Flight 6 headed deeper into Absville is proud to have you aboard!
Thanks for sharing all your wonderful posts yesterday!

Sylvia, congratulations on 47 days! Good work! It is sooo interesting for us to watch while other people get drunk. Like you said it gives us yet another reason to be happy about what we're doing. And it gives us an opportunity to see ourselves - what we may have looked like when we were drunk - through these new, clear eyes. So I guess your husband is a normal drinker, and yes it's an enviable trait that for most of us is impossible to achieve, simply b/c of the physical aspects of our brains & chemistry. BUT, with this program many of us hope and strive and succeed at achieving a kind of simulation. We may eventually be able to drink like normal drinkers through moderation, but I don't know if we'll ever really think like normal drinkers, meaning our relationship to alcohol is different from theirs. So there may come a time when you'll be able to take it or leave it, but you might have to put more thought into your decisions than a normal drinker. Having said that, please prove me wrong! Anyone. I'm open.
Alcohol is everywhere, sometimes I feel like it's talked about everywhere by everyone! I even jump in on making jokes at work about drinking, mine & others, just to join in with the flow. I don't know, sometimes I feel like a hypocrite making light of it when I know how much suffering it can create. It's not a light subject to me, but it seems so easy to buy into this cultural idea that drunk people are quaint, or the things we do while drunk are funny, etc. There's a pervasive attitude in society that alcohol & drunkenness is no big deal, and I think that can make the thin line btw abstinence & drinking even thinner for us. It could undermine the hard work you're doing, make it seem overly vigilant to not drink at all. We're definitely in the minority out there, that's another great reason to be here where we're oh SO the majority! And thank God for the support of this place, and ALL of you!
I hope I've made some sense here, I'm in pumpkin land again (almost 1:30 am). What's this? Hey, there's a thick stem growing out of the top of my head! Oh... no I know what that is... Nancy's vibrator... ! See I'm so tired I'm hallucinating! Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....................
Have a great Day 6 y'all!!!
:h Deirdre :P
It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired.
-Robert Strauss