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BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

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    BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

    Hi all:welcome:

    DG - I've taken the liberty of starting off this weeks thread as i see it's gone all quiet on the last one and we're into another week now (16th) - hope you don't mind.
    How are you all doing?
    Am now on day 16 and still AF. Quite a few stressful events going on at the moment with work and my little boy's behaviour but I remain AF - (unthinkable a few weeks ago) and I do think it's getting a bit easier. Look forward to hearing how you're all doing

    Will check in later

    Sausage xx

    BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

    FABULOUS, Sausage!!! Thanks for starting the thread! I haven't been around as much because my mother's been in the hospital (again), but I am very much appreciating how much easier it is to be living in a difficult life, while NOT getting drunk and making it WORSE!!



      BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

      Hi BB's: I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going through a very busy spell. I read these threads every day, but sometimes I don't have time to share. Thanks for being here everyone. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

        same here Mary! But I love catching up with the BBers! You guys ROCK!

        AF, Hangover free, and thrilled because of it -- 8 1/2 months
        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

          Hi Everyone (all BB's): I wanted to get in a quick message before the day got away from me. I feel strong & rested. It's so good to see people maintaining their sobriety for days, weeks, & months at a time. Every time we say "no" to drinking, it creates new pathways in our brains. We don't have to do things the old way anymore. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

            Happy Wednesday Booze Busters!! Sausage, thank you very much for starting the thread for the week. And :cheering: CONGRATULATIONS:cheering: on Day 17 AFHF!!

            WIP you are right!! I am so happy to be sober, and I am spending a lot less time on the internet, and a lot MORE time getting past this "I'm not drinking" stage and into the "I'm LIVING again" stage. It's been a lot of years since I have TRULY lived to the fullest, so there are times when I feel like a kid in a candy store, and there are other times when I feel really lost. And of course there are emotions and other things that have to be faced and dealt with, and that's where I am finding the SMART tools to be invaluable. I will be forever grateful to the MWO program and all of you here for helping me get to the "I'm not drinking" stage!!

            Mary, I am so sorry to read about your recent struggles. I admire you SO MUCH Mary - you have no idea. You are so honest and you work very, very hard at sobriety. And you are right - LOOK AT HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME!!! Most of all, I admire you for being able to drag yourself RIGHT back onto the wagon rather than allowing a relapse to go on and on as was (hopefully no more "is") my pattern with it. Don't stop Mary.

            Hi Liv!!! I'm still lovin' your pink heart sunglasses in your avatar.

            I try to pop in each day but haven't been able to get here every day lately. Please don't worry - AL is sleeping thank goodness. I'm hoping it stays that way. HEY - for any low carbers passing through this thread, here's a Booze Buster Exclusive recipe for low carb Zucchini Bread. YUM.

            1 cup (packed down) shredded zucchini
            1 cup Splenda or other sweetener equivalent
            5 large eggs
            2 cups walnut flour (very finely ground walnuts. I use my Little Oscar and S blade. Be careful - stop grinding before you have Walnut Butter.)
            1 teasp. baking powder
            1 teasp. vanilla extract
            1 teasp. allspice
            1 teasp. cinnamon

            Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Spray a loaf pan with non stick spray, and sprinkle 2 T (or equivalent) of the sugar substitute around on the non-stick spray.

            Beat zucchini, baking powder, vanilla, splenda (or sub) and spices together. Beat in the eggs, then the walnut flour. Add in a little water, ONLY IF NEEDED to make it a thick but pourable batter. (I did NOT need to add any water - not even close). Pour into the prepared pan. Cooking time should be 1 hour up to 1 hour 15 minutes. Since ovens vary, start checking at 45 minutes. It's done when it pulls away from the pan sides, and passes the toothpick test. Mine was done at 1 hour.

            Let it cool a bit in the pan. Then run a knive around the edge and pop it out of the pan. I cut a couple warm slices off right away for me and Mr. Doggy. I let the rest cool down before slicing - it holds together better when cool. I individually wrapped the slices and put them in the freezer so I won't eat the whole thing at once!!

            Have a great day everyone. Kick AL's every lovin' A$$!!!!

            Almost 4 months AFHF
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

              Hi there Booze busters!
              Just to let you all know - went out last night with a group of friends - did not drink - had a great evening. They were all getting really drunk on loads of bottles of champagne type sparkling white wine but I didn't miss it at all - and still had a great time - am sure just as good as then - and i'm sure I feel a lot better than them this morning. At one point one of my friends who was really tipsy, accidently knocked over a glass of champagne and it went everywhere and I could really smell it but I still didn't feel any desire to drink!! When I finally came away there were loads of drunks making a fool of themselves all over the streets - felt really sorry for them -they seemed pathetic, and I got into my car and drove home!! (so much eaiser / and cheaper than trying to get a taxi on a fri night)
              No-on asked me why I wasn't drinking and I didnt' say anything - I was driving (however I could have got a lift with one of the others had I wanted to drink) although I did have a bit of a chesty cold so they perhaps thought this was why?! There was only one other non-drinker there and I had quite a good chat with her once the others became too tipsy to make much sense. It was a really good night out and not difficult at all. Maybe i've turned a corner and it's going to get easier from now on!? I know there will be other bad days ahead but I just though i'd share it with you that's all
              Hope you're all doing OK
              Sausage xx


                BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

                Hey, Sausage, that is WONDERFUL! I know that just a short while ago that would not have seemed possible for you! Remember that good feeling, and call on it later, when you experience temptation; it will help if you go back to that great sensation of being clear-headed and proud of yourself amongst a lot of intoxicated, impaired people...



                  BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

                  As a new member, I'm glad to hear that even someone with little children can make it 16 days. Congratulations!
                  When life is more than you can stand...kneel.


                    BOOZE BUSTERS week of 15/9/08 30 day AF Hangover free challenge

                    Sausage, congratulations on your AF success during that outing! It really is an eye opener staying sober and watching people who drink too much isn't it? That makes me realize that I was not "in control" like I thought I was all those years.

                    Also - maybe this confirms that for the most part, others really DON'T care if you are drinking or not, so long as their drinking is not disrupted?? I think there truly was some "peer pressure" in my younger days. (i.e. before college graduation at 23...) But among a more "middle age" crowd, I really don't think people much care as long as THEY can drink (for the big drinkers anyway).

                    Welcome to MWO MormonMom!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

