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19th May

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    Good evening friends,

    Ok, I know my typing skills stink, haha!! Has anyone noticed the font is just smaller here since the update? Can’t see & can’t type Lol
    Lots of nearby storms today but practically nothing here. Tomorrow is the start of the long 4 day weekend but I think people’s BBQs are going to be soggy unfortunately.
    Still no plans here & that’s OK.

    PQ, no sin & no fun here either haha!!! I’m happy enough just getting outside when I can & weeding the raised garden beds. Talk about fun!!!
    Doc seems to be happier with his meals today, hope it lasts. He goes to the regular vet tomorrow, routine stuff.

    Slo, maybe the walking will get a bit easier as you build up. Leg muscles. Glad you were able to get out yesterday with your daughter, sounds nice.
    i really like this on demand hot water system so far & not having to worry about future floods in the basement. It’s pretty obvious Doc is food centric & I can’t feed him anymore than he’s already getting. No one wants an obese Swiss mountain dog. Good luck on the condo sale, I imagine your place will get lots of interested buyers.

    Mick, your van & car maintenance keep you on your toes. I like having things running safely & doing what they’re supposed to do!
    If only Scotland would take Trump back, you’d never hear me mention his name again haha! Harry & Meghan can stay, they don’;t bother anyone over here.
    hope your weather clears up soon.

    Hello to Cyn, hope yo are well!
    Hi to Pie & Det too!
    Have a nice night everyone.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL...another wet and soggy day. One minute pouring the next bright sun, cement drying, and then right back to a downpour. nice that young daughter has been with you all week, such a nice change. Yeah, good luck with getting the air conditioner re-fixed for free. They'll come up with some reason it's not their fault. So you'll have a month of non-stop offers on your place. Positive vibes there's a bidding war and you get well above any asking price. Hope you don't have too much to move.

      Mick...I really hope you took it easy today. You guys have been through a lot. Today does was a repeat at work, nice and quiet. Got caught up on some new booking requests and helped the childcare director figure out what the boss has asked her to do. LOL I felt it only fair as the assistant childcare director got me to the same thing for her. I should tell the boss to quit giving them things to do because all they do is get me to do it. LOL I understand though, sometimes it's hard to figure out what the boss is asking for. I of course just say "What are you talking about!" LOL The saga's been a little quiet lately, I think the boss has enough to deal with having to move by Jun 24th. and we were all excited for your sin day. The font looks fine to me, however my display is set at 200%. (Had to look after you asked.) Your turn for the 4 day weekend, sounds like it's going to be the same as everyone else's. Sounds like Doc is doing fine. My brother surprised me today and brought lunch. He invited me out but since I'm only supposed to take 30 minutes I suggested he just bring something here. He did finish his text with "of course I have a favour to ask". Told him he could just ask, didn't have to bring lunch. He said no way, I want to get out of the house. The ask was to dog sit for a week in August and of course I said sure. They're heading out to the island where their daughter is living, SIL will go a week before and brother will meet up with for the last week. I'll get all my instructions when I dog sit for Christmas in July and my nephew will be here and take the dogs for walks daily. So it's not like it's all up to me.

      It's salmon and asparagus for supper should get it started. Waves to TG, Det, Pie. Have a good night all...PPQP

