretty sight):H:l


        Wednesday 3 September

        hang in there all it gets better.


          Wednesday 3 September

          Loppy, this must be such a difficult week for you. Please post away no matter what you are feeling after your phone call. It's OK to be sad. :l

          Seen congratulations on Day 9!! Glad you are sleeping better too. That is such a relief in the early days.

          Madi - I like Madi!! LOL on your description of your MP need to get the boys imaginations going with that notion!! Glad you are doing well on Day 3!!

          Hello 1967!!

          I'm just doing a quick check in as it's going to be a busy day. I've got to exercise early and then get my truck to the shop for oil change, etc. Since I will be stuck at home, a BIG thing on my to do list today is getting a bunch of photo editing done that I am way behind on. I've GOT to make that my priority!! When I get so far behind on editing, then I don't like taking more pictures, and that's no fun. Time to get caught up!!

          Have a great sober day everyone!!

          Day 105
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Wednesday 3 September

            Morning all

            Loppy, a sad week for you, I am sure you are dreading that phone call.....just listen and feel. You may want to come to the boards and share, you may find it does a world of good.

   9...double digits right around the corner..I am so pleased for you.

            Madi, good going on day 2 and the sleep thing can be such an irritant, but this time next week, you'll be sleeping like a baby. The early days seem to be a problem for most.

            1967 nice to see you, welcome to the Abs thread!

            DG, Sounds like another productive day for you. I was thinking this morning in reverse!!!.....We share so much of what we gained with our sobriety...I was thinking of what I left behind.....Guilt....At the end of the day, I sit back in my recliner and know my day was whatever I chose to make it..productive, lazy doesn't matter...I did it sober......I spent so much time in the past forcing myself to push through that extra mile, just to cover up the wasted hours....No more!!...Tomorrow I will be 10 months AF....I never want to forget those deep dark days....Surrender and those words!!!

            To all to follow, lets make today count!!
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              Wednesday 3 September

              Loppy, if I read you right it will be the anniversary of having received THAT phone call? How long ago was that?

              I know exactly how you feel, so please do come back and post.

              I've received many phone calls over the past 10 days after my Dad was admitted into hospital but not THAT dreaded one just yet. Unfortunately it's only a matter of time. The latest call came at 7am this morning. He'd had a bad night with breaks in his breathing. Now that I know he's entered the terminal phase, the most important thing to me is his mindset. Luckily I caught him during a sprightlier spell yesterday when he was watching sports on TV, wanted a second medical opinion on his options (though there aren't any) and looked completely like his old self.

              I never expected to be in this situation so soon, but life doesn's always respond to our plans. I'll be 4 months AF next week. What if I hadn't decided to quit in May? What if I'd waffled, or thought I could put it off, or started toying with moderation after 90 days? The thought scares the living daylights out of me. I REALLY need my supplements, and my sleep, and my support structure. And it's still bloody difficult.


                Wednesday 3 September

                Hi Everyone: As usual, there is much positivity here. I love that. Charlee, your sharings strike such a chord w/me. I used to push myself unbelievably when I drank just to justify it & pretend that the drinking wasn't really effecting my productivity. Now, I can relax if I want to & not feel guilty. Yes, it is a great benefit to look at what I left behind when I stopped drinking.

                I'll check back later as I'm in the middle of a bunch of chores. I loved reading what everyone shared.

                Newbies, don't be afraid to share here. It is a benefit to all of us.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Wednesday 3 September

                  Day 1

                  Hi, I'd like to try for a month AF if I can, haven't managed that for a long time. Have been about the site for a month and taking topamax for 6 days, 25mg and was trying to moderate but last night went on a big binge and had my customary 3 bottles of wine, plus two beers and today have been so ill. I'm going to forget about trying to moderate as I think if I don't stop drinking I'm going to end up dead pretty soon! So day one for me today, its now 7.30pm where i am and I've managed ok so far (cos I feel so sick I think!).


                    Wednesday 3 September

                    Happy Humpday ABlanders!

                    Charlee, tomorrow we oughta bake you a cake. 10months! woooooo!

                    3Bottles, glad to have you...this is a great place to hang out.

                    big hurry today so gotta split....

                    be well my friends
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Wednesday 3 September

                      Good late afternoon,

                      Been running all day, it?s nice to check in here finaly. Had some big urges this afternoon, made it past that safely and I now have a stomach ache. Don?t think they?re connected unless not drinking can mess up your barrel too. Think it is something the kids passed on to me?.they are lovely children.:H

                      I?ve been giving much thought to the why of the alcoholism matter. Think I?m learning more about myself. I figured some personal growth would come from sobriety. Trying to find ways to constructively deal with a life long low self esteem issue is good.

                      Hope everyone navigates through the witching hours safely

                      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                        Wednesday 3 September

                        Onmyway, be great to hear you extrapolate on those issues....sounds like you are really doing some homework.

                        our stomaches and more precisely our intestinal tract get very damaged from al usage. thankfully our friend LGlutamine is also know among nutrionalists as the "gut restorer" for it's ability to correct these issues (along with abs of course).
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Wednesday 3 September

                          Hello, Everyone,

                          Loppy. :l I truly understand that this anniversary will have you feeling very sad and down. Now that we are sober, we have to face those things without any substance to help us. That is a good thing, if not easy.

                          Pamper yourself tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.

                          Pamina. Wow. 4 months and going through this sober is a Godsend!! I, too, am grateful you are sober dealing with this. We are all here to help you in anyway we can. :l

                          3Bottles, :welcome: Make your mind up you are going to do it and then do it one day at a time. If you have questions or needs, just let us know!!

                          Det, Mary, Charlee, DG, 1967, Madi, Seen and OMW, it is great to hear from all of you.

                          You are right, Det, we need to bake a cake for our Charlee. You're up, since I am in a hotel and my room doesn't even have a microwave..

                          Doing well here. Happy to be sober and grateful for it every single day.

                          AF April 9, 2016

