Sorry I've been away again, but I really don't feel able to post when I am feeling down. Ridiculous I know because of all the support I would get here if I just asked.... but I never said I was particularly bright.
How is everyone doing? What sort of weekend was it in your absland.
I was supposed to be going on a course on right brain thinking but.... anxiety got the better of me again and I didn't go. What a stupid waste of money and also what a lost opportunity. Oh well.
Went to a voice class last night. I want to improve talking in large groups of people to make me less anxious. Thought it couldn't hurt even if it doesn't help. Sometmes I think it is no wonder that I turned to the large glass of red to get me through these situations then I think again and I'm much happier being AF.
Well off to work. Hope everyone has a brilliant day.
Catch you later