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day 4

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    day 4

    Well, i started my antabuse and its day 4 af. feels good right guys? like the best is in the morning when I wake up and im like, " wow didnt fuck up and do anything stupid that i regret last night, i REMEMBER last night, and im not hungover" the morning is the best when your first going af. the night is the hardest. i plan on doing this for at least two weeks, hopefully longer though. i know two weeks isnt going to change anything permanently. i am not even sure that a year could. but i just know i needed a damn break from the alcoholic hellish lifestyle i live. my name was me145, buti cant remember my password so this is my new name. OH, and i honestly couldnt start this without antabuse, so thank God for it. after a few days i feel like i could do it with willpower. but the first two days were real tough. i definitely would have given in and drank if not on the antabuse

    day 4

    Hi Times
    Going with the antabuse is a great way to deal with the cravings.It will certainly help you break some of your habits.I had used the antabuse about 2 years ago and stayed AF for 6 months but I didn't really have a plan in place .I thought i could mod but wound up right back in trouble with al.I did not use it this time I am almost 4 months AF and mod is not a consideration for me.I do still have the antabuse and plan on using it if I feel I will be in a situation that is a big trigger for me.It is a tool for fighting our problem but I have found we need many tools.Education and support being very important.Way to Go and keep fighting
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08


      day 4

      yeah, i agree. there are a few people who are attemping a year period AF, thinking maybe their brain chemistry will change.. i have to say, from what ive heard, that is doubtful. they may be good for a short time, but eventually very soon it will go back to the way they were. in most cases anyway. i do believe that genetic alcohllics have less of a chance of moderation than non genetic alcoholics.


        day 4

        Congrats on Day 4, DT! And, yeah, it sure DOES feel good. I think we all know that "hellish place" and are so grateful to leave it behind...



          day 4


          :welcome: back!!

          I agree, the Antabuse is a tool. I plan on staying on it for a year or maybe two. I don't want to go off until I feel confident I can stay AF.

          Like Case, I know that mods are simply not an option.

          Remember when you quit taking the Antabuse, it takes about two weeks to really leave your system. So, if you take it for two weeks, you need another two weeks before you can safely drink.

          You do not want to harm your liver more than drinking already has.

          I hope you get a good plan in place for staying AF, if that is your goal.

          I do know that I absolutely DO NOT ever want to have to quit again. I am almost 4 weeks sober and I feel so great. I would rather never have to go through that first week again.

          Good luck with it. We have an AF Army thread that is fun, or the monthly abs thread, and of course the odat thread. You are more than welcome to join any of these you enjoy.

          I have found the occasional "bad" day where my brain is trying to argue with itself. It is a good thing the Antabuse simply does not let me get weak. I love this tool.

          Glad to see you back.

          AF April 9, 2016

