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31st March

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    31st March

    hiya all .Happy Easter are we doing today then? hope all is well. Our clocks went forward last night .so we get an extra hour of daylight.They are sending an engineer out on Tuesday to hopefully sort out the wire spaghetti that Bonnie made.Was out this morning with my camera whilst the world was in sleeping mode was great .hope everyone has a great day .

    In school we where doing letter of the day! And this day was the letter N! Teacher said Dave tell the class something you’re not good at that starts with a N!
    I said spelling!​

    before the iron age, did people just walk around in creased clothes....

    A man and his nagging wife were on holiday in Jerusalem, when the
    wife suddenly died. The funeral company told the man that it would cost
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Sooo glad I saved this post. System wouldn't let me in the first time I tried....

    MAE ALL...started posting on Friday and then lost power and internet. I'm used to Mic's never ending rain but to report that it is once again snowing all day is not normal. The plus side it is the light fluffy stuff, I guess. I did manage to get out of found, wait for it, not 1 but 2 pairs of shoes. YAY Not the most flattering but they will do over the rainy season and summer appropriate. I can't wear sandal's right now as there is something going on with my toe nails and need to keep my toes covered. I'm seeing a hair/nail dermatologist later this month to figure out what's up. So all in all a good day!

    Now that it's Sunday...Happy Easter All...

    TG...from what you've told us you made your elders life rich and meaningful. When you think about what to take over to her, smile and realize you made a HUGE difference in her life.

    Mick...and I thought I had power/internet problems. Geeze! Glad you were able to get some of it working for you. You're a handy guy to have around. LOL The centre is closed this weekend so no worries there.

    Lav...I believe you, life with bipolar is one fiasco after another and then I'd had enough. If he wasn't going to take responsibility I wasn't gong to live with everything was my fault. I don't regret the decision I made. I made a cauliflower casserole yesterday, always wanted to try it. It wasn't a major hit and will tweak a few things next time I'm craving it. LOL It's going to be standard ham, scallop potatoes and brussel sprouts tonight. I've made that before so no worries.

    Slo...yes, I was rewarded two fold. I've never heard the actual outcome of the "bridge" event but after 24 hours it ended and no drama was reported. I hope your Easter dinner is a huge success and the young grandchildren behaved themselves.

    Shout out to the rest of the group. Have a good day all...PQ


      Happy Easter friends,

      Very quiet here but that’s OK. I actually spent some time out on the deck removing all the green gunk from the white fence & railings. Looks nice now where I cleaned but there’s a lot more to get done. I’m asking myself WHY we chose white railings a few years ago when we had them redone, Lol. In my next life I’ll choose the black, haha! This is the first Easter in my entire life with no chocolate or jelly beans in the house. Wasn’t sure if I could do it to be honest. That sweet bread braid I made yesterday is sweet enough for us oldies.

      Mick, I’m enjoying the extra hour of daylight, hope you do too.
      Glad the camera os keeping you active & interested!!

      PQ, I can’t believe you’re still getting snow, sorry. Congrats on finding the shoes you need, not always an easy task. I gave up wearing sandals years ago for many reasons. Plus they’re too big of a trip hazard at this age & I don’t need that. I hope your dinner went well.

      Hello to Pie, Cyn & Slo.

      Have a nice night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        hiya all how are you doing? hope all is good .its taken me ages to get on here was telling me to register then it wouldnt let me gone to the new computer and here I am .been pouring with rain all day but its really hot too.real storm weather Got some nice pics of the deer in the back field this morning ,they were right up to the back fence .2 young bucks playing the Im in charge game .going out with the camera in the morning ..Ive really taken to this ,though tbh a t times it does get frustrating .

        hiya Lav yes I enjoy the extra hour .a bit of sushine would be nice too,Ive got to gp up the grave tomorrow or Wednesday ,to clean the gravestone .meant to say ..Julie went up with her sil ,Amy and her niece on Saturday lay some flowers for her mum ..there were already some laid for her brother up there ...and Imake no apologies for the language ..some fkin arsehole had stolen the pots and the flowers .Julie was really upset ..I will walk that graveyard see if I can find them ..not that I can prove who it was but I would dearly love to find them and have a bit of chat low can you stoop .now wonder animals rate higher in my pecking order .Rant over hope you have a god day

        hiya ppqp .how are you doing today ?hope all is good ...Result with the shoes well done .tonights scran for me is mince and chips ..Is the centre open today? normal service resumed?Do you not play bridge anymore?hope you have a good day anyway

        big hello to everyone else .

        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Mae all,
          Sorry to be away so much... I am tired, and can't seem to do anything but the things that absolutely need to be done. My cousin is still in the hospital - I didn't get any Easter things to her, but will try to do it tomorrow. Biggest news is about my step-daughter moving here in May. We are planning how her move will work - I will accept the shipment and oversee the move in while she drives across the country. Big stuff. I hope it will be a new chapter in her life that she will enjoy. She is really looking forward to being with family. I am working several days this week; we'll see how my energy holds. I have this Garmin that records and rates sleep - so interesting - and lots of other heath markers. Gives me info that I can use to improve how I function with this condition.

          Mick, wonderful that you have early morning hours to get those special shots. PPQ - hope things are working out at work and home (and shoes). SLO - did you have little ones around at Easter? Lav, I cleaned the green gunk off of our white deck before selling our CT house - it made it SO much better, but jeez the "elbow grease" was intense.

          Sorry if I missed someone - will try again soon... I hope things will settle down soon and there will be some kind of "normal". One can hope anyway.


            I’ve been up since 3 am this morning. Oh well. Ideally Huxley will nap with me when I babysit him today, but that is unlikely.

            I had four little ones around for a few hours for Easter. It was nice! They weren’t too destructive.

            Your sweet bread is a work of art, Lav!

            I too had to give up wearing sandals. I have lots of shoes to give away.
            And I have given up the idea that I don’t need to wear both the orthotic and the built-up sole on the left side, to make up for the large @#$& knee replacement that has lengthened my right leg. My left foot is in a fair amount of pain, trying to get used to shifting its shape to accommodate all this.

            White deck fencing sounds annoying! Thanks for the warning.

            That’s terrible, Mick, that flower pots would be stolen right off a grave. I do hope you find them when you walk the cemetery.

            I might have to wave the white flag of defeat and get cleaning help in. I wish I like my condo, but -through a series of untoward events that changed the trajectory -I just hate how the main living space turned out. I just don’t like it at all, and don’t like being in it. And I need a tub in my bathroom, and there’s another expense.

            And, I’m just so ticked off that the guys on the condo board who run the pond were rotten to our neighbors across the pond: putting “No Trespassing -Keep Out” signs right in front of the guy’s house & yard, which started a sign war between him and them. Which culminated in the guy becoming so enraged that he cut down a huge swath of the trees in his yard and also took out the topsoil, leaving just mud for us to look at. And he took out the large pine trees that shielded his driveway mess, so that we’d have to look at his mess instead. And he keeps the brightest, whitest lightbulbs possible in his lights on either side of his side-facing garage, and keeps them on nearly all the time. So, no more sitting out on my balcony enjoying calm ambiance; instead, have two bright spotlights in my eyes. Grrr.

            I’m traveling this weekend to visit D3, and they live in the path of the full eclipse! So I might get to see that too! (weather permitting)
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              hiya all how are we doing today then?hope all is well .the guy has just been to fix the internet where madam chewed it all up ..about
              Attached Files
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                MAE ALL...have a community cleanup workshop starting in 5 mins so this is a quick jump in. Will catch up with everyone afterwards or tomorrow depending on how long this takes....PQ


                  Just jumping in to say Hello & thank you to Pie for sending me a link so I can finally get on the site. Don’t know what’s happening that’s preventing me from getting on the site.
                  Had lunch out with a good friend today, needed that!

                  Cyn, you’re sounding exhausted with everything going on. Please take good care of yourself, we need you here.

                  Mick, nice pics, glad you got a chance to get out with the camera. We had a ton of rain tpday, even a thunderstorm, geez.

                  Slo, I can see why you’re thinking about moving. I probably would be too under those conditions, sorry. I hope you find real comfort with your leg/shoe situation real soon. That would be great seeing the eclipse in the right spot. Not sure how much we will see here but it will be some.

                  hi to PQ & thanks again to Pie.

                  take care all,
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Hello all, and how are we today? Hope everyone is doing okay. I am just in the car park at the moment near the just taken julie's dad for an appointment. They are trying to find out what makes him keep going Dizy and falling down. The original idea was to put him on a treadmill.Then someone clicked hang on.This man is eighty two years old and can hardly walk. Hope we are all doing well.I took some more pictures yesterday.However as you can see I am not that brilliant at putting them on here at the moment. It is. Completely different from the way I used to do it.So it is now just by trial and error. I am doing this on my phone so please excuse any grammatical errors. It is pouring down with rain so that doesn't really help.I m sitting shouting at my phone in the car. Television internet and everything else now to the front room stays firmly shut. The guy is coming tomorrow to fit.The whole doorway which is very similar in design to both the front room one and the one under the stairs only it is cut In half if that makes sense. I have just handed a call from Julie to go and pick her dad up. He has got yet another prescription for tablets so if possible I will.
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Hey friends,

                      we had a lovely afternoon driving in torrential rain to & from a doc appt. For YB - an hour each way, ugh. All of the little streams & creeks are overflowing after 3+” ofrain. The river I was concerned about is nearing flood stage, geez. This storm system has been causing tornado outbreaks as it east across the country. Taiwan jjust had a deadly earthquake yesterday, sad. Makes you wonder what’s going on?

                      Mick, I wonder what the diagnosis was for your FIL. So many things can cause dizziness & falls. Adding more meds is usually frowned upon in these cases. I hope whatever he was given is helpful. Good luck with your new door installation.

                      Hellos to PQ, Cyn, Pie & Slo. Hope everyone is OK.

                      Still had to search for another way to get on the site just now - not sure what’s going on & causing the problem.
                      Have a nice night all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        MAE was a steady but quiet day so it went by fast enough. The Information Session for the Community Cleanup last night was VERY PAINFUL!!! It was virtual and all the City speakers mics weren't working properly so you couldn't hear them and everyone was offering suggestions. It went on forever,

                        Mick...all I can think of is your pictures are too big, too many pixels. Any chance you can resize them before uploading? When I click on the original it's huge. There's lots of free online photo editing sites. I sure hope they can figure out what's going on with Julie's Dad. We got rain today as well. Just a few sprinkles though. Boss is having a problem trying to make the software we're using do what he wants as far as online facility bookings are concerned. I suggested we put the online booking on pause and look at this new software package we came across. I can't believe I said that! LOL He perked right up.

                        Lav...geez, don't know why you're having so many problems logging into the site. Sorry you had to make the doc appointment during torrential rain. Our rain didn't last long but by the time I headed for home it was trying to snow. Yup, another cold front coming down. Snow tonight with the majority of it lasting all day tomorrow. Snowfall warnings just to the West of us right now. This is getting so tiering.

                        Waves to Pi, Slo, TG and Sam if you pop in and out. Have a good night all....PQ


                          mae are we doing then? hope all ids good .Julies dad is now on angina tablets too..basically they havent got a scooby doo what it is .Taking the camera out this morning for a little while .Ive got the guy coming to fit the kitchen door later on ..its a special make otherwise Id have done it myself .

                          hiya ppqp are you doing? hope all is well.dont know what it is with the pics Ive tried different ways ..previously I used to download them on here without having to do anything ..that includes the jokes etc I havent done anything different ,,the whole format for it has changed on here .I aint spending my life downloading pics! they are actually in raw format which I have to change to jpg before I even think of putting them on.Rain instead of snow ..thats a result!

                          hiya Lav ,how are you doing? hope all is ok.yep fil got more tablets ...was listening to theradio earlier and the uk on an average though how they worked it out I know not ...has had 5ft of rain this year .Every time I come on this site I have to login ..even though I ticked the remember me box .itisnt saving my id ..I am a non person ..a mere nonentity passing through ....hope you have a good one .

                          hiya everyone else
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Good early morning! I seem to wake up at 4:00 am every morning. What can you do?

                            My foot is hurting from all this weird shoe stuff.
                            It’s so strange not being able to do aerobic exercise. My heart doesn’t like it, and I can’t release stress.

                            I got my carpets cleaned yesterday, and hopefully the landing on the stairs won’t smell like cat excrement & puke anymore. They found pet discharge in the second bedroom too. I wonder if it’s from when D2 brought her piddling puppy over here on Easter, and didn’t even ask me if that’s ok? And then just explained that she might pee in the house? Grrr!

                            Lav, administrator left you a message under “MWO Subscriber Forum, Change of Platform”. It might help you for getting into the site.
                            You are getting a lot of rain, just like Mick. Ours is coming down as heavy, wet snow.

                            PQ, the Community Center evening informational meeting sounds like it went awful! Yes, painful to get through.

                            Julie’s dad isn’t as old as I thought he was, Mick! I sure hope I don’t end up unable to walk in my early 80s, even though I’m heading that way already.

                            Hi to TG and Pie!
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Greetings friends,

                              We had a few hours of brilliant sunshine this morning. Then the clouds, rain & hail moved in, Lol. I’ve been anxious to get out & see if my feet will let me walk again (need to lose more than a few pounds, haha)! Looks like next week we will have some decent weather for walking. Made a pot of Tuscan bean soup using fresh spinach & pea sprouts from our greenhouse, yum. Also baked up two small pizzas in the min oven, yum. I use part whole wheat flour in the pizza dough, a bit healthier & improved taste. The best part of the day was I got to visit with my grandsons for the better part of an hour. They needed to borrow a tool from YB. My son does not seem to bother talking to me anymore. I guess his deluded wife has told him not to talk to me. At least the boys both said they were happy to see me & I believe they were.

                              PQ, nice job getting the boss’s attention, haha! Whatever works, right?
                              So we’ve had a full month’s worth of rain in the past 3 days, the ground is so saturated trees are falling over. Several people in the easter part of PA have been killed when trees fell on their cars, crushing them. How sad. I really hope your snow season is almost over!!

                              Mick, 5 feet of rain is enough to swim in, geez! How do your trees manage to keep standing?
                              The new meds for angina could cause your FIL’s BP to drop causing dizziness & falls. Was he actually C/O chest pain when he was taken to the hospital. I wouldbe asking a lot of questions, that’s dangerous. Hope the new door arrived & was installed as planned.

                              Cyn, I know you’re busy but please take good care of yourself.

                              Slo, it’s hard to do any exercise when your feet are hurting. I hope the carpet cleaning worked out OK.
                              I saw the message from the Admin, thanks. When I clicked that link it took me right to the “not secure’ message again. I guess I’ll keep coming in the side door I’ve been using the past few days. I hope th esnow isn’t too big of a pain, I saw pics on the news.

                              Hello to Pie & anyone else stopping by tonight.
                              Have a nice night all.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

