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16th June

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    16th June

    mae all how are we today then? hope everyone is doing good .its been raining for a fair bit ,but has stopped hopefully the bbq will go alright .Got some orange begonias yesterday ...never seen orange ones before so will plant them up before I go .Ive managed to alter the font on this ,but dont know whether it will stay as such .not sure what time Ill be home but hope everyone has a good day
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Greetings to everyone,

    Warm & sunny here today, not bad. We have excessive an heat advisory starting 6am Wednesday, I guess you’ll know where I’ll be hiding.
    No father’s day celebration here today, one kid is working & the other is out of the country right now.

    Mick, I hope your BBQ went well & the rain drops held off. Happy Father’s Day to you too!

    Hello to everyone & wishing us all a nice night!

    Tried playing with the font size & made it worse Lol
    Last edited by Lavande; June 16, 2024, 05:33 PM.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      hiya all how are we doing today then?hope all is well.Just got back from taking the rabbits up to the boarding place to see how they get on ..What a set up ...the hutch they are in has alift up wire mesh lid is 6ft wide and 12ft long ...its mahoosive .The lady looking after them isdef into animals...her attitude is fantastic ..Apart from rabbits she has got ducks geese sheep injured pigeons chickens cockerels and an owl.....and is a farm that she has turned into rescue and boarding .apart from anything else it is 14 mins from the house..trouble is it is down tracks and lanes that Julie wont drive its down to me .bbq went ...not so .Ive just played about with the font on here ...trouble is it stays large but needs resetting every time .

      hiya Lav how are you doing? hope al is well..Dentist for me tomorrow ...hopefully last time for a while ..I must have paid for his holidays by now!!!Got the first of my tomatoes growing ..still green but they are there ...also cucumbers are flowering .

      hello everyone else how are things today? hope you are all doing good

      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        MAE felt like a winters day out there. Overcast, cold, off and on rain showers and we've now got a frost warning. Crazy weather! Quiet day today, boss was off.

        Mick...sounds like you've found a great place for the rabbits. You usually drop them off and pick them up anyways and now it's close. Hope they like the place. I can sure read your posts now. LOL Glad the BBQ was a success.'ve got the heat advisory and we're freezing here. The heat dome is over Eastern Canada. Our water restrictions have been extended for 5 weeks, hope they can get the pipe fixed before then. Of course the city has decided to go ahead with the Stampede. Thousands of visitors, livestock.

        Shout out to everyone else. Have a good night....PPQP


          Good evening all,

          Ended up having my grandsons over today instead of yesterday, it was nice. The oldest (15) now has an e-bike so he rode over by himself. The 13 yr old will be getting his in a day or two. They have figured a way to get here using all back roads which is a relief. Guess I better stock up on food for the summer haha!

          Mick, nice finding a new boarding place for therabbits, hope they are happy there. Hope your dental trip is an easy one. My next appt is July 29 to prep 2 teeth for crowns. That’s going to complete the set I think Lol

          PQ, unreal you are having such cold weather! I guess hell would have to freeze over before the stampede is cancelled, oh well. Glad your day was DF!

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a nice night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            mae are we today?hope everyone is doing well.Was at the dentist this morning ...again!job done ..Its lovely and sunny today.I took my camera to the dentists today ...not for any treatment or to take pics of him but I thought I would visit the site where I had seen kestrels making a nest in the past ...5 young kestrels ..they cant be very old ,they still have their down and also a couple of them havent got their eyes open fully .I took the pics about 30ft away with my telescopic lens so as not to intrude but really chuffed I saw them.havent heard anything from the rabbit place so the thugs are doing ok .the lady has just phoned me about them..they are doing brilliant,She says Argyl hasnt stopped all day..walking and bouncing around.We are going to see how they get on while Im away in that hutch ...and if its the case they prefer it ..then I will rip the current hutch out and make a new one ..rectangular ...probably 8f wide and the same long ...and a mesh liftable lid .as opposed to the design they have will give him more room to move his legs about.

            hiya Lav how are you doing? glad you had a good time with the grandkids..and they will both have or will have ebikes?Are e scooters legal over there?Dental visit was ok be fair it wasnt bad at all..I think all the years of going have numbed me .hope you have a good one .

            hiya are you doing?Rain showers and you have a drought? sounds like over here that.glad you can read the posts was work?

            hiya New Sunrise are you doing? this is day 4? or is it 5?all the best to you can do it .

            hiya teegee ...nice pic .the rainbow one .how are things with you?

            hia pie Sam ,det and everyone else ..

            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Greetings from hot as hell, Lol

              We hit 91 degrees today & with the humidity it felt more like 100. This is day 1 of the 7 day heatwave. Watered my plants since no rain is predicted for at least 9 days, ugh. Went to the store to buy bananas & spent the rest of the day absorbing the AC.

              Mick, glad your dental visit went OK. Sounds like Argyl is feeling pretty good & enjoying his new digs. Your pic of the kestrels was awesome, good job! There are about 6 or 7 states that consider e-bikes as scooters, etc & require licensing. Not here in PA though so the boys won’t be breaking any laws. They just need to be really really alert to the wankers driving the big pick up trucks around here. As long as they stay on the quieter back roads they should be OK. Of course I will worry about them.

              PQ, how was your Tuesday? Decent I hope.

              Hello to Cyn, Slo, & everyone.
              Have a nice night all.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                MAE 4C/39F it was a cold, overcast, rainy day. But, with all the cloud cover overnight we managed to avoid the frost. Snowed about 1/2 hr. west of us and in Banff. At least it's moisture.

       definitely had a better weather day than me. LOL What luck that the Kestrels were there, the pics are great. You're sure getting the hang of your camera. Great news about the new boarding place and Argyl. I'm sure when you're back the hutch project will commence. Surprisingly work was pretty calm today, account being off may have had something to do with that. Boss responded to some of his emails while he was away but none of them added any work to my plate.

       does sound like you'll have to keep the larder full this summer. LOL How great that they can make their way over own their own, and safely. Wow, that's hot, especially with the humidity, sure glad you have A/C. Yes, my Tuesday was decent. I actually spent the afternoon booking my time off, finally! Not taking the whole month of August off, just a week. But I do have Mondays and Fridays off and a few Wednesdays to avoid the accountant. LOL

                Got to say, I miss everyone else not posting here. Perhaps it's time to move on. Waves to everyone else reading, have a good night...PPQP


                  hiya all are we today then? hope everyone is well.lovely day here..was out with the camera and a couple of friends this morning got some interesting pics ..a baby moorhen probably just over a day old ...lovely bright red head ..a pair of grebes ,and a grey wagtail snacking on damsel flies on the lily pads ..I will put them up on messenger...then went and picked up the rabbits ..they have had their test couple of days took me 14 mins to get there ...and they weren't in the slightest bit stressed...they both came to me straight away .no fear ...nothing..I am so chuffed .Im am definitely going to reconfigure their hutch...Ive already worked the sizes out 260 cm long ...130 wide and 60 deep a meshed lid that llifts up or removable .I started today but have been warned off!

                  hiya ppqp are you doing? hope it isnt as cold over here is great today .Yes ,I miss everyone else posting too..dont know why others arent posting ...sometimes I end up duplicating by posting on messenger too.but it is certainly got more participation than here.I dont know why there isn't any interaction here ...its across the board .Glad you had a quiet day .

                  hiya Lav ,how are you doing today?hope all is well with you.Scooters are banned here ..end of ,,,no licensing nothing just banned .We are away on Sunday morning ..looking forward to the jolliday...I hate to say this but it was too warm for me in the garden this aft !hope you have a good day .

                  big hello to everyone else
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Greetings everyone,

                    I’m actually sitting outside for a moment, we have a breeze now so it’s not so bad. I know by Sunday we’ll all be thoroughly sick of summer, LOL
                    I’ve been wondering if I could bake bread in the mini oven & finally looked thru the booklet that came with the appliance. Sure enough, I baked a loaf of Artisan style Italian bread (reduced sodium). It was so good we just made sandwiches for dinner. Best part is I didn’t have to turn on the big oven & heat the kitchen.

                    Mick, loved your pictures, great job! I’ll bet you’re having lots of fun with the camera. Neither one of us can tolerate the heat for prolonged periods, don’t feel bad. We take the dog out then go right back inside. Gave the chickens some chilled cut up apples for an afternoon snack, collected 3 eggs then ran right back inside haha. Where’s your trip taking you this time?

                    PQ, glad to hear you can select time off to avoid the annoying ones at work, haha. You can go right ahead & send yur weather down this way, we could use a break already. Tomorrow is the first day of summer I think & I’m hoping for cold weather, duh.

                    Hello to the missing group members, hope all is well.

                    Have a nice night all.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      MAE ALL...another cool cloudy day but no rain. Boss had a final board meeting this morning so he left early, account left shortly after him so I kicked the building coordinator out and had the place too myself. LOL

                      Mick...I'll have to check out the pics. I'm so happy to hear the test stay was a success. You can rest assured they're in good hands when you head out on Sunday. Of course you started on the new hutch LOL. Glad you were warned off, conserve your energy for your trip, the project will be there when you get back.

                      Lav...I bet the mini oven will get lots of use over the summer. We're supposed to warm up tomorrow so I'll see what I can do to send this weather your way. I decided to take the week off that I'm dog sitting for my brother, why bother with having to go into work. Booked off what Friday/Monday's were still available and then picked the odd Wednesday. Almost got my 3 weeks covered. That being said, I'm off this Friday.

                      Thinking of the rest of the group. Have a good night all...PPQP


                        hiya are we doing today? its 22 degrees here is lovely ,but its pretty friend went to have a look at the kestrels this morning and got a fantastic shot of the male leaving the nest after feeding the young.
                        Rabbits are doing good this morning ,but Iam definitely going to change the hutch set up.Just sorting out the van ready for going away on Sunday .

                        hiya ppqp are you doing today then?SoI kicked the building co-ordinator out and had the building to myself ..sounds like a good move .Yes the project will be there when I come back...but you know needs to be done yesterday .So you are off tomorrow ?any plans or just let the world go by?

                        hiya Lav how are you doing today?we have got your sunshine here now.similar to you I am not that keen on hot weather.Yes Ireally am enjoying the camera ..its good fun ...Ill put the pic up later that my friend took ..My trip is taking me to Scarborough,bridlington Filey and Bempton Cliffs where the puffins nest .hope you have a good day

                        big shout to everyone else.
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Hey everyone,

                          Happy Summer solstice! I just wish it wasn’t so darn hot, geez. One of my neighbors across the road is having his roof, windows & siding all replaced this week. What a job in this heat. He bought an extra refrigerator to leave outside filled with water & stuff for the workers, that was thoughtful. I’ve been outside for a few quick minutes here & there today but that’s all. The news is reporting the road asphalt is 134 degrees today, wow!

                          PQ, good job clearing the house like that, haha!! Glad you’re vacay days are scheduled. Enjoy each & every one of them. What kind of dog does your brother have? Have fun dog sitting.
                          I rarely ever turn on the big ovens since I got the Cuisinart mini. I’m still trying to figure out how to bake cookies/cakes in there. Roasting/air frying is a snap. I’ll keep researching.

                          Mick, glad you have some sun & are getting good use of your camera. Your trip sounds nice, enjoy! My daughter said they put their feet in the North sea today so they’re really getting around.

                          Hello to all & wishing a nice night for everyone!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            MAE ALL...YAY....It's the weekend...YAY well at least for me LOL Warm sunny day, actually felt like the first day of summer. Nice quiet end to the work week, all of the spring programs are done. I always feel like it's time for a refresh when they all end. I'm so glad I took tomorrow off. The childcare kids have 1 more week of school and they're already bouncing off the walls. LOL

                            Mick...with all that rain do you get humidity over there? 20 is my preferred temp but I can handle 22. LOL I'll have to watch for your friends' pic. Glad the rabbits are doing good and I do know you wanting the hutch done yesterday but better to just sort the van out to avoid any more warnings. Off tomorrow with no plans, just watching the world go by.

                   it is really hot for you. 134 on the road asphalt reminds me of the temps down at the Stampede grounds. Understandable about the quick minutes outside. I don't know the dog breeds, theirs is a small shih tzu type, my buddy Barney, and they've inherited their daughters larger dog, Wicca, looks like a Dalmatian type. Interesting combination but they know me and know who's boss. LOL Oldest son headed back up north this morning so I get another bonus day tomorrow with nobody home.

                            Thinking of everyone else...have a good night...PPQP​


                              Hello all,

                              Looks like chatting on Messenger is easier for most folks, that’s OK.
                              Well it’s still HOT here, no rain in sight yet. We took Doc to the vet today so he’s caught upon shots for a year. He certainly draws a lot of attention from the vets & staff there, even the other folks bringing their animals in. He’s up to 42 lbs & still growing of course, turning 4 months old on Monday.

                              Mick, I know you're getting ready for your trip, have a safe & awesome time.

                              PQ, happy weekend to you, enjoy the extra space in the apartment Lol
                              All kids go nuts the last few weeks of school, no learning going on at that point.

                              have a nice night all!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

