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need something to look forward to

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    need something to look forward to

    okay so i need to create something in my life to look forward to.
    i think i can handle something ... umm.. now that i am able to think straight on a regular basis.

    might put up a website to sell some artwork. been needing to do this for a long time.
    always put it off as i need to create more work to put there... maybe i should just do it.

    nothing to do w/not drinking... but maybe it is.
    i've got more clear headed productive time.
    i don't feel like i need to sleep extra to recoup/stay strong to fight off the AL urges.

    anybody feel/felt like this?

    i guess it is part of the starting over phase.

    need something to look forward to

    Have you tried an e0bay business? It can be fun ... it is amazing the junk that people buy!


      need something to look forward to

      not yet.
      i would want to sell my artwork. i hope people wouldn't consider it junk?
      i know u didn't know that... just thought the junk word was funny! hhaaa!
      who knows maybe it does look like junk?

      i am wondering how i would ever ship anything from here? which is the caribbean? fed ex would be stupid expensive... it might not work out.


        need something to look forward to

        Hey 1967. I think I understand the phase you have reached. For me it started somewhere in the 60 - 90 day sober range. In the early days, it was a major accomplishment - and it felt like it - to just "not drink." Then I reached a point where simply "not drinking" was no longer fulfilling all by itself. I needed to find my way back to a full life - which I hadn't experienced in quite a long time due to AL.

        I've been working the SMART program lately which has tools to help address some of these types of questions. Your thoughts about getting back into your art and maybe developing your own web site to market your art fit right into what that recovery program calls a "Vital Absorbing Creative Interest." Something that you feel passionate about - something to pursue that helps make your life a fulfilling place.

        Anyway...just wanted to share that in my experience anyway, what you are going through sounds very normal and other recovery programs formally acknowledge this as an important phase to address for long term success.

        Best wishes with your art and consideration for a web site!! And congratulations on your continued sobriety.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          need something to look forward to

          Doggygirl;409904 wrote: For me it started somewhere in the 60 - 90 day sober range. In the early days, it was a major accomplishment - and it felt like it - to just "not drink." Then I reached a point where simply "not drinking" was no longer fulfilling all by itself. I needed to find my way back to a full life - which I hadn't experienced in quite a long time due to AL.
          Well said. I'm right there. I'm about 80 days into this and last night was in a total funk of "what to do". Not that there aren't things to do. Just nothing felt worth doing. Also felt like what's the point - nothing to look forward to, as well. But there is. I need to remind myself that every day is open to new possibilities!

          This too shall pass...we'll figure out our paths AL free. :h
          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


            need something to look forward to


            I know the exact feeling and I think the all suggestions made were great. We all crave fulfillment and recognition (when we have our right mind). Marketing your art work by learning how to set up a successful web page would be wonderfully fulfilling. Selling some of your pieces would be a massive bonus. There are a lot of folks that check out Ebay regularly for those very types of items. I would make your own page and use Ebay.
            I commend you with your progress and success.

            Best wishes omw
            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


              need something to look forward to

              hey all... okay so ebay it is. i will start looking into it this afternoon.
              i want to work on designing some paper mache masks for some classes i teach. i need to work out potential problems so they can get to the fun stuff.
              i think that selling some of my work would really make me feel good about myself.
              i really need that.

              someone tried to steal my scooter last week, so we built ramps and I really kind of over did it physically. hurt myself a bit. then thursday night someone broke into my car and tried to steal it. they did a lot of damage. i'm feeling the residual effects of these negative events.
              i don't want to fall back into a depressive period. this is so exhausting.

              so i REALLY REALLY do NEED something to feel good about.
              selling my work would help a lot. make me feel like I really can make it as an artist.
              even a couple of pieces every few months would be great. okay. i'll get on it.

              one too many... i'll probably need your help.... will message you if u don't mind?


                need something to look forward to



                  need something to look forward to

                  1967;409880 wrote:

                  might put up a website to sell some artwork. been needing to do this for a long time.
                  always put it off as i need to create more work to put there... maybe i should just do it.
                  hey '67. I'm an artist too and also on the verge of putting my work on line (like you - been meaning to do it a LONG time and also want to to make more work on a regular basis). There are sites that "host" artists' work - so that you don't have to make a website from scratch - and there you could start showing and selling your work online ASAP. PM me if you want to talk about it or share ideas and stuff. I could use some help focusing on this too.

                  ww xox


                    need something to look forward to

                    HEY! I thought I was the Queen of ebay!!!

                    One2 - let's duke it out ! (bid it out !??!? LOL!!!)

                    ww xox


                      need something to look forward to

                      boy, your neighbors really like your stuff....LOL.
                      Yes, you need to paint moooooooore. I love your work. If you could just mount your canvases temporarily then you could ship them rolled up which costs a lot less. I have done that a couple of times and it did no harm to them at all.
                      Thinking of you girl.
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        need something to look forward to

                        Where and how did you sell them Lori? IF you don't mind me asking....

                        Sounds like you know something!

                        Have you been painting alot? I'm jealous. Please share.

                        ww xox


                          need something to look forward to

                          One2 ....... SUCH AS !?!?!?! please share your most retarded ebay purchase. I have a few and I wasn't EVEN drinking at the time. NO excuse at all. Maybe my mouse was drunk? :H:H

                          and do you sell too? Sorry for the hijack '67 !! You brought up GREAT topics!!!

                          ww xox


                            need something to look forward to



                              need something to look forward to

                              okay sorry - needed to take a break to ROFLMAO !!!!!

                              one2 you are PRECIOUS !!!! That has to be one of my favorite posts of ALL TIME!!!!

                              I can't even come close (but I will say that the sentimental longing for one's youth is VERY DANGEROUS when you're on ebay. CRAP!!! literally....... did I really NEED that entire collection of Hit Parade magazines from 1977? NO! )

                              I bow to the Queen.......:bow..... respect!!!

                              ww xox

