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BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!


    I'm in, can I join???? Would love to have a cool group like this!!!!

    I am on Day 2.......for the umpteenth time!!!!! I am gearing up for 30days AF! I will worry about after that once I get there .

    AF July 6 2014


      BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

      Christy, you are VERY welcome here! Day 2 is a GREAT place to be... maybe not totally comfortable, but on the brink of stringing together enough AF days so that you develop some self-confidence, and awareness that there IS life, and there is a VERY GOOD life, without alcohol.

      If you haven't already, you might also want to join the AF Army thread, lots of people working on their first 30 days, and lots of fun.

      Stick around, tell us what's going well and what is causing you problems. We'll listen and we'll try to help.



        BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

        Hi everyone again,
        yes mary it does make sense and thank you we are always learning.
        my therapist was trying to make me understand that we dont need that drink if we take time to let our feelings and emotions ride with us that they will not last forever and they do come and go.
        wip... like you said step back and examine it the feeling the urge. I do a body awareness check i close my eyes lie back and try to notice any tension or any arousal in any part of my body. i try and tune in with my emotion it funny, it can be lot more then one but i have started to do a list which helps me,

        Thanks for your input it helps a lots by learning from others.

        Christyacc welcome and well done on 2day af.

        Doggygirl...hope all is ok, are you still watching housewives video.

        Madison... there is no sunshine here to. summer come so quick i did not see it by the time i open my eyes.

        I hope i have not upset no one! see u all 2morrow have a nice and relaxing evening.


        family is everything to me


          BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

          Ok, as I am new here, I am still feeling my way around.....I have a can I track where I post? For took me quite some time to find this Boozebuster thread!!!!

          Had a little panic attack today.....was busy cleaning and when I finished, I went to the fridge to grab a diet coke and OMG there was beer in there! Uh oh......I grabbed my coke and ran....guess I shouldn't get a drink from that fridge......
          AF July 6 2014


            BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

            Hello Booze Busters and Happy Tuesday - Wednesday for Mame!

            :colorwelcome: Christy! Congratulations on Day 2 and for your commitment to 30 Days AF. Spending your time at MWO in threads (with people!) like this one, and AF army, and other threads with like minded folks will help a lot I think - it has for me anyway! Let us know what experiences you are having or better or worse - we've all been there and can understand.

            Teardrop, here is a link to the thread you were mentioning that hippie started. It's good stuff! And YES!! I'm still watching Desparate Housewives. The going is really slow as I am typically tired by the time I lay down to watch it (in bed!) and fall asleep. LOL it's been taking me on average about 3 times to get to the end of an episode! I just finished disc 1 of Season 2. Mr. Doggy agrees that so far, season 1 was funnier. Season 2 has introduced the "regular life" topics in a more serious way. Well, except for Gabby and the Nun fighting over Carlos. THAT was funny! I'm interested to see how the series progresses. My guess is that the writers will lighten it back up a bit. The episodes with Brix and the excessive drinking hit a little close to home for me. (but Brix is my favorite of the women!!)

            WIP I always enjoy your posts about the psychological viewpoint. We all benefit from your formal training in this area, and willingness to share. Thank you!! LOL on living like a hermit. You have no idea how many times me and Mr. Doggy have talked about "minimizing" right down to the camper and just taking off on one merry road trip with the dogs!! (and a good map for finding all the Flying J camper friendly truck stops, and a map of all the KOA Kampgrounds, etc. etc. - we camp like the Howells from Gilligan's Island!)

            Sausage - congratulations!! You are doing this one day at a time. I was reading an article yesterday about the fact that it is very normal to WANT BADLY to quit drinking, yet WANT TO KEEP DRINKING - seemingly all at the same time. The article proposes that our desire to drink is related to short term desires / expectations (like the buzz - makes sense) while the desire to stop is often more related to longer term goals. (i.e. avoiding the problems that alcohol causes in relationships, jobs, etc. etc. etc.) The topic of "I want to quit, but I don't want to quit" is raised a lot around here, and it almost sounds like you might be experiencing a bit of that. Seems like it's normal and understandable. The article suggests that the first step in reconciling these seemingly opposite goal / desires is to first recognize that they can co-exist. FWIW!!

            Madi - it's good to read that you are sleeping better! That is a relief and stress reducer right there, IMO.

            Mary, I always love your thoughtful evaluation of this stinking drinking thinking. I love your comment about how drinking just prolongs problems - boy ain't THAT the truth!! I share you experience that the guilt of drinking really inhibited my communication with Mr. Doggy. I didn't realize what a second class citizen I had turned myself into. It's good to be back.

            Thanks to you guys for thinking of me - all is fine. I'm just going through a really busy time in a really good way right now. It's a time of big self discovery which takes work and time, and it's also a big time of just getting busy with LIFE again!! If I am not around sometimes, or don't get here until later in the day - please don't worry, and please carry on!! This isn't *my* thread - it's all of ours past and present and future.

            I hope everyone is having a FABULOUS AF day. Have a good plan for your witching hour. Exercise ROCKS!! I read a testimonial over the weekend from a guy who is 50. He stopped drinking 2.5 years about, and started exercising about 2 years ago. He described himself as being very unhealthy and unfit when he started out. Now he does this training what is CrossFit? (that's some serious friggin' training!) and is taking a class in something called Circus Acrobatics where they are doing handstands on top of each other - holding each other up and doing flips and all that stuff. Amazing. Like Caysea has shown us - ambitious pursuit of fitness really can drive AL right out of our lives.

            Anyway...enough of my ramblings!! Have a great AF day all and KICK BOOZE BEAST BOOTY TODAY!!!

            Day 111 Hangover Free!!
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

              Hi all
              Still AF (completed day 9) Tonight was tough - weather was really wet, bad day with kids, really tired - too tired to go out and exercise - BUT I DIDN'T DRINK!!!
              Have been sent a lot of really helpful posts recently which are helping
              Thanks everyone
              Goodnight !!


                BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                DG: I was so guilt-ridden all the time, that's exactly what I did: turned myself into a second class citizen. Thank you for putting it so succinctly. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!


                  Almost past 10 days: that is a fine mile post. Yes, the kids, weather, boredom all of it can cause a person to go back to your drink of choice. Good for you to keep moving forward.

                  Hello Mary, DG, Christy, Madi and wip and other fiends here. Good to read the posts and see the progress.


                  One year, one month + AF


                    BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                    Oh Sausage.....I totally get it!!!!! I am feeling the very same tonight and I too am going to head to bed, so I can go to sleep and wake up happier!


                    SAUSAGE;405413 wrote: Hi all
                    Still AF (completed day 9) Tonight was tough - weather was really wet, bad day with kids, really tired - too tired to go out and exercise - BUT I DIDN'T DRINK!!!
                    Have been sent a lot of really helpful posts recently which are helping
                    Thanks everyone
                    Goodnight !!
                    AF July 6 2014


                      BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                      Hi to all Booze Busters,
                      I need to keep up with this thread more often- sorry for my neglect, guys. I am on day 36 and feeling quite FREE. I have problems in my life to deal with, but now I know I can deal with them without the added exaggerated emotions that alcohol creates. Having a clear mind means more to me than anything right now. The sorting out of my life can now take place with some level of sanity. You guys are my rock!!!! Kriger
                      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                        BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                        Hi all booze busteers,

                        Doggygirl i only watch the first episode of housewives i think, i know there is a lot to catch up with it good that mr doggy is watching with you as well....You know its good to hear that big time of just getting busy with LIFE again that is wonderful, i think thats when we really know we are making life to the full without the AL:thumbs:
                        well yesterday evening was raining and damp outside but i made sure i got myself up and got outside that front door and went for a slow jog, im going to make sure i will push myself this winter and sod the weather rain wind cold snow fog you name it and making sure i get myself out that door and go for that jog or bike ride and build myself up again. ok maybe not snow and fog dont want to make excuse about the weather because im very good at that!!! ( i want to make sure i have learn something this year not to be afraid of cold weather) Took the dog for a walk this morning and the sun was out. im waiting for the leafs to fall on the ground so i can walk through them just love the sound of walking through the leafs, im just a big kid at heart it like if we get snow i have to walk on it to put my first foot print on the snow.

                        I need to go, running late have a good AF day all you booze busters and keep

                        Take Care


                        9days af
                        family is everything to me


                          BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                          Good Morning Booze Busters!!

                          Christy it looks like we were posting at the same time yesterday. I always go straight to the "Monthy Abstinence" section of the forum first thing. The Booze Buster thread, Daily Abstinence thread, and Abbercise (Exercise) threads are always somewhere near the top of the Monthly Abs section. If I have time, then I go read posts in other sections of the forum. That's how I do it anyway! Good for you getting through Day 2. Going to bed early IMO is a GREAT strategy in the early AF days when the main goal is just to get through each day without drinking. For me, our bedroom is the one place in the house that I neve smoked cigarettes or drank booze. So when I quit smoking, then later when I quit drinking, the bedroom was a great haven for me come evening - as soon as I could get there! I could read or watch TV or a movie without thinking so much of Nic or Al, since being in that room was NOT a trigger for either one.

                          Sausage YOU'RE ON DAY 10!!! As July mentioned, there is something cool about that double digit milestone. You've made it through one of the toughest parts of the journey! Just keep going one day at a time without drinking. You will naturally reach a point where you start thinking "there must be more to life than simply not drinking." For me, that happened noticeably between 60 and 90 days AF. In the mean time, developing some new habits like exercise and some of the strategies we've all posted about re: social events is ALL good. :cheering: You are doing great!!

                          Kriger - I hear ya!! This statement has always summed it up for me.... Nothing in life is so bad that drinking (or smoking) won't make it worse! Congratulations on Day 36. You sound great - despite life being life with it's pesky problems and all.

                          Hello Mary - yes - second class citizen and I CHOSE that all by myself by choosing to drink. Yikes. So much better now!!

                          July, keep flyin' by!!! I love seeing your avatar and your success with over a year of sobriety always motivates me and tells me that WE CAN ALL DO THIS!

                          Teardrop!! :l You are just so special! I wish we could run and play together in the leaves and the snow. I admit at 50 years old that I still lay down in the snow and make angels. I'm so glad you are getting out in the evening to walk or bike or jog. Endorphins rock!! It will help you stay sober. Congratulations on reaching Double Digit Day 10!!!!!! :cheering:

                          Today will be another busy one. I will be going to Curves early - today is weigh in and measure. I especially look forward to the measure and the body fat% reader. (The scale is no suprise since I weigh at home too). There are Curves Bucks on the line here!! Of course I picked out the lightest weight shorts and tank top (no extra sleeve weight LOL) that I own. And those footie socks - no extra sock going up the ankle for me!! Silly silly but oh well. It's not drinking so I will play this little game!!

                          I am also going to Lenscrafters for an eye check and to treat myself to at least one new pair of funky glasses. We'll see if I can manage to fall in love with something that is NOT the most expensive frame on the rack. I will try to keep my plastic in my purse while waiting around at the mall.

                          Today is supposed to be another beautiful early fall day like yesterday. So I want to do SOMETHING outside. I have some coupons and might go to the landscaping place for some fall flowers for the roof top garden.

                          Have a great Booze Beast Booty Bustin' Day everyone!!!

                          Day 112
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                            Christy - congats on 2 AF days, good luck with day 3, keep going - the early days must be the worst. I'm on day 10 and I think it's easier than a week ago but you can read about my daily struggle and the many questions which are going through my mind as I struggle with this on this thread and the previous one - 30 days AF week beginning 09/01/08 as well and on my own thread in newbies "new - in need of encouragement" I've had some very great posts from people who've really helped and i'm sure when you read them they'd motivate/ help you too, which you'll see if you read through my journey since 1st September. I do think a lot of achieving an Af life if you were a former addict is a certain mindset - why would anyone need to drink etc and til you reach this (which I haven't quite yet - am still sruggling and conflicted) - you will always hanker and struggle but I reckon it can be done in the end - Good luck - keep posting and let us know how you're doing - there's so much support on here.

                            DG - thanks for your comments - i think you're right regarding the day 60-90 it gets easier - am sure that happened last time - i've just got to keep going this time. - Last time I really believed I would be able to moderate which is why i had that "one glass" on day 109 - now I now I can't moderate. My original goal had been to achieve 90 days AF - which I did - and then decide whether I should quit forever or try and moderate - still wasn't sure on day 90 so decided to go another 10 days AF and rethink again on day 100. Day 100 came and went and I still wasn't sure but by day 109 I was certain I could moderate. I did only have the one glass on day 109 -but the next day it was 2 and within half a week I was back to the best part of a bottle every night with no AF days and within a fortnight it was a bottle or more a day- does this story sound familiar to anyone !? The trouble is because I didn't ever feel really bad with alcohol or have any bad experiences I don't have any horror memories to motivate me , I just know that my drinking was getting steadily out of hand and long term if I continued to increase it at the same rate I would destroy everything.
                            Must go - have to take my daughter to gymnastics - will check in later when i'm struggling !!
                            Bye everyone


                              BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                              Good morning...

                              This is a much better morning....Still needing to keep busy though I don't feel like I am accomplishing anything sitting on the computer....well I am, accomplishing for ME. I have about 5000 loads of laundry to do--house of 4 chicks and one man who wouldn't dream of doing it himself. Wow!

                              Busy...I should go and through some in and come back and read......Thank you Sausage, I will read your posts....
                              AF July 6 2014


                                BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                                Everyone: I think one of the things that helps me sustain my sobriety is the gratitude I feel about being sober. I'd love to be able to drink like a normal person, but I just can't. I must really feel that deep in my bones. Once the first drink touches my lips, all self-control is out the window. Mary
                                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                                October 3, 2012

