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AF Daily - Thursday November 20

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    AF Daily - Thursday November 20

    whew, late checkin for garlic breath!

    glad to see you all my AF friends! I'm back home and playing 'catchup' now.

    DG, I have an older Canon digital rebel which is a full sized digital SLR. similar to yours probably. I used it on auto for at least a year before really learning to use it. Now I use it on various modes and have invested in some really nice lenses for it. Photography is a fantastic hobby! PM me questions anytime, and lets post some cool pics.

    well, not been sleeping very well for many days now so it's time to ease back on the starbucks and see how that works. Better sleepy than hungover though...

    be well friends
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - Thursday November 20

      Hello again!! This thread is really becoming a fast moving one, so there is lots new to catch up on during lunch!

      Speedster - thank you for not being offended by my challenge!! I should have done more homework to realize that you are one of the WISE ones who is tackling this problem before it is too far gone to ever bring back under control. I hope it works for you - but you have a good attitude so things WILL work for you whether AL can be part of your life or not. That is cool! Mr. Doggy drinks exactly as you describe. He will have the occassional beer on the RARE occassion where a cold beer sounds good to him. But that's about as often as creme brulee (great analogy!). And if he's in the mood for a beer, but there is no beer, no big deal. Now running out of Pepsi...that's another story. (and not a good story with all that sugar but I'll save that for nagging Mr. Doggy about!)

      Cindi, I'm lovin' your hugs!! :l:l:l

      OMW - I love your list of things you feel good about today. I don't have kids so I can only imagine. But it must really be something to shuttle your kid back and forth to ______(insert activity here) year after year and then suddenly have the kind of realization you did last night - WOW!! My kid is really GOOD at _______________(activity). How cool!

      Greenie - LOL I love your terms Estranged One and especially gobshite. And I have no idea if the "i" is long or short but I love it either way!! I only read a little bit about your letterboxing but it sounds very interesting. So when you are away visiting your family, will you be looking for someone else's letterbox based on clues, or will you be setting out a letterbox of your own, or both? Or maybe I totally misunderstood the gist of letterboxing!! Also, glad to hear that little doggie's heart worm test was all good!

      Charlee, since we're past all that now (knock on wood and all that), I admit I was sort of laughing at the visual of the sad morning routine. You sure have a way with words. Of course part of what made it easy to visualize is because of how closely I can relate. It surely is wonderful to wake up feeling good. I will never forget the first time I drank after 60 days AF. I had 3 drinks, which is barely warming up for me under normal circumstances. OMG did I have a horrendous hangover the next day. I thought my head was going to explode. (but of course it didn't deter me at the time from drinking the following day, and the following day, etc. ad nauseum)

      LVT - next time I'll suggest two sandwiches! I'm glad that hubby shared with you what the stress was all about. For me anyway, it drives me nuts NOT to know. Once the problem is out in the open, we can work on it. Is hubby thinking of looking for another job or given the economy is this just one that has to be tolerated for awhile? (not that it's any of my business!!! - I'm just glad you guys talked about it)

      Deter - a woman who has taught me what little I DO know about taking pictures of dogs uses a Canon Rebel!! That is a nice camera and you are right - very similar to the Nikon model that I have. You are so right that the lenses are so much of it. I would LOVE to pick your brain more and share some pics!! Well...mainly I want to see your pics. Isn't there a section for that here at MWO? I'll have to dust that off in my memory and re-visit that section.

      Had a GREAT workout at Curves today. I worked out with one of the owners - it's a "class" to intensify the aerobics. It's usually just me and her so today we really went for it. We went 3 times around the circuit (2 is the normal workout). It was great. Especially during th final lap when "who wears short shorts" music came on...boy did we have some silly fun with that while we finished off an intense workout. Loads of laughs and no hangover to go with it. Life is good.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Thursday November 20

        DG, We will go hunting for some letterboxes. I don't know about "planting" one. When I plant one mine will be called "The Freedom Box" either in honor of AF for some significant number of days like 200 on Groundhog Day or the legal finality of marriage to Feckin' Gobshite! (Helps when you see the term in context) Estranged one is really nicer, but feckin' gobshite feels so damn good to say it loudly with the correct intonation. :H:H:H
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday November 20

          Evening all (well it's evening in UK)

          This would normally be my witching hour but i'm getting through it OK - had a can of ginger beer - OK but a bit sweet. That's one of my main problems - I still haven't really found a substitute drink for wine, which I used to drink in the evenings. I'm not really soft drinks person - find them too sweet - have tried alcohol free wines (although some people have warned me this is psycholgically close to the real thing and could easily leed to relapse )- I must admit I've generally never found them really like the real thing so I feel there's no danger there - have actually found one AF "champagne" I quite like. Alcohol free beer is OK and reasonably refreshing but I was never really a beer drinker. To be honest a cup of tea is as good as anthing (don't like coffee). I actually reall liked the taste of dry white wine (not just the effect it had on me), so I miss this as well. Anyone else found it difficult to find a substitute drink that they like?


            AF Daily - Thursday November 20

            Hi everyone, I'm late here as usual, by oh my, so much good stuff to read!!!

            First off, I must say THANK YOU DG, I :h you. I SO much appreciate you taking the time to share so much info with me and everyone else. You are a godsend!

            RE: Smart Recovery: I ordered the introductory book for Smart Recovery -- I think its different than the workbook. Besides reading here I have limited patience for reading things on the computer screen, so a physical book sounded better to me. But, I will look at the toolbox. I signed up for their forum but there wasn't a place for just drinkers and I felt a little lost -- though some of the food issue posts were interesting to me. Didn't see where you could talk about the tools. I'll investigate more closely. Maybe I will try out an online meeting. Again I was a little confused, I thought maybe I needed a microphone on my computer to participate -- which I don't have -- I'm not a bells & whistles kind of person.

            RE: Thyroid issues: I'm ordering that book today!!! I really like my doctor -- she is really smart and takes time to talk to me. I was impressed that after my hiatus in Canada she remembered all about me -- so unusual these days. She actually specializes (now) in HIV patients but I started with her when she was a general internist. I believe she would order specific tests for me if I spoke to her about it, as she's all about trying new treatments for her other patients.

            I'm jealous about your freezer and beef delivery! I was just pricing freezers and for now, alas, not in our budget. But I also think its very cool to be buying beef the way you are, and I agree (I think you said this last week) that its nice to do things the way our Grandparents did. I was thinking next summer I am going to try canning. I have access to such beautiful produce here and its seems so appealing to "put up" fruit & veg for the winter.

            I was looking into fitness options the other day and since there's limited choices in my town I was thinking about Curves, but I'm skeptical. Years ago I belonged to a Jack Lalaine that used the circuit and I never liked it. I like having options about what I'm going to do that day: weights & cardio, just cardio, just weights, etc. But I wonder if my resistance is psychological, because it would mean committing to something! Well, for now I'm going to walk and possibly bike. I took Dingo on another walk yesterday (an hour) and walked up the huge hill behind our neighborhood where there's an open space preserve. I've been bringing my camera, I wish I could post some pics here.

            DG & Det: I have a Leica Digilux 1 -- one of their 1st digital cameras. Nothing as fancy as a SLR!!! Husband says I will need to get a job if I want one of those, which I do, badly. I love photography, though I don't know all the technical stuff, I just like playing around. I also have an old Pentax K-1000, a Holga (a cheap Russian camera that takes dreamy film images as they all have light leaks), and an old Polaroid Land camera. I guess I'm fairly artsy about photography but I would like to become alot more serious about it. I also worked for a portrait photographer for a year (2 years ago) doing digital retouching, so I know how to do digital plastic surgery!!! I'd love to see some of your pictures.

            Speedster, its great you have dropped your sugar intake! Good for you! I guess I'm confused too, I thought the party this Saturday was at your house. Well, ODAT like you said. No use getting anxious about the 2nd. I bet you'll do great and wonder why you ever worried! Hey, also I think its cool that you do agility -- I've always suspected the Spotty Dingo would be good at that -- how did you get started?

            Cinders, glad you are headache free today. Do you know what causes them? I always feel so sorry for you when I hear you have another one. Maybe the longer you go AF the less you'll have them?

            Greenie, glad your doggie is OK and good on ya for for adopting a stray. Have a great AF holiday. What does gobshite mean?!?

            LVT, glad you got to talk with your husband. That absolutely sucks about your insurance!!! I hope things turn around in the country faster than they're saying they will ... it just seems like one thing after another. But, best to talk about it.

            Sausie, I drink lime-flavored soda water. I'm not a soda person and don't like drinking a lot of sugar, so for me that works -- though I agree its doesn't replace the flavor of a dry white wine -- but nothing will and thats not an option. You may have the Perrier one in the UK. I drank that while I lived in Canada. Its not a very intense lime flavor, just a hint. When I want something special I drink a bottle of fancy Italian grapefruit soda. Also I've mixed herbal teas and regular soda water to good effect.

            Hi and good wishes to everyone else!

            Well, off to do stuff. Hubby just told me last night he has a potluck lunch tomorrow and needs a dish to bring. I asked him how long he's known about it and he said, oh, a few weeks (!!!) but then said he's buy the ingredients and make it if I found the recipe he was looking for: his Mom's Calico beans, an old Minnesota recipe that has ground beef, bacon, pork and beans and everything fatty! They're yummy but I had to make a lighter version, it just seemed way too excessive. But, the original is OK I guess for a bunch of men. Mmmmm ... meaty!

            Day 5!


              AF Daily - Thursday November 20

              Hey all,

              Just a flying visit today..Been very busy the last week which is a good thing as not to much time to sit and think..Day 26..Today...And feeling strong
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                AF Daily - Thursday November 20

                What a long thread today - no time again to read thoroughly. Just loggin on 11pm for first time today. Busy day with work then food shopping for Saturday's meal.........which included wine shopping. Feel okay, just tired and desperate for some "me" time, I know I badly need a swim. Hoping to take Brigid's advice and get a good long swim Saturday morning - it always does me good and hopefully will set me up so I can deal with Saturday night.

                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

