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BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

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    BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

    Just a quick hello, I am pretty absorbed with dealing with Mother (getting her out of the psych hospital and placed either at home or in a facility) right now. As an update, here's what I posted on the Army thread:

    I went to look at a "comfort care home," which is where I hope to be transferring my mother from the psych hospital. There are 4 other patients, it's a very nice house, each patient has her/his own bedroom, and there are two living/sitting rooms. Nice backyard they can go into, but the front door is kept locked. There's a Certified Medical Assistant there 24 hours a day, and a nurse (RN) who is there half time (she goes back and forth between the two houses). Meals are cooked in house and/or catered. They have a hairdresser who goes into the home, as well as a podiatrist and a physician. The owner/manager and the nurse seemed to think my mother is a good candidate. The nurse is going over to the psych hospital today to take a look at Mother and her chart. If they accept her, I guess I will be moving her over there on Friday...

    This is so hard, making decisions for my mother about her life, making choices that she would never make, for herself. But it's necessary.



      BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

      WOW, WIP, the care home sounds like an answer to your prayers. I hope it's as good as it sounds and they can take her

      Not many places like that around. Sounds a lot more like a simple home environment.

      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


        BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!


        You have said it all : gratitude.

        I know I reflect on that part of an AF life every day.

        Take care all.


        One year, one month + AF


          BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

          Hi All Booze Busters

          retteacher;406040 wrote: Everyone: I think one of the things that helps me sustain my sobriety is the gratitude I feel about being sober. I'd love to be able to drink like a normal person, but I just can't. I must really feel that deep in my bones. Once the first drink touches my lips, all self-control is out the window. Mary
          You know this is what happens to me only takes one glass, and i know i have no self control as well mary learning from last time buy a bottle of wine but my mind start thinking on the way home one bottle is never enough for me i always got to have back-up and buy extra cans of cider as well, and if that not enough have to creep outside to buy more. yep im keeping my windows double locked .

          Doggygirl..Thank know i also like to make angels but on the beach when no one looking. I went for a eye test the other day just needed reading glasses there not that bad my eyes so got these really cheap pair for 10pound with case on a little touch on the case so i can see in the dark when opening my car door. i have got to say they do really nice glasses now.

          Wip..That care home does sound really nice and i like how the nurse is going to check it out as well. Hope it all goes well.:l

          Christacc... know what you mean about the laundry im going to have to visit the laundry to get the clothes dry now there's no dry weather other wise everything piles up! well done on your af days.

          Sausage...your story does sound familiar we can learn from our past that will make us you stronger. well done 11days af.

          Went to my group sessions yesterday i love it when you get the old ones come back and tell there story and still are af (2years) makes me more determind to do this.

          Take Care All:l:l

          family is everything to me


            BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

            July: I too want to remember to be grateful each & every day. First & foremost: I'm grateful for my sobriety. Without that I wouldn't be able to enjoy anything. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

              Doggy, it's so unlike you not to have visited the forums at this late time?? You ok?
              Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                Hello everyone! OMW thanks for asking about me - I am fine. Please don't worry about me. I am keeping very busy right now - the two main categories of things I'm working on WRT sobriety are:

                1) Relapse Prevention
                2) Achieving Balance in Life

                Plus of course dealing with life itself!!

                Part of achieving balance for me is getting to a lot of things I want to do away from the computer. That means far less time on line. I hope you all understand! I will be here as often as I can to offer support to the Booze Busters Team!!

                Today is getting away from me - I will try to post more tomorrow. KEEP ON BUSTIN' BOOZE BEAST BOOTY!!!! It is worth every moment of struggle early on to HANG ON to your sobriety and eventually get back to the business of Life - without AL.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                  Still AF but through willpower - not enjoying it

                  Evening / Morning / Good day all - depending where you are in the world

                  Well i'm now on day 11. Still AF. Definitely think it's easier than first few days but I feel i'm doing this through sheer willpower and can't say life is better for it (although must confess I feel healthier and have lost a little weight). I guess as discussed earlier - i've a lot of issues to resolve in my head ie that I really don't need alcohol (and this hasn't happened yet). Does this come with time - providing of course I work at it? Those of you with 3 months pluss sobriety - does it really get easier / do you start to feel happier.
                  i'm still conflicted but am deterimined to hang on and keep going
                  WIP thanks again for all your support and helpful posts - I do appreciate it especially at what must be a very difficult time for you with all the issues with your mother.


                    BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                    Hi All

                    Day 12 today, I am feeling a lot better and more positive than when I started at the beginning of the month. Sleep pattern getting better, which I am so glad about, as I have been a bit of a zombie in the office, yawning my head off, could have just put my head down on my desk and slept!! As I have told you, I have been here before, and slipped after lots of days AF. This time I seem more determined this is going to work, my head seems to be in the right place this time, but I know I have to try really hard for the sake of my health. Don't get me wrong, there are moments of temptation, but fortunately, so far, I have said to myself we are not going there. I know it is early days, but I hope I keep kicking AL into the distance.

                    What benefits have I found so far in not drinking for the past 11 days, my writing is better, not the spider scrawl normally seen!! I am only a mad menopausal woman rather than a mad drunk menopausal woman, also my husband says I am calmer without the drink(thank god he says), as I am prone to go off the deep end when I get annoyed, especially in drink, I go on and on and on and on, you get the picture. So on to another AF day with big AL hopefully.

                    Hope you all have a good AF day.



                      BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                      Hi all booze busters,

                      my 12th day... yesterday went for a long bike ride when i finish i though sod it go round again while im listening to music i can just get carried away and i love that feeling inside me...the only think is afterwards i felt i could of kill for a drink, i did feel tired so made dinner clean up and went to bed early again, did not think i would get to sleep. Sometimes you know when you feel tired and you really want to get to sleep, but just cant get to sleep. wake up three or four times during the night that is good for me.

                      Doggygirl... I can totally understand enjoy your busy Life. Thanks again for all your support that has help me along the way. look forward to reading your post later!

                      also Big thank you to all old and new booze busters for your support.

                      Have a good AF friday everyone.:l


                      family is everything to me


                        BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                        GOOD DAY BOOZE BUSTERS!!!

                        WIP - I'm thinking of you and your dealings with Mom this week. It sounds like the group home would be a nice solution for her AND for you. I hope that works out!

                        July and Mary, I am with you on the gratitude for sobriety. I was living in such a horrible prison with AL, and I hope I never lose sight of how wonderful it is to be free of that ball and chain.

                        OMW - good to see you poppin' in and I assume going strong!! (haven't checked the abbercise or daily threads yet)

                        Christyacc - how are you doing? Hang in there!!

                        Teardrop - It sounds like you are enjoying being back to your group sessions. I agree it's great to interact with people at all stages - and especially those who are far ahead of us down this road. The leader of my Face 2 Face SMART group has 8 years sobriety so there is no BS'ing him on matters of the beast LOL!! Sounds like you had a nice bike ride and IMO, in the evening when temptation is strong I say going to bed ealry is a GREAT strategy!!

                        Madi - Congrats on Day 12. I'm LOL (because it's me to a T) over "now I'm just a mad menopausal woman - before I was a mad drunk menopausal woman..." And Mr. Doggy has said the same things as Mr. Madi about me getting angry and repetitive. I do think things are magnified emotionally when drinking - so that includes over the top behavior when something upsets me. So glad not to be in that place!

                        Sausage, I am really really proud of you for hangin' in there despite your conflicting feelings about the choice not to drink. I really do understand as I spent the first month or two (somewhere in there) when I quit smoking being very conflicted about it. *I* didn't want to quit - Mr. Doggy was determined to make my life miserable if I didn't quit. Of course there was a big part of me that wanted to be an ex-smoker - but I definitely was rebelling about the pain of the process and hating every second of it. I realize that's not exactly how you have described your feelings about booze, but the conflicted feelings at least are in common.

                        I would faithfully post on Quitnet and Woofmang every day, and try to put on a good face but I was MISERABLE!!!!! A wonderful woman screen name Texas2Step on Woofmang sort of shook me by the shoulders one day and pointed out that I DO have a choice every morning when I get out of bed what sort of attitude I'm going to have about the day. I can't always control circumstances, but I can sure pick my attitude. And it's a lot more fun and pleasant to go through life dealing with the good AND the bad - with a good attitude. That made a real difference for me. I realized that even though I didn't want to go through the pain of quitting smoking, it was the right choice to quit. And I fixed my attitude. Quitting smoking got easier after that, and needless to say life in general was more enjoyable! I have tried to keep that lesson close to heart for this stop drinking experience.

                        I'm not saying that you have a bad attitude or that you really MUST quit drinking. I know you are struggling with those questions and I admire your honesty!! I just wanted to share that story in case it is relevant in some way - and it might not be. Or maybe it will be relevant for someone else reading. Just food for thought to take or leave.

                        Now I can't remember what I've updated and not updated LOL!! I had an eye appointment on Wednesday and my vision is actually ever so slightly improved since my last test about 15 months ago. (ya think quitting drinking might have something to do with it???) Anyway, the change in prescription would have been SO slight that we didn't change it at all so I can keep wearing all my glasses. I'm now up to 3 pairs of clear lenses and also prescription sunglasses.

                        I've been asking about contacts for years. And am told every time "can't correct your vision with contacts." Well, I found out from the doctor on Wednesday that I wasn't being given full information - at least for the last 5 years or so. There ARE contacts for my type of vision, it's just that only 1 of 3 people or so end up liking them. BUT...I was a bit miffed that I wasn't told there was something to try - even if not perfect. And with the disposable lenses these days, and more comfortable wear, you CAN consider these things for more occassional type use if they don't work for day in, day out use. So I am trying out these contacts. They definitely have down sides. But I think I will end up an occassional user of them. So of course that meant a new pair of sunglasses too. I have GOT to get off the Retail Therapy kick of late!!

                        Anyway - gotta run and get some stuff done before the 7AM Friday meeting. I hope everyone has a good AF plan for the weekend.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                          A wonderful woman screen name Texas2Step on Woofmang sort of shook me by the shoulders one day and pointed out that I DO have a choice every morning when I get out of bed what sort of attitude I'm going to have about the day. I can't always control circumstances, but I can sure pick my attitude. And it's a lot more fun and pleasant to go through life dealing with the good AND the bad - with a good attitude. That made a real difference for me. I realized that even though I didn't want to go through the pain of quitting smoking, it was the right choice to quit. And I fixed my attitude. Quitting smoking got easier after that, and needless to say life in general was more enjoyable! I have tried to keep that lesson close to heart for this stop drinking experience.
                          That's a wonderful thing to read to start the day, DG! Thanks. I agree, it takes time to learn how to do that but it is time VERY well spent. Most of us have NEVER been taught that we really do have CHOICES as to how we direct our attention, how to express ourselves, how to view our situation(s). All these things are vital to living a good life, in my opinion... Sounds simple, but not easy... the basic example that sounds SO simplistic is deciding whether to "look at" the "glass" as half empty, or half full. It is a mental maneuver that we can make, a practice we can engage in (when we choose to do so), to look persistently at the good aspects of anything, and to refuse to dwell on the negative. And it makes all the difference in the world as to how we are FEELING. We truly do play a very large role in how we see the world, ourselves, our lives.

                          I get it as to needing to get away from the computer screen more. I am moving in that direction, myself. Feeling less need to be on MWO so much... there are good and also frightening aspects of this. I want to move into areas in my life that I could attend more to, stuff I find interesting and engaging and important. However, I am very much aware that I need a certain amount of support and companionship from people who are working on staying AF in their lives... I'm needing to find a balance...

                          Hoping everyone has a great day!



                            BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                            WIP & DG: Balance is not an easy concept or practice for me either. I'm a fairly shy person & isolating comes naturally to me. I go to Alanon meetings & that helps a lot. Also, I try very hard to reach out to others, because I know that when I'm alone too much (with or without the computer), I start to think about drinking. Do whatever you need to do in order to move forward in your lives. Take care. Mary
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                              Hi everyone!

                              Hi all booze busters,

                              It weird for some reason deep down i think i will always need this place, even when i have a little break i cant wait to get back on here it like from home to home. I even miss the people that dont post no more and often wonder how there getting on. this place has help me so much. If i never knew about this site i would be still drinking thinking that i have not got a problem.
                              Had a good weekend meet up with a friend on saturday had a good chat. sunday was really nice the sun was out so we did a BBQ plus im 2weeks AF. what more could i ask for.

                              Hope you all had a good weekend.

                              Take care all booze busters.:l


                              family is everything to me


                                BOOZE BUSTERS Week of 9/8/08 30 Day AF Hangover Free Challenge!

                                Hi everyone

                                Gone a bit quiet on this thread these last few days hasn't it?! Hope everyone is OK. Shouldn't we be starting a new one now - week beginning 09/15/08 ???
                                Still AF - definitely feel it's getting easier now. Have a lot of worries on my mind re a problem at work and problems with behaviour of my youngest child yet still i'm not drinking alcohol!!- a few weeks ago this would have been impossible.

                                Will keep going, taking it a day at a time

