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Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

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    Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

    Help me someone
    I celebrate day 50 AF tomorrow and things have been going really well. I feel really well physically , I've started excercising again (see october abberciser's thread) at least 4 x a week and I've lost 10 lbs in weight since August.

    But - right now I fancy a glass of white wine!!!

    I can't remeber how rubbish I felt when I was drinking

    I keep thinking - just one on the weekend can't hurt

    Yet I know it will lead to daily drinking again like before (did 108 Af days earlier this year and then had that one glass and within days was back on 50 units a week) and I'll be back at square one.

    My husband has a bottle of white started in the fridge - and I even took the cork out and sniffed it !!!!! Dont' worry didn't pour any, am drinking sparkling grape juice which is really sickly and not what I want.

    Please help me someone, I musn't give up now

    Those of you who've abstained longer than me, is this normal to go like this , when i've previously been doing so well ?

    Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

    Sure it's normal to want things that we cannot have... you know that. This "recovery" business is all about being a grown-up. For some reason, for those of us with alcohol problems, we have a part of ourselves that insists on getting its way, and we have become accustomed to listening to it and giving in to it. Just respond to these desires, urges, impulses, cravings, by saying:

    No, OF COURSE I am not going to have a glass of poison... Thanks anyhow...

    Be strong. It's simple. It is NOT EASY... but it IS simple...

    You've done great so far. You can keep on, you know you can. What do you REALLY want your life to be like? Only you can make it be that way...



      Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

      I felt exactly as you do around day 50. Chief talked me through it in chat, explaining it is quite normal to feel like that, especially in the 30 - 90 day range. You're left wondering, what the ????
      I'm very glad I didn't cave in and as wip said, it's not easy, but it is simple. Walk away. :l
      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


        Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

        Pour out that bottle of wine in the your post about going AF 108 days and one drink took you back to 50 units a week in no time. You already KNOW that one drink WILL hurt so my advice is to stay away from that first drink. Go out of the something that requires diverting your attention. You CAN get through this. If you haven't already done so, read Chief's thread about "The Beast is still there...". My thoughts are with you tdy, Sausage. Kriger
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

          Sausage, check out "The beast is still here" chief's thread in Long Term Abs
          Good Luck


            Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

            I don't have as much abs I'd like, but I know what you're talking about. It helps me to tell myself that I would NEVER have just one. And yes, it would trigger the binge drinking that I'm so famous for. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

              Dear Sausage,

              My heart goes out to you! Be strong! Pour out that bottle! Read the "What I hate, loath, etc." thread. Like Kriger said, get out of the house, or do something nice for yourself (hot bath, old movie & a cup of tea). Remember what you've been working towards.

              I'm no where near 50 days but know what damage can be done in one instant of weakness. Like One2many says, don't let the Beast win, you are stronger.

              I'm sending you good thoughts.



                Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!


                Take control of this right now.

                Get rid of the wine. You have to get your husband on board with your battle.....

                You have come a long way...please don't blow it.....all you have to do is read the posts of those who caved after a successful AF run......and there's not a damn one of them that is glad they "had that first drink" always leads to a downward spiral back to square one.

                This is The Beast talking to you.....he is a devious have to learn to immediatly identify these thoughts and not give matter what.

                All The Beast wants to do is to get you to just consider taking a drink.......he just wants to put the option on the table.....

                It is not on the table, Sausage....

                Be strong and take control....



                  Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

                  Hey sausage........hang in there!!!!`s so not worth it.

                  Do we ever think as you`re doing now ?.........well, of course we do!!!! :H The "wouldn`t it be lovely" thought pops up in my head from time to time, but so far so good.........I have trained myself not to go there, as I know full well that the aftermath would be anything but lovely..........only leads back to the Hell we fought so hard to get out of in the first place.

                  No sireeeeeeee, not for me and please.......not for you either.

                  Star x
                  Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                    Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

                    "lovely" doesn't begin to equal the pain of the worst case scenario. It's not a fair comparison...there is nothing to gain in having a drink and so very much to lose.

                    hang tight with us dear! let us know if you want to hop and helps many of us
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

                      So many wise words said, not much I can add except to let you know that I support you. Today I reached day 30, and you know last night the temptation was the worst it's been.It's the old devil trying it on.
                      Dont give in you will be awesomesly stong for it.


                        Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

                        Cassy, good luck. G.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

                          Hang in there girl, were all here for you
                          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                            Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

                            Thanks everyone, for your support - your comments really helped, particularly Chief's thread on "the beast is still here". I hung on in there and remained AF all evening and today I celebrate 50 days AF !!!
                            Will keep on going day at a time !


                              Day 50 tomorrow yet I fancy a glass of wine tonight !! HELP!

                              Sausage, you are a STAR!!! Well done! So proud of you. And yes you will keep going that I am sure of x
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

