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26th may

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    Mae all .0640..outside the garage now waiting for it to open. Weather is lovely not a bit of rain so far. Wow see Trump got a full house on guilties..wonder how he is going to get out of that one.once the van has been checked over then im going to pick up the plants. Hopefully the weather will be kind today. They have forecast a nice warm week coming up..but heardcthat before!!hope everyone has a great weekend
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      MAE ALL...YAY it's the weekend. Quiet day to wind down the work week. Had a celebration of life this afternoon 50 people, and they needed to be gone by 4pm. Most of the people were out on the deck visiting. I went in at 3:45 to get the projector and said to the 2 girls that were in the room, you need to be out of here by 4pm and all the garbage/leftover food needs to go. They went out to the deck, informed the boys and they were packed up and gone in 12 minutes. LOL Wish all my rentals were that accommodating.

      Mick...did the weather hold up for you? We're in for a stretch of warm weather too, starting this weekend. I think the rest of the garden plots will get planted. No rentals at the community centre this weekend so coast is clear.

      Will check back later to see if anyone else posts. Have a good night all...PPQP


        Evening greetings everyone!

        We had sun & 74 degrees today, low humidity - can’t ask for anything more!! I think it will be warming up a bit over the weekend.
        I dragged my ice cream maker out & made up a batch of oat milk chocolate chip mint ice cream, all dairy free of course, yum. I will be making more very soon.
        Trump of course is planning to appeal his conviction, he still doesn’t get it I guess. He’s been bad mouthing the judge, lawyers & jury all day. Last evening his website blew up because so mnay people were online DONATING money to this idiot. Apparently he raked in $35 million, unbelievable how stupid people really are.

        PQ, I quite imagine the food truck vendors are not real geniuses Lol. Sorry you had to be bothered by them.
        The Spring Bash sounds like fun for the kids regardless of the cold air. So far we have had foxes, raccoons & strange area cats & dogs up on the deck but no deer. They seem happy enough down in our meadow area. I’ll grab a pic of the tower & post it. It will look much better when things have grown out a little. The Indian mint in the bottom row is from last year. It survived the winter. We have a rope tying the tower to the. Deck railing because it’s on wheels & tomorrow June 1 is the start of hurricane season.

        Mick, you were up with the birds this morning. Hope the van checked out OK. Hope you get a chance to do all your planting this week.

        Hello to everyone else, Cyn, Slo, Pie, Det & all.

        Have a nice night all,
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Well my post from yesterday just now posted. What’s up with this site??

          Good day again, sunny & nice, nothing to complain about. The pic of the flower tower didm’t post so I’ll try it again. It will looks better once everything grows out a bit.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

