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Friday Sept 5 daily

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    Friday Sept 5 daily

    Good morning all,

    Feeling good here even though I slept poorly. The kiddies are out the door and it?s me time. I have a busy day planned, canning tomatoes, bike ride and hope to work on a bit of our massive ceramic tile job. I have a good plan for this weekend; stay busy and not drinking?.no little bottle. 3 weeks here today, feels nice to rack up a new string of days.

    A big Congrats to Charlee and Seen, well done!

    I figured what caused my tummy trouble; SPLENDA, I normally don?t consume it. We bought a couple cases of splenda containing soft drinks last weekend. I have not had any in the last 24 hours and feel a lot better. Go figure, I tank myself with booze and no stomach ache and just a little Splenda hobbles me. Guess I will stick with my blueberry/herb tea iced.

    Have a great day!!

    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

    Friday Sept 5 daily

    Morning all
    OMW thanks for starting us off, and kudos to you 3 weeks! Glad to hear your tummy troubles are better, Splenda, go figure..stick to the tea! Thanks to all for the congrats!!!....some ride it has been thus far, a ride well worth taking, and a ride I don't want to get thankful I bought the ticket!!!

    I am done with the canning, time to put all my supplies away, till next year. No big plans for the weekend, expecting a wet and windy weekend, so will play it by ear.....closets maybe???

    Hope everyone to follow has a great weekend, and maintains their goals, whatever they may be....
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Friday Sept 5 daily

      Hi All
      Way to Go on the 3 weeks.Also nice seeing you in the abbercise tread,I have found the exercise to be the key to my recovery.Keeping busy with the good things in life is essential in winning this fight.
      I never thought I would stop counting the days I was AF.Now my focus is on my workouts and looking each week to see how this is coming along.
      The AF battle is still the most important thing I do each day but the further away from the stopping the less of a hold the al has on me.I am past the hundred day point and I want to tell people starting out that as strong as the hold al has on you it will get less and less as the AF time builds up. I couldn't imagine having the cravings go away but they do .

      Keeping busy= a plan

      exercising= a plan.

      Make sure you have a plan that is the only way to win this battle.

      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      AF 5-16-08


        Friday Sept 5 daily

        Good morning all -
        Caysea - thanks for the encouragement that the hold will reduce.

        OMW - big contrats on the 3 weeks - I need to get there - I've re-committed this week so hopefully I'll be at 3 weeks before you know it.

        Charlee - I would love to learn how to can - I guess you need to hav a garden first though - right?
        I will be leaving town with the dogs for the weekend - so I hope everyone has a great, AF weekend.


          Friday Sept 5 daily

          Aloha Friday ABerooooooos!!

          congrats to Onmyway!

          Doglover have a great weekend away from home

          ok, I had something really insightful to share and it's completely skipped my mind so I guess I'll dose up on the coffee and see if it doesn't come back to me later.....

          be well friends
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Friday Sept 5 daily

            Caysea, forgot to thank you for your exercise inspiration. it's so important and most appreciated.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Friday Sept 5 daily

              Hi Everyone:

              I'm doing well. I've been looking at my triggers: time by myself remains a big one. That's because I drank alone a lot (so that I could be unbridled about it), & I must find ways to stay busy but relaxed enough not to want to drink. It's a delicate balance for me.

              Also, we have a large circle of friends & family & get-togethers are frequent & usually involve alc. I am trying to internalize an image of myself as a non-drinker. I do have strategies, but sometimes it wears on me.

              Ultimately, I'm doing well. I'm not counting but am keeping track (there's an on-line sobriety calculator that I use). I don't check in w/it every day, but once in a while I like to see how I'm doing. A few days ago, I read about the whole business of ruining a good AF run & going off the deep-end. I've done that, so I'm trying to stay sober ODAT (one day at a time) for now.

              Take care all. I'll try to check in later.

              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Friday Sept 5 daily

                Mary, have you ever made an 'image board'? I'm thinking I might do that myself
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Friday Sept 5 daily

                  Deter: I'm not sure what an image board is. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012

