Well, it's a bright sunny early morning here in Vermont.... the birds are chirping their little hearts out and everywhere flowers are blooming and corn is growing...I REALLY don't want to go back to NYC this evening... But why am I even thinking about it...I've got a whole lovely day to enjoy! And already I'm anticipating its end......:
This afternoon: the World Cup Final!! What more could I wish for: soccer AND the Green Mountains of Vermont! And sun! And birds! And flowers! What a day!

Everybody is doing great! And I DO mean EVERYONE! Like you, Peggy, I'm proud of all of us! Wherever your personal plane is right now--we're all on the SAME FLIGHT!
Donna, looking at those old journals can be SO painful--but more importantly, a reminder of how far we've come and our hopes for the future...speaking of which, how's the camping planning coming along?!!
Matt, sending that bottle of wine off with your guests was awesome...it reminds us all that we don't have to make this any harder than it is. Good intentions don't help us as much as removing temptations!
And thanks, Laura--one problem at a time! It sounds so simple (sort of) but it's a really powerful lesson we all need to learn...one thing at a time, one foot in front of the other....
Jane, hope your adventure is continuing...yep, being sober is a real eye-opener! Kris, none of this "only 8 days" stuff! Guess it's 9 today, anyway! And lluf, two weeks! Well, I guess that's two weeks PLUS a day now, aint it! Great going!

Pansy, all that cleaning! I've almost given up cleaning in NYC--it's a totally futile task! I hate futile! 69 days today? You go, girl!
Deirde, thanks for reminding us that this journey we're all on is indeed challenging but so REWARDING! Yep, I'm enjoying my reward today...clear eyes to see with and a clear brain to think with!
CV and Nancy, you remind us that we're all human, which means even if we fall we are given the opportunity to get back up...:d
And, dear Judie--you're always welcome to stop in and visit anytime!
Have a wonderful day, y'all!
"Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow, grow.' "
The Talmud