Don't know who else will be reading this tonite, but we're getting ready to start dinner, then it's off trick or treating.
Charlee- It's so nice to read of others who go through the exact same triggers. Everything I read in your thread is what I go through when my husband sets me off. It is a constant reminder to keep on guard. I was just telling him this morning that just because I've gone 1 1/2 months without drinking, doesn't mean our little "bouts" don't make me feel the urge tugging on my shoulder. It's almost as if right about the time I think I'm getting a grip on this thing, something happens that makes me think of the bottle of red.
OMW - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skip the ol' "One Day At a Time". Look at tonite, as "One hour at a time". Think of the sugar hangover the kids are going to have? Do you want to be dealing with that while having an alcohol hangover? NO WAY!!!!!
Now that I have that off my chest, OMW, I looked for that book and couldn't find it listed at the library. Will you give me the author's name?