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21st April
MAE ALL...we almost hit 17 today, sunny and the gale force winds had stopped. I ended up working on stuff I've been putting off. Not that it's hard, it's boring. LOL
Mick...not another dentist trip. Oh my. With only .02mm you would have hoped he got it right in the first place. Sorry to hear about Bonnie, wonder if it has anything to do with the changing of the seasons and all that new grass. It's sure lucky that you know how to treat her. Hope she stays healthy for your trip on Sunday. I've heard of the Jurassic Coast before. You'll have a great time get some good pics. Boss was in today. At one point he said to me he'd been wondering why the accountant hadn't been harassing him and then realized she was off today. Tested the software later on today and it appears to be working. I had sent an email earlier this morning so maybe they tweaked something. Would be nice if they let me know.
Lav...not being a medical person I had to look up the C5 vertebrae. I understand why you're surprised he's still alive. Sorry to hear the horse had to be put down. That clown must have been travel at some speed. We're supposed to get a rain/snow mix on Friday so it's still going to be awhile before we can get in the gardens. They are turning on the underground watering on May 1st so at least we can keep the veggie gardens going. I am meeting with another garden volunteer tomorrow so we can figure out how to present a task list to the members. It's time some of them stepped up to share the load. I've been out of sorts the last couple of days, I think it's time for me to start booking off some time. I'll make that my mission tomorrow.
Shout out to Slo, Pie, Wags, TG...have a good night all...PPQP
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Good evening friends,
sunny day here, still a bit chilly but that’s fine. Soon enough it will be too hot!!
Word is our Amish friend was taken into surgery today to see if they can stabilize a cervical fracture. His C5 was crushed, I don’t know how he’s still alive, that injury kills or paralyzes people. He’s still on life support, I don’t know what they’re expecting with him. I woke up a few times last night, he was on my mind. The horse apparently was able to escape & was found in a nearby filed with sever leg injuries & was put down. It’s all so sad. YB just told me today that this man’s father died in a road accident as well, strange to say the least.
Sitting on the deck & just had the first hummingbird visitor at the feeder. Makes me happy when they return each year.
PQ, nice on the DF day yesterday haha!! You’re always so busy at work, I hope the truly appreciate you. I think we will have a few more near freezing nights before the weekend. I think next week it will warm up here so I can get planting.
Mick, sounds like you have a really cool trip planned, have fun
I hope Bonnie stays in good shape while you’re away. It’s true, my cats have a lot of territory to cover here, it seems like they know the boundaries. We have plenty of field mice & other small critters for them to play with too, Lol
Hello to Slo, Cyn, Pie & anyone else checking in later.
Have a nice night all!
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mae all are we doing today then?hope all is well.Just back from the dentist....again of the implants was too high and pressing on a nerve so had to go back and get it smoothed off ..unreal...he actually shaved 0.02 mm off the tooth .microscopic amounts .but that tiny amount makes a heck of a difference .Bonnie wasnt too well last night ...she is getting on a bit and of course she pigged herself out on greens I gave her some metacam and cisapride and 10ml of water .I could hear her stomach moving .
Lovely and sunny here today .GFot a couple of days to sort the van out .
hiya are you doing?hope all is well .Is your boss in today?has the software.been fixed yet?yes all the pics were of the wedding too.Next holiday starts on Sunday.Drive down to Tewksbury ,overnight there and then on to Charmouth down on the south coast .We are doing what they call the Jurassic coast . .This will give you an idea of the place.I couldn't get on the site earlier either .
hiya Lav are you today? glad your mood has sorted itself out .How is the Amish man and his horse ..?I really hope they make it .Dave certainly has an impressive place to play in !!I keep chasing the cats from here one already has got the message ,.hope you have a good day
hiya teegee ,pie slo and anyone else? how are you doing ? hope things are ok with yall..
and finally.....
When you are bored just think about a few things that don't make sense ;
1. If poison expires, is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous?
2. Which letter is silent in the word "Scent," the S or the C?
3. Do twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned?
4. Why is the letter W, in English, called double U? Shouldn't it be called double V?
5. Maybe oxygen is slowly killing you and It just takes 75-100 years to fully work.
6. Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty.
7. The word "swims" upside-down is still "swims"
8. 100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses.
9. If you replace "W" with "T" in "What, Where and When", you get the answer to each of them
Four great confusions still unresolved:
1. At a movie theatre, which arm rest is your's?
2. If people evolved from monkeys, why are monkeys still around?
3. Why is there a 'D' in fridge, but not in refrigerator?
4. Who knew what time it was when the first clock was made?
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MAE ALL...boss sent an email this morning saying he was working from home today. He has to find a new place to live, the owner of the house he's renting has decided to sell. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about that yet. So I got the Craft Sale Registration up and running and then got inundated with emails about pickleball. The membership lookup isn't working properly but I did come up with a workaround until I can touch base with the software company and have them look at it. 186 pics! Were they all of the wedding? Nice you got a good day on Sunday with no rain. We're supposed to hit 17 on Wednesday, we shall see. When are you heading out on your next vaca?
Slo...glad you had a good time with daughter, sounds like you had some fun. I am not a cleaner, never have been. My youngest son goes on cleaning streaks, so that helps. LOL sorry to hear about the accident with your Amish friend, that's awful. We're still going down below freezing at night, like you no planting until after May long weekend.
I am absolutely bushed so am signing off. Have a good night all...PPQP
Had a hard time getting this to post but it finally made it. Couldn't click on Like at all either.
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Greetings friends,
we have sun today after a very chilly night, went down to freezing. This happens all the time in this area & that’s why I don’t plant much outside until May. Frost warning up for tonight as well. We received news that one of our original Amish friends (70 yr old) is in a Level 1 trauma center in Delaware on life support. He was on the road with his buggy this morning & was rear ended by a pickup truck. These little back roads are not speedways but you just can’t convince some people. Don’t know if he’s going to make it, don’t even know if his horse survived. Such a sad situation. He has a huge family & is the ‘bishop’ for the local area so everyone knows him 😢
Mick, I probably haven’t been paying attention - where are you going this time? Hope it’s a fun trip.
my mood is back to ‘normal’, grateful for that. Since I can’t plant much yet I’ll continue to walk around & attack the weed issue here, Lol
Hello to all & wishing everyone a nice night!
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Hiya all back to reality..raining are you all doing? Ok i hope we are starting to get the stuff for our holidays sorted fact we are actually looking at the next holiday!!just checked the greenhouse .radishes and cucumbers are coming on well.time to do that awful job of pricking out
Hiya slo .how are you doing? Hope all is ok with you..sounds like you had a good weekend with daughter. Yes it was good at the wedding but being able to drive home with no issues. Plus no sore head...and believe me I am as daft as everyone else and thats saying something. Hope you have a good day
Hiya lav how are you ?no cooking to do?result. We are on stir fry tonight so no big drama with that. Julie has just gone out to get the going away shopping...hopefully the weather will stay still got the meh mood on or have you got past it now?.hope you have a good day
Big shout to everyone else
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Good evening all,
Cooler & cloudier today, just as promised. Ran out for a few grocery items then spent the afternoon in the kitchen cooking. I won’t have to cook for the next few days, yay.
You may have noticed I had difficulty posting yesterday but today I see my message posted twice, oh well.
Mick, glad you enjoyed the wedding. Having nice weather for taking photos is a definite plus 😊 Hope you enjoyed your afternoon out & about.
Slo, I’m glad to hear you enjoyed time with your daughter, that’s great.
As far as the housework goes, I’m just over it haha!! I know I don’t have the stamina anymore & I know it’s a ridiculous waste of time. I do the minimal, it’s fine. I do keep up with the animal hair as much as possible. My refrigerator is freezing eggs, we’ve adjusted the temp in that thing several times. It’s only a few years old, don’t want to have to replace it just yet. It’s always something.
Hello to Pie, thanks for responding to me on messenger last evening.
Hello to PQ, Cyn & anyone checking in.
Have a nice night all!
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Happy Sunday!
So you survived the wedding, Mick -and your reward for going through a wedding celebration AF was to be able to drive home rather than having to stay in a hotel!
PQ, it’s always nice to be able to get out of work early on a Friday.
I do hope your Premier is able to get her proposed legislation to pass.
Housework has always weighed heavily on me too, Lav -I hate it. And now it’s tricky because I can only do so much each day due to my mobility & pain challenges.
At least I have downsized, so that helps. And I got a Roomba vacuum now. I also have a Roomba for the basement and garage. Pathetic, but I can no longer sweep those large areas, so need to make modifications.
Really good news that your neighbor’s son doesn’t have pancreatic cancer, as that is lethal.
Yes, I had a wonderful time visiting my daughter at college! We played board games with her roommates, went out to eat a couple times, watched movies & shows, visited with her roommates over monkey bread, talked…it was very nice to get to spend time with her. She didn’t want me coming last weekend for her swim banquet because her dad would be there, and she didn’t want me coming next weekend because it’s her 21st birthday which she wants to spend with friends -so this weekend it was!
It’s cold but finally sunny here today.
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21st April
Hiya all how are we today then?hope all is well .A change over here is 17 degrees...yes and rain at all.just checked my camera...took 186 pics yesterday some good some not so good to put it politely. Going out for a bimble this afternoon. Hope everyone else is doing ok and that the weekend is doing good for you
take care allTags: None
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