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AF Daily - Thur 13th November

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    AF Daily - Thur 13th November

    Top of the day ABerooonies!!

    what a glorious sunny morning in the high desert. the desert critters are sitting on rocks defrosting themselves and they are so cute. rabbits, squirrels, quail, lizards.

    congrats on the AF days everyone! those days are our precious gifts to ourselves.

    Beaches! great to have you here ol friend!

    Cindi, always great to hear from you late or otherwise. as a fellow road warrior I can relate to the hotel lonliness syndrome

    snacks? yes nuts for me. I keep mixed nuts and raisins in the front seat with me when i'm on the road and also enjoy them as an after dinner snack. Nuts are also high in biotin which us folks need an extra dose of.

    Vodkapades? hahahahahah! I want to go to Manhattan and see the "Vodkapades on Ice" live some day. Hope the poor things are wearing helmets.

    I'm feeling brave and crazy enough to go to my jiu jitsu class tonight...can't wait!

    be well friends
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - Thur 13th November

      Hello again!

      Cindi, I agree with those who suggested nuts as a good low carb snack to have along while traveling. I get mixed raw nuts and will add a little sea salt to them if I feel the need for the "salty" in salty snack. I also like raw sunflower seeds and raw pumpkin seeds. I usually get both and mix them together. Once again I reserve the right to add sea salt if I feel that salty snack urge. FWIW, I keep these all in the freezer at home while they are just being stored. For us former drinkers, many of us have tendencies toward yeast problems which means you want to avoid mold. Some would say avoid nuts all together, and I would agree with that for anyone who has a serious yeast infection and is having big trouble getting rid of it. For me I just try to buy them from a good source so they are not "yuck" already, and keep them in the freezer until I want them. I used to also carry Slim Jim type snacks although I'm sure they are filled with some not-so-good stuff. But if you are trying to keep your blood sugar stable, much better than a snickers bar I think.

      If you have an option to keep things cool, then a WHOLE lot of other possibilities exist. Cream cheese or peanut butter in celery sticks. Deviled eggs. Regular cheese. Lunch meat and cheese roll ups. On our recent camping trip I made some sugar/gluten free muffins from this site: Healthy Indulgences The blueberry muffins are awesome and that same recipe is good with rasberries too. The recipes on that site utilize a combination of Erythritol and Stevia as sweeteners. I've been working a bit with that combination over the last month or so and really like it. The "low sugar bars" that gave you trouble were probably sweetened with Malitol which is a sugar alcohol. Most of those are notorious for causing tummy problems - em....pretty significant ones i.e. would not want to be trapped on a bus without a bathroom. Erythritol is also a sugar alcohol but most people do not report any tummy problems (or significantly less than Malitol).

      I'm getting off track here....

      When it comes to fruit, I really have to limit that - my body just doesn't tolerate a lot of sugar. I do not eat any dried fruit even though I love it. I have to enforce portion control with fruits that are on the lower end of the glycemic index such as berries & cantalope. I will occassionally have other fruits but not often and not in large quantities. That is really an individual thing depending on how your blood sugar responds.

      OK..enough the food novel!

      Deter - OMG. Vodkapades on ice with little helmuts. Just goes to show that in this crowd, no booze is needed to stimulate the imagination. (not that booze really does that anyway, but you get my drift!)

      LVT, you raise a GREAT example of something I've been working on with the SMART tools which go more to the psychological side of breaking addiction as MWO goes more to the physical side. We constantly "self talk" and the language we use in our heads really makes a difference. In your post (I'm paraphrasing) you mention you feel you NEED to drink when others are drunk...etc. etc. That is an example of thinking you might want to question. Do you NEED to drink? Or maybe just WANT to drink. Two very different things. I'm finding that play the game with AL is a lot easier as I re-tool some of my standard thinking.

      Beaches welcome!! Congrats on Day one and congrats to everyone on whatever day you are on. I have now lost track of all the other comments I had in mind to make. So BE RELIEVED!! This post is nearly over now!!!

      Had a good workout this morning, have finally had my breakfast of 3 deviled egg halves and some sugar/gluten free zuchinni bread. Yum. And my coffee which I have not given up and don't know if I will. Now it's time to get the too big clothes packed away. I hope those bags that you suck the air out of with the vaccum cleaner really work.

      Rock on!!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Thur 13th November

        Oh - I'm also reading Suzanne Somers newest book Breakthrough. To me that is also a very interesting book, and I suspect will have much in common with The Diet Cure. Heck - if I can look and FEEL half as good in my early 50's as she seems to in her...mid I believe? 60's I'll be thrilled.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Thur 13th November

          Geez, everybody got an early start today! I cleansed my house yesterday with charcoal & cobal - smelled like a devine incense. Hope it cleared out all the stagnant bad pookie energy :H I'm considering the hot needle in the nail trick for my throbbing finger. This is the 4th day and it is NOT feeling better. I just can't seem to get up the nerve and my middle finger hasn't complained about the extra typing work... yet. :H Can't believe I shut my car door on my won finger.

          I read this AM that thinking about a problem is negative thinking, whereas thinking about a solution is positive thinking. Hummmm.....

          I like raw veggies and hummus for snacking.

          Have a lovely AF day!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Thur 13th November

            Hi everyone

            It's been a cold wet day in England and I haven't been running (feel guilty) but I hope to swim tonight. Did go shopping and treated myself to a pair of boots - can justify it because of all the money i've saved not drinking alcohol.

            Beaches - welcome ! i'm a mum too (4 yr old and 3 yr old) and my drink problem really only escalated after they were born - have you seen the thread in the general discussion section on -why so many moms in this situation - you may find it helpful / interesting.

            Speedster - don't worry about alcohol related dreams - i've had them too in the early days - you can use them to motivate yourself - makes you realise how guilty you'd feel if you did go back to drinking and then when you wake up the thrill of the realisation that it was only a dream!

            DG it's really amazing how you've turned your life around and using all this spare time you have to change your life in so many ways / start new projects. I hope to be like that too, (am starting to read more and of course exercise more) all though i only really notice the extra time I've gained in the evenings - at the moment as my young kids occupy most of the day and I only ever drank in the evenings anyway.

            Well must go, have to bath the kids, and I hope to swim later, will check back in later hopefully
            Have a good AF day everyone


              AF Daily - Thur 13th November

              Hi Abbers,
              All this talk about diets has made me hungry, as usual. Oney, have 2 or 3 eclairs!! That'll get you started on that blubber butt you are in search of!!
              Greenie, What is this charcoal stuff you are cleaning with? Will it help with a smokey house smell too? Where do you buy the stuff. Our house just smells wank!!
              Doggie, Does Mr Doggy feel like he is living with a "new person"? I'm sure you have changed as much on the inside as the outside?
              I hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday! I get to go see my new granddaughte in 2 days!!!! Kriger
              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                AF Daily - Thur 13th November

                Kriger.... LOL - it's an "energy" cleansing! If you have heard of burning a sage stick (which is actually a bunch of tiny sticks) for clearing or cleansing energy and is called "smudging", it's like that. I got it at a local shop that sells essential oils, incense, stones, jewelery and has sort of a wicken theme to it. It's really an ancient practice, not really wicken or voodoo or such :H.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Thur 13th November

                  Well its mid afternoon and I am now just getting to today's thread.......I am at work, but it is so slow, I thought I would take a look-see......Everyone sounds well, and so many new faces.....teriffic!!!.... nothing new or different here so I guess I will just get back to work...Hope everyone has a great rest of the day..
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    AF Daily - Thur 13th November

                    Hey there, can I jump on board.... today will be day 1 for me and looking for some support! Look forward to meeting you all.
                    :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                    Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                      AF Daily - Thur 13th November

                      Welcome Tahlula!! Day one is a wonderful day. How are you feeling? Have you done some stretches of AF time, before?



                        AF Daily - Thur 13th November

                        Thank you for the welcome... I am feeling very positive! The last three years the booze has crept up on me.... I've been coming here every now & then, and have done stretches of AF before and felt SO GOOD!! WOW - since July 22, 08!! Any tips welcome! Thanks and look forward to meeting everyone else.
                        :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                        Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                          AF Daily - Thur 13th November

                          Yeah, Tahlula, it DOES feel good to get out of the grip of alcohol. Funny, isn't it, that it feels like such a strong grip, yet mostly it is something we make up in our own minds/brains? Not entirely "made up," of course, but by using some effective methods, and our own freedom to make decisions, we can change our lives so dramatically...

                          Tips: hold on tight to your determination; use everything you can think of (exercise, supplements, healthy diet, meditation, hypnotherapy, lots of time here, reading and posting, changing your routine and your environment to avoid triggers; and more).

                          There's a thread called "Toolbox" that has a lot of good suggestions. I'll bump it up for you.

                          This thread starts up new every day, and I hope you'll be back tomorrow.



                            AF Daily - Thur 13th November

                            Hi all - checking in really late tonight -

                            Speedster - I had the same dreams last week ( am on Day 13 now) - it felt so real - having 2 glasses of wine and the guilt was palpable - even though I was still asleep. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

                            Beaches and Tahlula - Welcome - this is an awesome thread - for me it helps popping on the site just before I go out (esp.if I feel cravings coming on). The L-Glutamine supps and evening primrose really help keep my cravings in check.

                            WIP love your post from yesterday.

                            Good night all!

