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May 12

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    Hey kids,
    How’s everyone? It was nice chatting with Mick & Pie this afternoon. Of course seeing Mick’s nice pics.
    spent a few hours outside with a hedge trimmer, got a lot done but not all. Overgrown shrubs just get on my nerves LOL. We had sunny skies then the clouds rolled in before dinner. No big rain predicted, just showers off & on.

    Det, glad you have settled in another town & are already out meeting & greeting. I’ll keep my fingers crossed you drum up some business quickly. Nice you found an ex pat group nearby too. Sounds like you’re doing all the right things!

    PQ, good job extending your time off, enjoy. Glad your new med is agreeing with you. I’m getting more steps daily running Doc outside multiple times per day, haha. Not a bad thing really! Did your storm arrive as promised?

    Hello to Cyn, Slo & anyone else stopping in later.
    Have a nice night all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae all,
      thanks for all the news... I will also check FB, but not tonight. Time for bed. I started today with working on the Shelter lunches. There was 100 lbs of ground beef to cook in preparation for the Wednesday-packing-up-lunches, so I met the senior cook there, and we got it done. (I was never a big beef eater, and now I am OVER IT!) After that I went to SD's new apartment and helped her do some unpacking. Tonight I spent finishing a letter that will go on the website/in the program book of the summer festival where my dear man was the conductor... it's been so long since I did any writing, this was an excruciating 300 word document!! I finally submitted something... I hope it will be okay.

      I am not usually affected by allergies, but this Spring has absolutely slammed me. I am a snotty mess!! Makes me a little cranky - hopefully tomorrow I'll find some relief in a med... just don't want to be up all night, so I'm being careful which med I take...

      Tomorrow I start up again on a 4-day in a row work streak... No rest for the wicked, I guess.

      Thx to all for your news - Det, what a nice thing to hear about where you are. Well done! Sending all best wishes to the group -



        Another condo came up for sale today in the complex that I was interested in back in March -and I looked at it today, and put a bid in tonight! I find out tomorrow night if I got it! But, they are having an open house today -so I will have competition. We’ll see what happens!

        TG, I cannot imagine browning 100 pounds of ground beef…and with only two people to do all that?? You’re amazing. What a busy day you had. I hope your words ended up expressing just what you wanted to say to the music festival.

        PQ, a well-deserved time off you had! And more quiet & freedom while at work with Boss gone.
        I watched the final episode ever of Young Sheldon tonight! Sort of, as I was e-signing real estate papers at the same time. I will miss that show!

        Det, have you left Montenegro, or are you in another area of it; in a different city?
        It is a curiosity how interwoven chronic alcohol-drinking and alcohol culture is in so many societies.

        No, it’s not like you to be so tired, Mick. That’s more like me!

        Lav, hope you enjoyed your yard work. Have your allergies settled down?

        Young Daughter is in town for a couple weeks, so I have enjoyed some time with my darling girl. We took a little bike ride together today, and had lunch together and shopped a little yesterday.
        I had a nice luncheon out this week with ex-HB’s sisters, uncle, & cousin. We plan to do it again in late July or early August!
        I went to my niece's soccer game the other night. She’s such a good, strong player, and looks so much like her mother out there from a distance; and now grown up into a freshman in high school. Plus she plays just like her mother…her grandparents keep accidentally cheering for their deceased daughter rather than their granddaughter, as it takes them back 30 years!

        Our weather has also been back & forth between gorgeous and then threatening storms.


        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Hiya all how are we doing today? Hope all is good. Took the camera out this morning though tbh i didnt really want to go .Julie kicked me out. I was spiralling. Argyle is still ok ..he may not be able to walk much but his appetite hasnt gone anywhere he doesn't stop. He is still dragging his leg at times.and in the garage its a concrete went to a carpet sales shop and explained about him..result? He now has a short pile carpet in the garage covering half of the floor. Been reading up on his condition and there's a chance his condition could improve he will never be 100% but it could improve. We are going to look at another rabbit place for holidays tomorrow..its 15 minutes away and sounds impressive .there's a chance of seeing the northern lights tonight. We saw them veey faintly last night..sorry..2 am this morning. You see the sky pink and also white..not the best but hopefully better tonight i will put the vids on fb make your own minds up.

          Hiya slo ..well how did you get on with the condo?is it yours? Hope so .glad you had a good time with your daughter. I feel more positive today and not as tired i am at a back specialist on Monday so we will see how that goes. Have a good weekend

          Hiya teegee good to hear from is the snotty mess ?i think possibly as we get older we get more susceptible to things.100lbs of ground beef.thats a fair amount. And for dessert..a 300 word document..take it easy on your 4 dayer.

          Hiya ppqp are you doing today ?hope all is good .ues i understand your take on here and on fb..I don't intend to quit here it's just being on holiday and all the other things going on its easier for me especially as you say pics etc weekend off?phone off...good for you.have a great weekend.

          Hiya lav did you get all the gardening done? I was trying to work out the bushes you were describing...not sure though..I bought a couple of plants that attract bees and flutter bies...hope you have a good weekend

          Hiya det n everyone else..have a great weekend

          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Good evening friends,

            We had a sunless but dry day today. My daughter took the day off & drove out so I could take her to one of the Amish greenhouses for plants. She loaded up her car & was very pleased with the prices too. We stoped for lunch, something we haven’t been able to do for several years due to her work schedule. We enjoyed ourselves. Picked up a few more plants for my deck, they make me happy.

            Cyn, I’m just imagining a big pot offat after cooking all that ground beef, haha. That’s a lot of food right there that should make a lot of people happy. You’re stretching yourself pretty thin these days, be sure to get enough rest, please. I hate to bring it up but I’ve been reading about the latest Covid variant going around & it looks like a doozy. I hope we all have updated vaccines onboard. Don’t wear yourself down & become susceptible to the beast.

            Slo, wow good luck with the condo offer this time, you never know! Glad you’re getting some good daughter time, good for the soul. My allergies are still a mess (of course) & even worse after spending a few hours outside yesterday. It’s OK, just my new normal I guess. Hope the big storms stay away from you.

            Mick, Argyle is lucky to have you watching over him. The carpeted floor sounds like a great idea for him, hope it gives him some comfort. & free motion.
            We have so many things growing around here & with my crappy short term memory I forget the names of things quickly. I also notice I’m calling my animals by the wrong names but they don’t seem to care as long as they’re fed haha. We could use a full time gardener here if you are looking for a job at some point LOL

            Pie, glad you are OK after the big storm & we all hope your power comes back on quickly. Take care.

            Det, hope you had a good day & some interesting work is coming your way soon.

            OK everyone have a nice night & I hope you get a good view of the northern lights Mick!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              MAE ALL...this has been the longest Friday I've endured for a long time. It was raining in the morning and as I headed to work it tried to turn to snow. It was a dark cold 5C/41F day with a wind that just cut through you. But hey, that's May long in Alberta.

              Lav...saw your light on so thought I'd wait before posting. Never did get my thunderstorm yesterday, it did get dark with huge black clouds but they kept moving East. It did end up raining most of the night though. You were busy yesterday, more energy than me. Sounds like you had a lovely day today. How nice you could spend the time with your daughter. Heard about the storm in Texas, thanks for letting me know Pie is ok.

              Mick...good for Julie, sometimes you need that kick. Glad Argyl is ok, he's getting the best care he can. Good idea about the rug, I'm sure it helps. A new rabbit hotel. Any specific reason other than it's closer and sounds impressive? The Northern Lights have been spectacular here, well not yesterday. LOL Hope you had better luck tonight. FBM is perfect for you on holidays, so much easier and you can chat with everyone easily. Glad you're still going to post here though. Yup, phone off, no events at the community centre so all should stay quiet.

              Slo...good luck with the condo, got my fingers crossed for you. It's sad when your favorite show signs off for the last time. It's like losing a friend. More mother daughter time, glad you were able to enjoy it and get out and about. Sounds like you've been keeping yourself busy, good for you.

              Pie...just watching some video of the storm that hit Texas. Wow, so glad you're ok and hope power is restored soon.

              TG...still going a mile a minute. I'd be turned off beef after all that too. I thought your SD was getting her own apartment, it's nice that you can help her settle in. Congrats on finishing the website/program letter, I know how hard that can be. I'm sure it's be great. Hope you get some much deserved rest and can find something to help with the allergies tomorrow. Pace yourself at work.

              It's going to be a cold/wet long weekend and that's just fine by me. Don't plan on doing anything except reading and relaxing. Have a good night all...PPQP


                mae all are we today then? hope all is ok with everyone .lovely and sunny here today .We went up to the new place earlier onto see where they look after rabbits ,with a view to our rabbits going there what a place is a farm and they have rescue rabbits ,ducks chickens hens a dog jackdaws 2 owls and pigeons .I was genuinely impressed with the woman's attitude..She totally cares about animals and their welfare .You asked why I was thinking of moving them somewhere else? ok ..where I take them used to be small animal boarding only .but now they do animal hydrotherapy and have branched out a lot more ...the last couple of times I havent even seen the owners ..they have a lot of youngsters there for work experience ,and Im not so sure that they have the knowledge or experience dealing with them .that may be unfair ,but I know the following ...both my rabbits came back thinner than they went ...Argyls condition was always there but was more pronounced since he came back .Also Bonnies attitude has changed,,,,she wont come out of the hutch and is very frightened ...its like having her at the start again .We are cajoling her out of the hutch with treats ...initially we thought it maybe something between Bonnie and Argyl .but def not ..the bond is too close ..Never saw the northern lights last night .

                hiya are you doing? hope all is well ...What are you reading?Was the weekend as you expected? wet ?Yes Im still posting here .although it told me I was a guest this morning ...I actually enjoy posting and it is strangely cathartic .

                hiya Lav are you doing?sounds like you had a good time with your daughter .I bought some more plants too...Im running out of garden !!You would love seeing this farm we were at today ...a complete madhouse of animals .happy to garden for you ..though travelling may be a bit of a bummer ...Lancaster here is a bit farther than Lancaster there!!hope you have a great weekend .

                hiya pie hope all is good with you ..

                Slo did you get on with the condo ? is there an outcome yet?hope you get it .

                Teegee how are you ? at the start of your 4 day run?best of luck to you ,

                right folks have a great weekend

                Yesterday I was at my local Tesco store buying a large bag of My Dog dog food for my loyal pet and was in the checkout queue when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I had - an elephant? So, since I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Dog Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in hospital last time, but I'd lost 10 kilograms before I woke up in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pockets with My Dog nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in queue was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked me if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off the kerb to sniff a labradors rear end and a car hit me.​

                Without a doubt my favourite robin Williams film is mrs fire!

                A sweet grandmother telephoned Northwick Park Hospital. She timidly asked, "Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?"
                The operator said, "I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the name and room number of the patient?"
                The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said, Norma Findlay, Room 302."
                The operator replied, "Let me put you on hold while I check with the nurse's station for that room."
                After a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said,
                "I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is doing well. Her
                blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back normal and her
                Physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged tomorrow."
                The grandmother said, "Thank you. That's wonderful. I was so worried. God bless you for the good News."
                The operator replied, "You're more than welcome. Is Norma a relation?"
                The grandmother said, "No, I'm Norma Findlay in Room 302. No one tells me anything."​

                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Evening greetings friends,

                  Damp is the word here today, just dark, cloudy & seriously damp. Neither of us had a lot of energy to do much today after burning the midnight oil mopping up the basement floor, ugh. The hot water heater which we already had scheduled to be replaced on Tuesday just leaked all over the place. What a mess to clean up & now of course there’s no hot water for showers. I feel like I’m camping out in my own house, ridiculous. We will survive I’m sure.

                  PQ, yo need a trip to an island for some decent weather I think. Sure glad it didn’t turn to snow for you, geez.
                  After such a hectic Friday I;m sure a relaxing weekend is in order, enjoy!

                  Mick, I’m sure your bunnies are keeping you busy. I’ve never liked boarding my dogs they always came back thinner & Very dirty. We don’t go anywhere anymore so I don’t have that worry. I hope you can figure ut the best place for them. Doc has a squeaky toy that he particularly loves & it’s already getting on my nerves haha! Looks like tomorrow is going to be cloudy again but no rain so maybe I can get back outside for a while.

                  hello to Pie, hope you’re OK & glad your power is back!

                  Cyn, take it easy on yourself, OK? Sending hugs!

                  Slo, what’s the scoop on the condo? Hope your weekend is good.

                  Have a nice night everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    MAE rain yet today but every hour the sky changes...bright and sunny, overcast, dark clouds, bright and sunny, overcast, etc. etc, etc...LOL Forecast is for possible thunderstorms, I'm not holding my breath. Older son headed north Thursday and younger son headed east this afternoon, I think this is the first time I've had the place to myself in at least 3 years! Going to take advantage by decluttering and they won't even notice what's gone. LOL

                    Mick...I feel posting here is very cathartic too. like journaling. Must be an "AI" error as you will never be a guest: Sounds like you found an excellent new "hotel" for your furry family. I remember how pleased you were with their original "hotel" but things change and being you the care you expected wasn't good enough any more. I'm expecting you to see a huge change when you pick them up the next time.

                    Lav...oh no...what a mess and knowing that you had repairs scheduled for Tuesday just seems like a slap in the face. Reminds me of when we (my ex and me) had a sump pump fail in the finished basement just before my parents were to visit for the first time, spent 24hrs mopping, airing to make it presentable. I didn't even know what a "sump pump" was! Aside from clearing out some of the "clutter" I'm gong to treat myself to a home spa day.

                    Have a good night all....PPQP


                      I got the condo!!
                      Ended up going way over asking price to get it though, and waiving an inspection. But that’s what the housing market is like now. Closing date is 6/24.
                      People will think I’m crazy leaving my super nice new duplex condo on a pond for a small, old condo in a building…but that’s what I want to do. I don’t feel at home here, and I can’t keep up very well with the paralysis & pain problems that I have developed. I need to downsize and simplify.

                      My sister & I drove to the next big city over and took our mother out for an early dinner to celebrate her birthday. Then we all joined our little sister to watch her 11 y/o daughter dance her prize-winning solo dance. D2 & D4 (Young Daughter) met us there also. Gosh is my niece a talented dancer! Just like her mother was. Her dance sure stood out, as she has so much energy, so much confidence, and perfect timing.

                      PQ, that’s fun to get a weekend to yourself! Finally!

                      Lav, well shoot; you almost got the hot water heater out in time. Our (my ex & I) basement flooded a couple times too. Such a mess b
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        …bailing water, mopping, pulling up carpet, and renting big fans.
                        I’m glad you got a day out with your daughter. Work sure gets in the way of that type of get-together!

                        Mick, that sounds like a better place to board your rabbits! Boyd always got very stressed when I boarded him too.

                        Very warm weather today. Summer is here!
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

