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Tuesday 16 September

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    Tuesday 16 September

    Good morning all. Lovely crisp autumn morning here.

    Sorry I've been away again, but I really don't feel able to post when I am feeling down. Ridiculous I know because of all the support I would get here if I just asked.... but I never said I was particularly bright.

    How is everyone doing? What sort of weekend was it in your absland.

    I was supposed to be going on a course on right brain thinking but.... anxiety got the better of me again and I didn't go. What a stupid waste of money and also what a lost opportunity. Oh well.

    Went to a voice class last night. I want to improve talking in large groups of people to make me less anxious. Thought it couldn't hurt even if it doesn't help. Sometmes I think it is no wonder that I turned to the large glass of red to get me through these situations then I think again and I'm much happier being AF.

    Well off to work. Hope everyone has a brilliant day.

    Catch you later
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Tuesday 16 September

    Mornin Loppy and all to come. I?m so glad you?re feeling well enough to post.
    Your public speaking class sounds interesting. I do a lot of public speaking but it still makes me nervous. I think it?s simply thinking about it, makes me worry, after I start blabbing away, it gets better.
    We still have a few sick kiddos here; fortunately I have a block of time off work. The silver lining is I?m getting caught up on a bunch of mundane house work.
    Hopefully we can all have a nap today as I was up with one of them quite a bit last night.

    Happy abber day to all,

    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


      Tuesday 16 September

      Hey Loppy good to see you back!....
      OMW, To bad your block of time off is dedicated to sick kiddo's, but on the bright side, when all is said and done you will have healthy kids and a clean house!!!
      Public speaking is something I never did or will do well. I am an introvert and very private and I know that is one of the reasons AA was not an option. I would go, listen and leave....It would have taken alot more than just one glass of wine for me to even contemplate, then I would have such anxiety! I do great one on one, but in front of a group...No way!!
      I think that is what drew me to this site. I have shared "stuff" I would have never shared in a public setting, and it works for me just fine. I do envy those who speak well in public but at this stage of the game, I know it aint gonna happen!!
      Busy day ahead, day off from work...see what I can get accomplished on that never ending to do list. Have a great day.
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Tuesday 16 September

        Hi Absters: I'm totally immersed in my kids & g-kids. My daughter is back at teaching & also taking a course, so my husb & I are being recruited for b-sitting duties. We love it, but it leaves time for little else. I'll check in whenever I can. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Tuesday 16 September

          good morning!

          Thanks for starting us off Loppy, sorry you have been feeling down, that is tough..............GOD knows I have had my bad times.........The speaking class sounds interesting, I had a speach/speaking class, I was having anxiety attacks, could feel my face turning red as I spoke! YIKES!uch:

          good to see everyone doing so well, hope you get your nap OMW! Charlee, hang in there for your busy day. Reteacher, enjoy the grandkids! What a blessing (I've heard!) You guys have a beautiful day!!

          To all to come behind me, have an AWESOME day!!

          lots of love!:h:l:h

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Tuesday 16 September

            Hey all,

            Kiddos are both feeling better, although one still has a nasty cough. I?m still soooo tired! No nap.
            Just got back in, was called out to treat a neighbor child with a severe dog bite. It?s good to be of clear head, mind and ability when not on duty; I?m feeling very thankful right now. I?m also grateful, grateful for the support I get at MWO.

            Charlee, I hope you had a productive day off! Cow gal, somehow, I would be excited about the job loss, the end of one would bring about the beginning of something potentially better, although I love mine. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
            Mary, hope you and the g-sons had a great day

            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


              Tuesday 16 September

              whew! back home for about 12 hours then I have to blaze back out to san jose.
              nice to hear how you are all doing...
              the public speaking class is a super idea Loppy. is it Toastmasters? that's a club over here that's pretty well known.
              be well friends!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

