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Nov 11

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    Nov 11

    Good morning all.

    Had a great time with my sister who visited this weekend. She had a couple glasses of wine here and there which didn't phase me. Normally we would have had martinis and wine. We also ate at my fav. resto. where the bartender would make me a martini when I stepped over the threshold. Everything was just like always, except no martini or wine for me. They were some of the first people I told when I quit drinking. So it simply doesn't come up nor does it feel awkward in any way whatsoever. I even tote around my favorite tea bags so I can have exactly what I want when I want it. (must be the English in me :H) Simple pleasures.

    I picked up the hobby of letterboxing from my sister this weekend. I don't know how to post a link but you can look at or to find out about it. Kind of like treasure hunting. Cindi, you could do it when you travel, but it is an outdoors, daylight activity.

    Also I found a really good (I thought) website on meditation (I'm sure there are many). I'm new at it and need the guided ones I can listen to. I think it is an important aspect of healing and wellness in many areas. I'll post the site when I look up hte home page name.

    New position cinid? What is it? BTW, made headway on my resume this weekend. Boy, what a mental block my self-esteem had created!

    Later! Greenie
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Nov 11

      Cindi: I hope your new job won't involve travelling, because I know how stressful that is for you.

      I was glad to be reminded that drinking just heightens anxiety instead of tamping it down. Good reminder. The AL voice would like me to think otherwise.

      Janice & DG: So good to see your posts.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Nov 11

        PeaceSeeking;465486 wrote: Good morning,

        Day 2.........
        Hi Peace!!



          Nov 11

          meditation site (uses aromatherapy) is
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Nov 11

            Happy Tuesday ABerooos!

            I'm late again, sucked into the corporate vortex.

            PeaceSeeking great to have you on board.

            Sausage, great to see you migrate to this part of the neighbourhood.

            DoggyGirl and Janice, great to have you two back.

            definitely good points on al and anxiety...recipe for nervous disaster for me. Life is very serene without al induced anxiety, not to mention the shakes. ick!

            gotta scoot,

            be well friends!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Nov 11

              greeneyes;465536 wrote: meditation site (uses aromatherapy) is
              Thanks greeneyes!

              And, Click here
              for a website that offers all kinds of free downloadable meditation instruction (no aromas involved, however...).



                Nov 11

                OMW -myou are right - this does feel like an "old home" thread!! I've been reading on it but not posting ..... since I took a couple of months out to get my head back together I've ben mainly back on "Just starting out" threads! But WIP - it was seeing your encouragement to people to come over here that got me back into thining that it was time that I started being a bit more active here!
                HAve a good day all! (although its already Wednesday 12 th here!!)
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  Nov 11

                  Hi again! I am SO totally missing my freedom with no wheels. Day 2 NWIP (no wheels in prison). I am resisting the urge to call the body shop to see how it's going. Might do that tomorrow if I haven't heard from them. I was led to expect that it would be done sometime Friday. Maybe lady luck will smile on me and I'll get a nice surprise on Thursday or something! So anyway, much more time to read and post again today.

                  WIP - I like Daily AF Day/Date as you all discussed. Sounds straight forward and easy to find to me. That was a good point about people being able to easily find the thread. And I sure hope you are able to sort out the toilet problem because....well that is sure one thing at home that I would not want to do without!

                  Janice, as I was trying to catch up I saw your post and I'm so glad you are back. Good that you are able to take some time on Day 1 to put your head in the right place so to speak. Good for you.

                  MM - I'm glad to hear that you did not give AL your workout today. We give up so much of our lives when we drink. No need to give yet another thing to AL during the "morning after" part. I suspect you felt better after your workout? Hope so!

                  Mary, glad you are recovering OK from oral surgery, and glad you decided not to give in to any AL speak today.

                  Sausage, congrats on 13 pounds lost!!! No amount of buzz ever felt as good as getting into my "skinny" clothes again. (well, I'm sorta getting into them! Give me another month or two!) Glad you did not give any of that hard won progress back over to AL today.

                  PeaceSeeking - CONGRATULATIONS on Day 2!!!! Keep workin' it!!

                  WOW Greenie - letterboxing sounds really interesting! I'm going to read more about it on the web site you mentioned - here is the link Letterboxing North America What a cool sounding hobby. I've never heard of it before but it seems it got started in England in the 1850's? How long has it been going on in the US? Please keep us posted! Have you designed your personal stamp yet? (at least I think that's what you do from just a quick scan of 1 of the articles)

                  Deter - I've been meaning to ask you about your current avatar. Is it a warning about scissors? Short Cuts? And what on earth does it have to do with garlic, because I just KNOW that all things Deter have something to do with garlic!!

                  I need to get a move on and get something productive done this afternoon! It's so hard when it's raining and gray. Much easier to goof off! I hope I didn't miss anyone, but a hearty hello and happy AF day if I did!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Nov 11

                    Hi DG! A big well done to you!! I read your thread and you've helped motivate me today. Its not just about stopping the drink is it?? Once we've got our sobriety we need to concentrate on our recovery and making those all important changes in our lives. Sounds like you're well on your way - good for you!!!

                    Can't remember who said that posting on this thread was like "coming home" and thats exactly how I feel. I have always felt "at home" here until I made a decision in June after 4 months of being AF to try and moderate. I'm not going into all the details - I bore myself - but to cut a long story short, it was the wrong decision and I would give anything, anything, to have those 120 AF days back under my belt again. Maybe, hopefully, I will be able to find the strength to post more over the next few days/weeks - I know I will definitely be reading - but thankfully today, Day 1, is nearly over. I've always said I need a turning point or my "switch" to go down and I think I've had that today.

                    I'll see you all tomorrow.

                    love Janicexxx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Nov 11

                      Janice hang in there. You're right: day one is almost over. If you stop in here again today, keep in mind you're motivating me too. I was already dreading the thought of making it through the night until I signed back on here. Then I remembered we're both at Day 1. We'll do it together! And of course, as always, that includes all of us. I'm off to lil' Ol' Omaha Nebraska. Will check in with everyone tomorrow!
                      When life is more than you can stand...kneel.


                        Nov 11

                        Hello to everyone,

                        I'm joining as an Abstainer after trying Moderation and not sticking with my limits consistently. I moderate fairly well but still slip and go over my limit. So I'm going to listen to the senior members and abstain for 30 days and then see what's next.

                        My new vitamin supply came in yesterday! YAY!

                        WIP, thanks for the meditations link! I will download that tonight.

                        I am enjoying the 5-words-at-a-time story.

                        More later this week as I progress down the AF Road.



                          Nov 11

                          Janice: It's so nice to see that little angel avatar again here. Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Nov 11

                            Welcome, Speedster! Glad you're here! I hope you are now, or soon will be, feeling good about going AF. It's a very helpful thing to do, regardless of your ultimate goals about alcohol... it really helps your brain/body to get clear and healthy, and helps you to begin to look more closely at your triggers and your relationship with alcohol.

                            So please do stick around, post often, read what others are saying, and I'm sure you'll do great (and you'll feel great, too)!


