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friday 12th September

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    friday 12th September

    Good morning

    Just checking in quickly I have had such a busy week!!

    I am just starting Day 5 and feeling good this morning.

    Hope you all have a good day - i will check in tomorrow with more to say!!!!!

    friday 12th September

    congrats on ur progress..

    i am feeling SO GLAD IT'S FRIDAY!


      friday 12th September

      TGIF AB-land!!

      well it's so early I can't quite think yet....d-oh. off on the road from now til tuesday with my hard drinking co-workers. Feeling quite resolved and fine about it so I'm quite happy with the whole al issue....mind you I don't want to get cocky about it either. Will bring some antabuse just in case.
      I'll check iin later when I'm more awake from my hotel room tonight. Going to be a long day.

      be well my friends
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        friday 12th September

        Morning Abbers,

        Seen!! Day 5? Wow. You are doing great. :l It is good to hear you are feeling good on day 5. It just gets better and better from now on.

        1967, I am glad it is Friday, too. That means I get to fly home and snuggle in bed with hubby and doggy. That is something I look forward to every day I am out of town. Even if it means I don't sleep as well. :H

        Det, So sorry you had to get up so early to get moving. That is my Mondays every week. Up and gathering up stuff and out the door by 4:45. No wonder it takes me all week to recover!!

        All to come, please have a wonderful, blessed, serene AF Friday.
        AF April 9, 2016


          friday 12th September

          Good morning, Seen, 1967, O2M, Det, Cindi and all to come.

          Hope everyone has their weekend plan in place

          Seen, nice run of days.

          Det, stay strong with those boozing coworkers?.. I totally understand.

          Cindi, have fun at home!!

          It?s raining here this morning and looks as if it will continue the entire weekend. It will be a cleaning, organizing weekend.

          Off to breakfast,

          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            friday 12th September

            Hi Everyone: There's an upbeat feeling in this thread today. I think that peace of mind is important to staying sober. In the past, I've let a lot of little things get under my skin & bother me. Then, I feel like I need "a little something" to calm down. Now, I'm trying to say, "no big deal" to the little things. If the bigger things need some kind of fixing, that's what I try to do. I'm trying to tie up all loose ends as they occur. Unfinished business (whether emotional or relationship or whatever) tends to lay heavily on my mind & cause me to start the drinking thinking. Thankfully, today my mind is (relatively) free. No drinking today! Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              friday 12th September


              Right now I am facing a fairly nerve wracking medical issue and the outcome from the diagnosis could be very scary. However, I am finding it so much easier to face because I am sober.

              If I was drinking, I would be a sobbing, blubbering mass of nerves.

              Today, I just look at it like, "Well, there is nothing I can do about this today and all I have is today. I will worry about it tomorrow. "

              ODAT has taught me that. Shoot, it is true. All I have is today. So, I will make today the very best today I can.

              Thank God for MWO and all of you. :l:l
              AF April 9, 2016


                friday 12th September

                Morning all
                Mary, I am with you 100% on the peace of mind. When I truly surrendered to this beast, knowing I could never win, I was given the gift of peace. It is still with me to this day. Sure, I still get those occasional feelings of wanting to numb out, but I know booze is not the way...Gotta run...Hoping everyone enjoys their weekend......
                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  friday 12th September

                  Cindi: I'll have you in my prayers. In the meantime, keep your chin up & enjoy those grandkids, your hubby, & your poochie. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    friday 12th September

                    checking in -- I am struggling with the guilt of not being able to go to work but I have strep... I think I need a new job...


                      friday 12th September

                      Tiny, I hope you feel better soon. Ironic, every time I have stopped drinking al, I get sick.
                      I have joked that I was sanitizing myself from the inside out with alcohol. I feel better with out the sanitization. Rest and get plenty of water. You will feel better, just give the antibiotics another day.

                      Cindi, you are in my thoughts too. Hang in there and hope you enjoy your weekend at home!

                      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

