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Saturday 13th September

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    Saturday 13th September

    Morning everybody!

    Well it's another miserable wet day here in England - we must have had the worst summer ever!!!

    I've just looked at yesterdays posts - Cindi I know how you are feeling I have been in that situation myself - you have the best attitude, as my husband used to say to me - we'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it and thats what we did! Go and pamper yourself this weekend xxx

    I had a lovely night out last night with work friends - we went for a meal. I drove so I wouldn't drink and had a really good time. I've got a party to face tonight which I could do without but my son starts his rugby season tomorrow so that's something to look forward to.

    Hope you all have a great weekend xx

    Saturday 13th September

    Morning all
    Still dark outside, so not sure what today's weather will bring. Doesn't matter have to go to work anyway!.

    STL - Sounds like you are having a busy weekend, isn't it nice to wake up the morning after an event knowing (and remembering) you had a great time without AL?

    Cindi - My thoughts are with you, and I am so happy that everything has "clicked" for you. You are very fortunate to have the support of your family as you face the upcoming week. I will be thinking of you...
    To all to follow, stay well and have a great weekend.....
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Saturday 13th September

      Hi Char & SIL: I'm doing to my g-sons soccer game. I'll check back later. In the meantime, this will be a totally AF weekend. No drinking. Sometimes I just have to say that, so that I don't lose my focus. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Saturday 13th September

        Sublime Saturday ABeroonies!!

        Seenthe light, being the DD is a wonderful way to stay in check and perhaps save some can't beat that!
        Charlee and Mary, what the heck are you two doing up so early on the weekend?

        well I'm off to the USS Hornet aircraft carrier today. that's where todays training is going to be so that should be interesting!

        last night I did have some wandering al thoughts as I was very tired, hungry and on my lonesome. So I just faced my thoughts and analyzed them without emotion and let them subside. it was a good exercise.

        ok everyone, their are vampires everywhere so eat your garlic!

        be well
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Saturday 13th September

          Barely here -- but checking in... strep sucks


            Saturday 13th September

            Re-joining in!

            Hey all, I am re-joining in on "Life" again.................been AF for 6 days as of today, feeling like posting w/ all by abs buddies, need your support, just got home from Lenair, feeling AWESOME until I got home actually, the same ole same ole is really getting old! I am determined to stay AF, feel NO urge to drink thanks to Rhonda, she did it for me!:thanks:

            I just feel like running away and not dealing w/ this Al crap, Mike was drunk last night, already started on it today, just "picking fights" w/ me all day, cannot stand it!! I am heading out to an AA meeting in about 10 minutes, so that will definitely help me w/ the situation.

            Love you all:l:h, it is good to be back here, I had only had time to post on 30 days thread really for quite a while, but am now unemployed, laid off and besides looking for a job, going to gym (getting back into shape really feels good!) and working on a painting, not much going on...................will check in daily if I can.

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Saturday 13th September

              As the first person I connected with on this site I have been reading and watching your progress. I pray that things are getting better for you and will be reading all your posts. Still hope we can meet in person one of these days.


                Saturday 13th September

                A quick hi and bye.... been working, just got in and the children are staging a revolt.


                Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                  Saturday 13th September

                  Cowgal, great to have you back! sorry you are dealing with the home drama but you sound resolved and strong. great!

                  OMW I wish you luck
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

