And Happy Day 1!
Fasten your seatbelts for take off... it's going to be a great flight!!
Welcome and congratulations for taking this crucial step for those of you who are starting out today! And welcome back and congratulations to all of you who are continuing your journey into this month! It's going to be a wonderful journey for all of us! I'm really happy to be here with such a great group of people... :h
Tomorrow will mark 12 weeks abs for me, and during that time I've gone from seeing the glass as half empty to seeing it half full... and it ain't full of you-know-what! That's just one small side effect of the abs way for me, I hope you begin and continue to reap your own rewards throughout your journey. You will see that this is an ideal place to express all of your concerns, questions, fears, joys, revelations, frustrations... it's a microcosm full of people who all have one thing in common - we all want to change our relationship to alcohol. And so I hope we all continue to find strength here, and lean on each other for that much needed support!... :d
I'd be curious to know which aspects of the program you all are using right now, and what your goals are for the month. Of course it's fine too if you aren't on the program, and have no specific goals... You're welcome regardless! For me, I'm using supps, hypno cd's, exercise, and the boards here. And my determination is with me at all times, even when I'm sleeping :lol So let us all know what you're up to, we'd love to hear it!
We are very lucky to have Susan joining in to lead us this month!

Good luck to all of you and thanks for being here!
Here's to a great AF month for all of us!!!
:h Deirdre :P
P.S. I feel a little lost without my surfboard... But I'll get used to worries! Or should I say, no fear (of flying you know...ooooohhhh, don't kick my corny butt off the plane please!!) :lol
The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.
-Abraham Lincoln