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reminder (4 me)

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    reminder (4 me)

    day 76 and climbing.

    reminder (4 me)

    What an awesome achievement!!
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      reminder (4 me)

      1967 You are a star!!!!!!!Well done!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        reminder (4 me)

        good sunday to all... thanks for ur comments.

        i socialize AGAIN yesterday! (can u even believe it??)
        went to the beach.
        didn't drink any AL but did have the most fantastic fruit smoothie drink w/fresh coconut in a coconut glass contraption thingie! the both of us were really keen on it! was kind of funny. i've never had a smoothie put that kind of smile on my face!

        so today is what, day, day 78.
        i am really looking forward to 90 days. oddly enough yesterday i wasn't even tempted to order an alcoholic drink. everyone had some mixed drink/beer/wine. i was not interested in the least. i guess i will eventually just become a non-drinker?
        i will not let my guard down though... evening is the real tough one.
        i've still not gone "out" for an evening to party w/out a drink.
        i know this is coming though. i'm just wondering if i'll be able to stay AWAKE w/out the drink?


          reminder (4 me)

          Hey Joy,
          congratulations on your 78 days. Isn't it awesome to wake up with all facilities working properly? As for the socializing, just keep it up and it gets to be more fun along the way. Remember, it's the journey not the destination lovey!
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

