WIP I'm glad your dinner turned out nice - I know you said there was a major change this past year for the friends you used to celebrate with. I'm happy for you!
Deter, I hope you made it through the big crowd event without too much discomfort. I KNOW you made it without booze and I'm proud of you for that!
Mom3 - your day sounds fantastic!
And hello to everyone else from yesterday's thread!
Brigid I'm so glad that you post here. I love being able to hear the perspective of someone with multiple years of sobriety. I'm glad this is turning into a more serious type of thread about dealing with the process of becoming sober and living a fulfilling life without booze. There are always many threads that are more for fun. Please keep coming and posting your thoughts and pearls of wisdom.
Thanksgiving dinner was very nice for us! It was great to be sober AND not "worrying" over how fast we could get out of there to resume the drinking for the day. We had many laughs. My brother's new girlfriend is very nice and took our "crap" like a trooper LOL! One of my cousin's who is gay has finally after all these years come out of the closet so to speak and brought his partner to the gathering. His partner is lots of fun and a great addition to the family. I'm glad the family "elders" are finally more accepting of these things. We're finally moving into the current century.
I am reading a book right now that some of you may want to read. It's The Diet Cure by Julia Ross. The description below the title on the cover is "the 8-Step program to rebalance your body chemistry and end food cravings, weight problems, and mood swings - now! Ross's program is based on....guess what.....amino acid deficiencies and the many problems they cause. She developed this program for mood and weight management based on what she learned at...you guessed it....an alcohol / drug rehab program that was apparently at the forefront of nutritional (amino acid) therapy to help with addiction. The examples and explanations are down to earth (not a lot of medical terminology) but give more in depth information than the My Way Out book did. I'm finding it facinating since it has been obvious for the last 6 months that there is a strong connection between substance addiction and food (i.e. sugar!) and exercise / endorphins, etc. Just thought I'd mention that in case anyone wants to check it out from your library.
OK - I am watching figure skating again. This time it's NHK Trophy from Japan! Pairs are on and the field is not a real strong one at this event, but there is a guy wearing hot pink and I have to check this out a little more fully.
One of these days I'll have to post the cheesecake recipe - cranberry / orange / walnut was fabulous!! (OK WIP I'll make something else for you - how about flourless chocolate cake? All sugar free of course!)
Happy sober Friday everyone!