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    Beck: Why were supposed to be absent? I hope it's because you're doing something new & exciting. mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012



      You really are like a breath of fresh air around here, Mary. Your honesty is very touching.

      You`ve always struck me as a very dignified lady. I know you haven`t always found it easy, but I`d just like you to know that I have enormous love and respect for you. :l

      Darling x
      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.



        Dear Mary -

        I am a relative newbie - but have read and admired you and your posts.

        I like to hope that I am like you...I am a teacher (I guess from your screen name?) , my name is Mary, too....and I want to be honest, too!

        I made it to about 25 days AF, and then, last night, for no real "reasons" other than it was a LONG week teaching, and my boss is an idiot, I drank. Didn't taste good, pushed past it to have 5 glasses of wine. Why? Stupid, stupid, weak me.

        Again, I hope to be like you! I know I can be AF again.

        Here we go, Day 1 again!

        THanks for who you are and all you do for us. THanks for inspiring me



          Mary and to all who posted....

          Yes, we have all relapsed and yes we are not perfect but we are human beings who get up tomorrow and will do our best to stay sober. That makes us hopeful human beings.
          Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08



            You made a comment about it being hard to be totally honest here.
            For me, that's what's helping me tow the line...the fact that I am being completely honest here although I struggle with that issue here and there. You will laugh at this but I had a frozen glass of wine (in a baggie left over from a party if you can believe!) and thawed it do have with dinner. Didn't get the nice buzz I usually do and wondered if the freezing factor had anything to do with that. Hubby and I went out for a nightcap and at 9pm they serve 2 for 1 so I actually was debating in my head how the frozen one shouldn't count..."hmmm..."maybe I won't count it on the drinktracker...didn't even get a buzz, etc." Amazing how the stinkin thinkin works on people like us with problems. But, I said NO...I WILL remain completely honest to this board and I have to say that's what's helping me the most. Hubby and I told the bartender we were on the 1 drink only rule so we had the two for 1 - he had one - I had one and I could honestly record 2 on the drinktracker.
            If you can - never lie here. I don't believe our friends here are here to judge anyone. We're just all looking for support and we're all ready to pick each other up when we fall. And if we remain honest here maybe that can help us fight the temptation when times are tough.
            Thanks for your honesty here today. Hang in there and remember we're all here for you!
            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

            ~Jack Welsh~:h

            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

