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Sept 7 daily

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    Sept 7 daily

    I'm up way tooooooo early, Can't seem to sleep so I figured I say good morning!! Now after reading about scorpions, probably won?t fall back to sleep, Not much to mention but this weird smoking urge?.anyone else have that happen? Smoked cigs, quit over 20 years ago. Did not have a problem quitting and really have not craved them before. Bottom line is, I would never smoke and can?t seem to figure out where this urge is coming from?

    Well, I guess I better try and do something productive if I am going to be awake. The best to all of you!

    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

    Sept 7 daily

    Morning all......OMW, smoking urge after 20 years!!!.....where the heck did that come from??? Glad you won't be picking one up...don't want to hop on that merry-go-round again I am sure. I should be working on quitting, but sad to say the thought of stopping hasn't even entered my mind.....well it has entered my mind, but........
    Pretty quiet Sunday, Tropical Storm Hannah blew through last night, lots of rain, but no damage.
    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Sept 7 daily

      Hi All
      On my way you brought up something I was thinking about the other day.I had smoked for maybe 3 years when I was a teenager.Haven't smoked since and don't consider myself a smoker.Their were many triggers when I first stopped but managed to get past them.I now have no thought of smoking.It was time and constant awareness that finally made smoking a non issue .I want to get their with this problem and that is my goal.I wouldn't walk into a situation now after 30 years of not smoking and have just one.In order to become a non drinker their can never be the just one.You are either a smoker or not a smoker .I am either a drinker[drunk]or not a drinker.
      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      AF 5-16-08


        Sept 7 daily

        Hey guys?.The whole smoking thing its funny. I quit when I was 22, I am 43 now. I don?t even like being around smoke. I am a marathon runner and would never consider doing it. It?s a puzzle??? this little voice ? oh come on, you enjoyed it before ?what the hell just give it a little try? WTH???

        At any rate, I don't need to work on 2 problems, I am a non smoker and also not a drunk, a non drinker, that is

        Happy trails!!

        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


          Sept 7 daily

          OMW, I am no expert on this brain chemistry thing, but if I understand even a few basics correctly, both alcohol and nicotine have similarities in how they affect certain aspects of our brains. When I quit smoking, my desire for alcohol SKYROCKETED. If I wouldn't give my brain nicotine, it wanted more alcohol. I don't think everyone who has ever done both has that same reaction. But I DO know that some people who have done both have that type of reaction.

          And the subconscious mind is a powerful thing - IMO. Since your mind did experience nicotine - even though it's been years - it wouldn't surprise me if your brain is trying to get a "fix" of something else since you are not giving in to AL requests.

          That's my theory on it anyway.

          And happy Sunday abbers!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Sept 7 daily

            smoking,dang havent done tht in 30 years,but i do here u,addictions,you ever here an animal go out and say i want a smoke,nottttttt,just us inteelligent HUMAN beings,i wish ua lot of luck, i no the feeling,have a great day and dont forget to tell us whats happening gyco


              Sept 7 daily

              Happy Sunday ABlanders!

              just got back from a relaxing time at the shooting range and now getting ready to watch a movie with Dx.
              you know I only smoked when I was drunk. and after i quite cigars the only time I craved one is when I drank too much. thankfully since getting serious about the al issue I've automatically killed to birds with one stone.

              i just heard some frightening statistics about diabetes on the radio today. if a person is born in the year 2K they have a 1 in 3 chance of developing diabetes. and if they are of hispanic ancestry the odds are 1 in 2 chance! wowsers! talk about a full-blown epidemic. Get a blood test for sugar! we all should do that once in a while.

              well, off to the movies

              be well friends
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Sept 7 daily

                Hi Absters: Today was the beginning of the regular football season, & that has been my cue to start my Sunday drinking pattern what with hubby ensconced in front of TV all afternoon. Not so today. I considered getting a bottle to polish off while he was watching the game, but I thought through the idea. Why would I want to throw a perfectly gorgeous Sunday away? I'd also have residue guilt & angst tomorrow as well. So, here I am happy & sober & grateful to MWO for being here.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Sept 7 daily

                  Hi All
                  Reteacher that is great.Stopping and dealing with a big trigger in a positive way is the action needed to win this battle.
                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  AF 5-16-08

