still here and making it... wonders never cease
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Day 7
Day 7
Nancy, yes I am 100 years old, how did you guess? I only look 32 TYVM, but my liver looks 125! Yuck. Luckily, no one can see it, and I still got carded at the liquor store as of this year. Then they see my ID & feel really stupid (1963) or kick me out for carrying a fake ID! Never bothered me though! :lol I've got to tell you how impressed I am (again) by your situation down there on the blackberry wine farm. You've gotten through the hardest part I think (the beginning of abs) so I KNOW you'll be fine during the bottling. But I'll gladly say a prayer for you anyway. :d
Andrew, good to see you! I hope your show is going well. Which med are you thinking of trying? I think it's great that you stopped at one beer, so don't be too hard on yourself. You're making progress and that's what matters. Keep hangin in!
Hi Matt! How many days for you now? Is it 3 weeks yet? I hope I'm close. Congrats to you!
Kate, thanks for pointing me to the Maya Angelou post. You know, I hardly ever check out that board, but there's some good stuff over there! Great poem.
Yes Susan! "Surrendering the negative self image..." I'm all about that now, and it's so freeing. I'm even working on not buying into other people's opinions of me in terms of getting validation, b/c I FINALLY realize that it doesn't matter what they think. What matters is what I think, and how well I am caring for myself. So, it's great to surrender all the BS. Gosh, I wish I had gotten this 10 or 20 years ago... still have a lot or practice to get in before I perfect my new discipline!Congrats on 87, or is it 88 today! Cheers to Great Days!
Gabby! Shiver me timbers you have 31 days!!! Congratulations on a beautiful job girl... and bask in that happiness... aaaiiiightttt? :lol
One :h ,
Day 7
Laura, ditto on what Lori said, and I hope everything went well with helping your friend move. I think it;s really hard when you have difficult friendships that have also involved drinking. Seems like the booze might be what holds them together in some cases. It has a way of making all the unpleasant feelings disappear thus making it easier to hang out with them. Whatever the situation is now. I hope you will put yourself FIRST esp during this new abs time. It really helped me to disappear from some peoples lives for a short time, until I felt strong enough to deal with them without feeling like they were pushing a bottle into my hand. I'm not saying there's any malice involved, but certain people can push your buttons, so it might help to steer clear for a while. Anyway, it's great that you posted, let us know how it went. And CONGRATULATIONS on 2 days!
Oh, yes, you can edit posts by going to the left side heading of it underneath your screen name, there's an edit option, just click on that & you can edit or erase the message.
Pansy, what the h*ll is a gorilla rack?? You're not torturing animals down there I hope! :lol Must feel good getting all that cleaning & organizing done... I'm still admiring my closet work, sometimes I just sit there and stare at it... ah, the simple pleasures huh?
Well Jane, I hope you got yourself a brand new tiara, the old one must be shredded by now... but I'm sure you look gorgeous in it just the same. All hail the Queen!
Good work hangin in YTH!
Kris, I totally agree with that monk in Thailand. Sounds like a very wise dude! So happy to see you're doing well & keeping busy.
Well I'm glad I could catch up with some of you today. My dentist sent me straight home after surgery today, so I'm laying here icing my cheek and just happy to have some extra time to spend in Absville with y'all... my favorite place! Susan, my plans for the weekend - dentist says no physical exertion so not allowed to work out or clean or get into any bar fights :lol Hmmm, I guess that leaves shopping, going to the beach, and hugging my kitties! I guess the dentist isn't so bad after all - he gave me license to chill!
Peace all,
Geez, do you think I could use up more space on this thread? :eek
Day 7
Hi to all of you in Absville!
Just wanted to share. I am into my 7th. day. Am still waiting for the book and the CD's. Yesterday I was doing well all day long, but when 10:30 rolled around I had this overwhelming craving. I almost gave in. That really scared me. I downed a bottle of Perrier and send my bloated, burping self to bed. Am good today.
Anyway, congrats to all of us.
Love Lori
Day 7
Hi Lori.
Good goin beating that craving with the Perrier! Burping is better than hiccups anyday right? :lol Do you have any L-glutamine? You could also try that next time. Congrats on 7 days! One week is huge!
I hope you'll join us on the day's thread, even though it's your day 7, the rest of us will be on the current day's thread - Day 9, or tomorrow day 10 - whatever day of the month it is. Of course you can post anywhere, but I just want to make sure people see your post, as they might not check previous days.
See ya!