Day 7 is here...congratulations on a week!
Don't forget to congratulate Jane on a month!! :smokin
Sorry but I have to contradict myself from yesterday, because on second thought, forget the gorilla! It was fun while it lasted, but too much fighting is not necessarily productive! You're out Magilla! So go beat your chest somewhere else...
Instead I think we should surrender, not to anything or anyone, but surrender our negative thoughts and actions... let them go, and focus on our goals. That's really what I want to say, and that's really what's been working for me these past (almost) 3 months. I've given up a vicious habit that accompanied my drinking: negative thinking. Including pointing the finger mentally, and feeling like I'm a victim of my own life. As I begin to let all that go I see how little it serves to add anything good to my life, or help me reach my potential, or enable me to feel good about myself each day.
Surrendering, forgiving, letting things go, yeah, easier said than done, but think about how much sense it makes. I.e. in your heart, do you think the stuff you hold on to is really protecting you from further hurt? Or could it in fact be holding you to the hurt, and preventing you from being free to create the life you want?
Our thoughts lead to actions. If I keep entertaining negative thoughts, the bottle will be there to make it all better someday, "because I'm right and the world is against me & I deserve a break!" etc... But if I surrender thoughts like that, what am I left with is "Ok, that's not getting me where I want to go, what's next, how do I go forward?" When I'm able to step outside that mindset, I open myself up to movement and growth. Then, when I'm there, there are so many constructive things I want to do, so much joy in the journey.
Today I am trying to surrender my anger and anxiety and angst at having this affliction, I want to embrace it now because it has put me on the road to becoming a real woman, to being the person I was meant to be. Hmmm, can you love a disease? I don't know, but I want to love it because it's a part of me.
Gee, wish I could crunch all that into ONE paragraph, but bed is looking good right now...

So folks, I now pass the wheel to our exquisite Susan! She will be taking the captain's seat for the week, because you all have been so good and deserve a reward! :lol Happy flying! Thanks Susan!

Have an abs-olutely beautiful day :y
At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice.
-Maya Angelou