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Tuesday Oct 28

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    Tuesday Oct 28

    Wow OMW - that is such a great way to start the day. What always amazes me about people who are trying to confront alcohol addiction is how resilient we are, we just KEEP TRYING. We should all give ourselves a big pat on the back and take a moment to realize how good we are doing- just purely for the fact that we are fighting for our own lives - not giving up, and not giving in.


      Tuesday Oct 28

      I've just reread this whole thing. It's great!

      Another good tool for me is to remember how many good times were spoiled by drink: blackouts, vomiting, passing out, self-hatred, etc. Then, I try to remember the good times I enjoyed sober. Big contrast! Was it worth taking that first drink & having that nice first buzz...NO! It's all downhill from that first buzz.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Tuesday Oct 28

        I think the inital effects of the librium are not haveing the same effect this afternoon...I'm not feeling good at all at the minute..Its not my resolve...It my intolerence to anything slightly annoying..
        Its my sons birthday and he's playing with his friend and brother in the livingroom...I should be joining in...but i cant even look...Every noise is 10 times louder than it should be..
        I have no intention of telling him to quiet down or play upstairs...Its his day and a grumpy dad is not going to ruin it.
        I'm not even supposed to leave the house till Friday...Im trapped...I've been in the house since Sunday..

        Even at night...Our youngest is Autistic...He's 3..And sleeps with us...I tried to get compfy and put the hypno cd on my headphones because i new i would have trouble sleeping...2 mins into it and he's bouncing on the bed...Its useless

        I know i am gonna do this..but its not gonna be in ideal circumstances...Its gonna be done the hard (Harder way) way..
        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


          Tuesday Oct 28


          Unfortunately, that is what happens. The first week is so rough and the darn world won't just go away and leave us alone. I know exactly what you mean.

          Chief always says to those going through this, "Pretend you have the flu." It is a good way to look at it. You are sick.

          Take as best care of yourself as you can. Keep forging through. Drink lots of fluids, eat as best as you can and take your vitamins.

          By the time you hit day 5 you are through the worst, and you are already almost done with day 2!! By day 10 you are going to feel so fabulous!!

          Hang in there, Macks!! You can do this!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Tuesday Oct 28

            Heya Macker, I feel for ya. Cindi is so right and day 5 is around the corner, hang in there. You are going to feel so much better. You?ll be able to handle anything easily?. noisy kids, bouncing kids and lack of sleep; NO PROBLEMO.

            I also have an autistic son?he is standing on me and the back of my chair as I type. Dealing with his shenanigans sadly is my biggest excuse to drink?on the other hand he is pretty cool. He is my sunshine and my storm. I do much better with him when I am not drinking.

            Good luck mac
            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


              Tuesday Oct 28

              Hi Everyone,
              You probably don't recognize me, I mean my name!, but this is a great thread. Thank you OMW. There are so many great things about not drinking that outweigh the bad or the part we miss. You're right - the need to remember is the most important thing.

              Some reasons for me are my son and husband. I know my husband is so much more at peace because of me and I know my son feels so much more secure.

              As for bad physical and mental affects - I've had so many people at work tell me how great I look. I can see it in myself. I've been walking a lot and it seems as though my stomach has lost that bulge I tried so hard to conceal. My face is not bloated like it used to be and looks healthy.

              Favorite AL drinks - coffee! Triggers - stress, tiredness, friends from work going out.

              I've been journaling daily which I believe is a great tool. I write down my frustrations and great things that happen daily. I can see many more good things happen than bad, and my frustrations are easier to handle than before. Thanks for listening and for everyone's thoughts.

              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Tuesday Oct 28

                As usual I'm the late poster so I'm not sure if anyone will read this, but I thought I'd add my 2 cents.

                The Toolbox analogy is great. Also the idea of writing things down. I've been thinking of starting a journal, and also of posting little notes of encouragement in places I'll see them (like my bathroom mirror).

                RE: the underage drinking: this makes me so sad when I see it as this is how I started: group drinking around age 13. When we first moved to our new town 2 months ago I was making a wine run and there was a group of ~16 year old boys outside the mini mart drinking, and I wondered how many of the group of 7 or 8 would end up an alcoholic (like me). And just last week I had my dog at our neighborhood park on a weekday afternoon and a boy, probably about 14 or 15, skateboarded over and surreptitiously took something out of his back pack and put it in the garbage can. Me being the snoop I am, I went over and took a look and it was a gallon (or liter?) of cheap vodka, empty. On the way home I walked past his house and there were a bunch of kids hanging out in the garage with music blaring, all acting goofy. Obviously there was no adult at home. What to do in this situation? I did nothing, though I wished I could have told them what a world of hurt they were in for if they continued that behavior ...

                Slipped up again on Tuesday night and I'm back on the wagon AGAIN. I feel like a broken record and am still feeling like I hurt myself (emotionally), though nothing bad happened. I've noticed I have a propensity to have a big drinking night one or 2 days before getting my period. Has anyone else ever noticed that? The antidepressant I've been on for several years has helped a lot with the emotional aspects of PMS though I guess my mood is a bit more abruptly changeable the week before (sorry men for this discussion, you are lucky to not have to deal with this particular wild card).

                cheers. have a good day.

