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Sunday Sept 14

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    Sunday Sept 14

    Good morning abbers and wannabes!

    Last March I made it a priority to straighten out my life. That included the no booze bit. I drank at night, every night and was to the point of switching from wine to gin. I got to the point I could not fall asleep without being trashed. I rarely ever partook in daytime drinking, but thought about it a lot.
    I?ve had my ups and downs with the drink in the last 7 months. Glad my downs have been minor speed bumps at best. Something that I did not expect is the intense focus I?ve regained, I like it. I like the self confidence and dignity too. I like being a patient parent and listening friend. I like feeling great in the morning and not being a slave to al. I am in charge!!

    I have not delved deeply into recovery programs other than MWO. I do know my personal cover my butt list has helped me.

    Be rested
    Be hydrated
    Always have a hobby
    Take my sups (love L-glut)
    Be grateful
    Stay busy
    Always have a plan and a backup plan for free time.
    Don?t let stressors control you.

    Mostly, I appreciate the acceptance and support I get at MWO site, it feels like a family.

    Welcome back Cowgirl!!

    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!

    Sunday Sept 14

    good morning

    Hi OMW, thanks for the opening, of my eyes, and for the thread today. That was a great message. I am feeling pretty good this morning, think I dreamed about drinking though, so weird. I am trying to find something "fun" to do today as a family (suggestion of my husband), so this ought to be interesting to say the least.

    Will go see my horses (we had to take them somewhere else to keep since we can no longer afford hay since I lost my job:upset::upset I am going to ride this evening w/ the guy who's property we have them at (for free, he won't take any money from me, thank GOD!).

    Intend to make this an awesome day.

    lots of love,:l:h:l

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Sunday Sept 14

      Top of the weekend ABerooooos!
      OMW, what a fantastic post to start our days, thanks!

      Cowgal, how about some old hobbey that you've neglected? looking around I've found many projects and fun things that I put on hold in my drinking days as I didn't have the patience at the time to do them. even going to the movies or going for a walk is now a fulfilling experience for me I'm so happy to say. Enjoy your 'now' moments

      got to work today but not early so I'm taking it easy in my hotel room and enjoying the fact they have starbucks in the rooms! wow!

      today I must NOT eat crap. yesterday I had a huge apple fritter and two big cookies (long story). and then felt crapola for several hours.

      be well my friends
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Sunday Sept 14

        Hi Everyone:

        OMW: I love the idea that you've hit a few "minor speed bumps" are kept on going. I have done the same thing. Without MWO, the speed bumps could have turned into an all-out drink-fest. I too have other support programs that help me stay sober. Thank you so much for sharing your list of how to stay sober. Any & all suggestions are welcomed.

        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012

