The sun shines, the birds sing, the butterflies flit (ok you can smack me now) and best of all the grass is greener on THIS side for once!

Happy day 5 and big ol' slaps on all backs for persevering! Congrats!
Hope you all had a great 4th, and/or a good Tuesday! CV I just have to quote you from yesterday... "I'll save the celebration for a real occasion, like the return of naturally controlled normal behavior..." :lol i don't know why it's so funny to me, just the delivery I guess. I just can't not crack up every time I read it. And it's so true! Anyway, I hope you didn't run into too much traffic on your way home, & if you did, it wasn't me I swear!
Pansy, I hope you fed your cat & avoided being his/her lunch! I organized my closet today, and got rid of some clothes too, no stirrup pants though. Anyway, it's a good feeling to de-junk the closet isn't it? I fully believe in uncluttering across the board.
I was thinking today about how exhausting it is to clear out the closet. Making a decision about each and every piece and noticing where my mind went, well it was all over the place! Body issues, money issues, style issues, and the inevitable - if only I had an occasion to wear it - lifestyle issues. I was drooping by the end of it all. Maybe it's just me, but hmmm, I don't think so.

Anyway, once I made the decision to get rid of something, there was no second thought or regret about it. I loved seeing the "out" pile get higher; making room for new clothes that I'll actually wear. So I was thinking - what's the fear behind throwing stuff out? Could it be the usual... loss? Not wanting to let things go, thinking I'll somehow regret it later. I grew up poor so I have a tight hold on my things sometimes. But I realize that clutter is more harmful to me than taking the risk of losing something. Besides, I only have so much closet space! Gotta keep it movin'!
So my segue is.... and thank you for your patience ladies & gentlemen... :lol ...
We're cleaning out our bodies, minds and spirits when we get the bottle out of our lives. We make room for physical health, new life-affirming thoughts, and lighter more buoyant spirits. In short: growth. Like Matt said yesterday "Freedom to put this sh*t behind us and live in a brand new beautiful world of our own design" pretty much sums it up!
We're under construction now, so it might look a little messy, but one day soon this new life will begin to take shape, and the crap that we used to put into our bodies is a small thing to lose considering the benefits. So lets keep on getting rid of the junk in our lives to make room for the good stuff, whatever that means to you.
Good work everyone!
Hope you all have a lovely day in Absville!
The cyclone ends. The sun returns; the lofty coconut trees lift up their plumes again; man does likewise. The great anguish is over; joy has returned; the sea smiles like a child. (Paul Gauguin)