okay so... big shocker today..
i plan to go to the beach with some work mates... and ready for this one??.... I'm excited about it!
we have two newbies who are on board at work who are nice, friendly, and seem to like me!
i really need to make friends.
i'm excited enough to tell my best friend, who lives in Asia, but I want to see how it goes first. we are both cautious when it comes to strangers... and i know she hates it when i am disappointed by people. i seem to be good at keeping long term friends, but making new ones? nope.
the only area of concern is one of the older woman at work plans to attend w/her husband and daughter. she is of the mind set that anyone not married w/child is pathetic. opps... i fall into that category. i am not going to let her presence affect my day.
i also have trouble w/her as she is such a gossip. she is so critical of everyone.
i know there will be alcohol but i am not nervous about it. the last time i went to the beach i did fine. i think that it is time i try to be out.... attempt the social event... but not in the evening yet. i will be up for it soon though... the plan is to have a nap first... then i will be rested and strong and loose my resolution.
oh. and today is day 171 AF for me.
