Re: Day 5 - Jane's detox rate
1584 CALORIES? Holy COW, Batman... Laughing... Thanks CV. I knew I could count on ya!
Yeah, power shopping is usually waaaaay up there on my prefered "activities" list, but I'm already trembling with the mere thought of my upcomming AMEX bill. So THAT'S out. Big pout.
How 'bout an activity that's... Oh... I dunno... Interactive? Like... spelling now to keep this PG... S - E - X? How many times would I have to chase hubbie around the couch to really "feel the burn"?

(Waiving arms frantically) Ohhh coach! Pick me! Send me in coach... I'm willing to do the work... Whatever it takes, for as long as it takes!!! I'm here... selflessly willing to "take one" or multiples even... all for the team, of course...