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Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

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    Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

    LV, I keep meaning to ask somebody this: what does "DH" stand for? Seems like people are referring to husbands, but what is the "D"?

    Curious wip


      Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

      WIP---I've always taken in to mean DEAR Hubby. Might not have that same meaning for others though!!!
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread


        I always thought it meant Dear Husband but sometimes I think it means Doofus Husband, and yet even others a wishful Dead Husband. :H

        AF April 9, 2016


          Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

          Hello Everyone - I haven't read all of today's posts, but will come back later. I'm finding that I have to monitor my time better when popping on here. I'll get on just to do a quick post, but get caught up in reading all the inspirational stories.
          I got up this morning about 4:30am and headed to the gym for a step class. It sounds so "motivating", but I actually did it just so that I wouldn't have to take away from the rest of my day to workout. I have lots to accomplish today, and as always, little kids throw many loops in a (so-called) tight schedule. After getting up so early, I gave in to temptation and stopped to get coffee. Made it 2 days without, so I'll just do my best.
          I enjoy checking in here every day. Almost every post motivates me to keep trying. Some remind me of why I don't want to drink. Others remind me of the struggles to stay sober.
          Thank you everyone for taking the time to share your thoughts.
          When life is more than you can stand...kneel.


            Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

            I guess I'm the only one that uses DH for "dick-head". :H:H Well, maybe not the ONLY one!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread


              With the way my hubby has been lately, Dick Head is a great one. :H

              Now, whenever I see DH, I will think of that.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

                Greenie, Thanks for the laughs today. You're not the only one who uses DH!! I laughed soo much at that. Though I love him dearly, and can't picture life without him, he is the King of DH's on many occasions and holds the record for being the biggest AH! :-)
                When life is more than you can stand...kneel.


                  Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

                  Oh, dear. I guess I better start spelling everything out. Even though my dear hubby is a BIG dickhead at times, I try to refrain from calling him names in print!!:H:H:H
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

                    Greenie.... I think you'd make a seriously great fishing buddie.... D.H. were on the same page.
                    Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                      Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

                      thanks for the support and suggestions

                      Thank you all so much. I will get the book Codependent No More and read it. I visited our dearest friends today and told them how upset I am and how hubby's not supportive. They also want to stop cocktail least during the week... and made a pact that we check in Mon-Fri and encourage each other to abstain. I think my dear husband may try a little harder....I just don't know for how long. I lost it this a.m. and had a real pity party, but feel better. Didn't say everything I thought, which was a good thing, as M. Stewart would say. We actually had a very nice evening with no alcohol, watching the movie Ladies in Lavender.
                      Thank you again for your support. This is a real struggle.


                        Oct. 14 - Tues. Daily Thread

                        Checking in

                        This is my 16th day AF and it is a struggle. Husband slowing a tad, but not changing habits. Major stress in family as his dear 86 year old father had major surgery and the family phone calls were as dysfunctional as in any normal family. Then the sewer backed up in the house today and we had quite a mess. He stressed out and couldn't wait to get a drink....I sat with him for 'cocktail hour' but didn't drink. Maybe I really should read that codependent book sooner rather than later.
                        Alcohol was mentioned so many times today. A friend was giving out limes from her tree at our book club and someone mentioned gin and tonics, my sister-in-law said she was stressed out over her father's operation and got plastered last night, and my step mother-in-law, when asked if anyone could bring anything for her to the hospital, asked for a bottle of white wine! Another friend, when told about the sewer backup, said I needed to sit back with a glass of wine and relax. So pervasive, but several of my girlfriends do not drink at all and I don't have to, either. I'm taking up knitting....seriously. And then crochet.

