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Tuesday 9th September

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    Tuesday 9th September

    Good morning to everyone!!!

    I thought I might start this off as I may not get chance to come back today.

    Thanks for all your support (as always) I'm just starting Day 2 - had a rubbish nights sleep. I absolutely HATE not been able to sleep properly - this alone should keep me away from AL!

    I have a book on stopping drinking which I bought earlier in the year and a line from that has stuck in my mind - "Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you got"
    This strikes a chord with me - it makes sense!

    Must dash off for work - have a great day speak to you all soon! xx

    Tuesday 9th September

    I'm back after some time away ... I am tapering thos week -- had one wine yesterday and will taper until this weekend... I don't think my body can handle cold turkey... after that I have supps ... and I have some valium to help with the first several days of sleep ... I am going after this properly... sad to say that I have some candida related problems so I'm going to some caprillic acid (sp?)... simply put, I've created a bit of a mess and I cannot instantly undo it... I'll keep you posted!


      Tuesday 9th September

      Morning all
      Seen - good going on day 2..I like your line from the book, and it is so true!

      Tiny - Welcome to the abs thread, sounds like you have a good plan in place, and please keep us posted on your progress....

      Happened to be flipping through the channels last night and caught the show “Intervention”, which I know has been mentioned here before. A woman whose house had been swept for mini bottles by family members, was elated to find the wine supply had not been disturbed. I watched as she frantically searched the kitchen for a corkscrew, could not find one, and was trying every means to get the bottle open. She used kitchen knife, which broke, buried the evidence in the garbage…finally found the corkscrew, had trouble with that, all the time mumbling in this desperate possessed kind of way. I could feel her rush of desperation. Once opened she poured a large paper cup full, guzzled like there was no tomorrow, buried the cup amongst the garbage and proceeded to finish it off straight from the bottle. I have done this. Wine was not my choice of beverage, but desperation had me dusting off bottles of old stuff buried deep in the hutch. Needless to say, she was finished for the day…… I was amazed to watch this scenario being played out as I have always though I was the only one who would stoop to this behavior. I swear I was watching me, and it was not a pretty site. The family members seemed to be in awe, and could not process this behavior. I was exhausted both emotionally and physically after watching this. I am not sure exactly what I took away from this show, except a sleepless night of tossing and turning. It was very sad, but I totally understood. I don’t want to go back there……..
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Tuesday 9th September

        Good Morning, Everyone,

        I agree, Charlee, I don't want to go back there. It is a dark and ugly place.

        Doing well here, everyone. Had a horrible day at the airports and never once thought about drinking. Mostly thought about getting on a different plane to some tropical place and not speaking up when they ask "and if this is not your destination, now is the time to come forward."

        Oh well. I ended up in Columbus, OH anyway, somewhere around midnight.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Tuesday 9th September

          Charlee: I have watched Intervention but missed that particular episode. I'll see the repeat at some point. I also have guzzled, especially that first one. It's not a pretty sight. It's always good for me to see the seamy side of drinking. The romance of the AL commercials (lovely people w/cocktails in hand) is such a pull for some of us.

          Tiny & Seen: Keep coming & sharing. Once your body heals, you can begin the healing of your mind & spirit. I definitely have drinking thinking at times, but it isn't nearly as powerful as it used to be. I have MWO now when I really feel tempted. I honestly feel that I'm knocking the wind out of the booze beast. I've made new connections in my brain. Gone are the days when:
          -husband out for the day = drinking for me.
          -social events = drinking for me.

          Keep being hopeful & NEVER, NEVER give up.

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Tuesday 9th September

            Hi Cindi: We were posting at the same time. I'm so glad you're doing well. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Tuesday 9th September

              Happy Tuesday ABland!

              ah, no more guzzling for me either...unless it's water! I must try to see that show if i get a chance.

              well done Cindi, airports are home to many drunken and hungover memories for me.

              Tiny be careful! I've landed myself in trouble tapering off so just look after yourself carefully.

              well, off on the road again.....

              be well friends
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Tuesday 9th September

                Det -- oh my ... I am concerned about cold turkey?!!!!!! Any advice?


                  Tuesday 9th September

                  Tiny, just be careful tapering down thats all. I tried to taper down in march of 2007 and ended up on a rollercoaster binger that wouldn't end and found myself in a detox center where I thankfully got help.
                  your doctor may give you librium or valium for home detox. you already hav val which is handy but I have no idea on the dosage and will not guess (for the sake of your safety). can you call your doctor and be very honest with them with your intentions?
                  out of curiosity, when is the last day you went AF? just trying to get some perspective of where you are at. your not alone! stay in close touch oK? xxxxx
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

