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    mae all are we doing? hope all is good ..We nearly never got away ...Julies dad had another fall..didnt hurt himself ...but the care home as per their policy were going to send him to hospital.Julie has the poa and said that he wasnt going ...she went to see him ..he was fine no pains nothing..and to spend half the night in the back of an ambulance waiting to get into hospital is more detrimental.Then this morning he refused to engage with anyone so again they phoned Julie ...She went up to see this time they had phoned the doctor .by the time the doc had even thought of coming ..Julie had got him up showered dressed and had a bowl of porridge tea and 2 slices of jam on toast .The doc is going to review his meds this week.We are now on site ..the weather is glorious ..on the way up I counted 157 motorhomes .We have brought the car ,so using the one site as a base is really quiet ...the biggest noise is the birds !!
    I like using this site helped me over the years and for me its about giving back as well as catharcism. Unfortunately not that many folk use it any more ...I dont know why..many a time there has only been 3 of us posting .and the whole refurb of the site has baffled me ..the font size the posting of pics the accessibility.Facebook messenger is easier ....but for me the biggest thing about it is the ease of posting ..what I mean by that is turning it into almost a minute by minute diary ..ted had bacon for breakfast Ted cleaned his teeth ,ted gave the rabbits 3 pieces of banana know the sort of thing I mean..Fortunately none of us seem to suffer with this .Plus I can put pics up .I will keep posting here but yes ,I prefer messenger for the other things ...The weather here is supposed to be good all week ..we shall see ..
    hope everyone isdoing good?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Greetings everyone,

    We finally were blessed with a thunderstorm this afternoon. Unfortunately it caused some downed trees & power lines over where my son lives. no damage at their place fortunately. This heat has been excessive for an entire week. I’m blooming out in my summer favorite poison ivy, ugh. I will be getting in touch with my NP tomorrow & get some steroids - the only thing that stops this mess once it starts.

    Mick, sorry about the delay on your departure but glad you finally made it to your destination. Your FIL would definitely benefit from a medication review at this time, glad he’s OK.
    I agree with you about posting here, it’s a 15 yr + habit for me to post every single day whether I have anything to say or not. I truly want to know how the others are doing & of course to see if anyone needs a little online help. I’m on Messenger all day with my daughter anyway so I can post there as well. Whatever works I guess!

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a good night & week to come.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae all .how areyou doing? It's lovely here today. The only sound is of the birds. Slept well last night. It is 0700 and it is sunny and warm. Sitting outside with a brew .this is life don't know where we are going today but will post some pictures up.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        MAE ALL...thanks for kicking off this weeks thread Mic. I had a nice weekend although we're still limited to what we can do with water. The latest prediction is it'll all be fixed by Jul 5th. Of course that's the start of the Stampede. It was a fairly quiet day at work, which is a good thing because tomorrow is going to be crazy. Lots of extra work getting organized for a grad event with 245 people.

        Mick...glad you were able to away if with the rocky start. The place sounds lovely and relaxing. I seem to spend my day answering emails so when I get home I don't really want to catch up on everyone's minute to minute. As long as those who need anything can find us that's the best we can do.

        Lav...well we managed to hit 30C/86F and I was not impresses, basically stayed in doors. Seems like there was thunderstorm/tornedo watches/warnings all around us, but nothing for the city itself. I have just never been one to be on my phone much. I use it as a phone. LOL Maybe when I finally retire I may be on Facebook more often.

        Hoping the rest of the gang is doing good. Have a good night all...PPQP


          Good evening everyone,

          We finally got a bit of a break in the weather. Today’s high was only 82, lower humidity but it all starts to return tomorrow haha!
          Grateful my NP responded to my request, I’m now on Prednisone for the next 6 days & hope to get some relief from the itching, swelling & redness real soon. I really think one of my cats probably walked thru the big patches of poison ivy out back & transferred it to me, darn.

          Mick, great pics today, thaks for. Sharing! Keep on having fun & keep that head covered, Lol

          PQ, it’s just too darn hot to be comfortable. I keep getting messages from the electric company that I’m using more energy than usual - yeah, NO SH*T, haha! My central air stays on until I say so!
          I hope they can speed up fixing your water issue sooner rather than later. That’s a real bummer. Save yourself some time & just look at Messenger to see Mick’s fabulous photos.

          Hello to everyone else & hope you’re all OK.
          Have a nice night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Mae all how are we doing? Hopefully all is well. Really hot herr today again. We went into Scarborough this be fair it had some good points but generally itvhas gone the same way as most of the old Victorian seaside down,with the old grand hotels slowly disintegrating lots of arcade machines and noise. We had a shot on the Victorian funicular its heyday it was used to transport the gentry from the town down to the beach front .Back at the van now just watching and listening to the world go by
            the pics I took yesterday ofcthe dolphins have had a fantastic response .I didn't know that all dolphins have different fin sizes and markings. This lady is in the dolphin and whale watching association..she identified one of the dolphins as Luka together with its tag number. Such a buzz.

            Hiya lav...How's you today then? Are you any better? I hope so.Is your daughter home yet?thank you fo the pics s compliment..still a lot to learn but at least I understand it a bit more.
            Hiya ppqp how are you doing? Have they sorted the water issue out yet?the Stampede starts next Friday? Couldn't have picked a better date.Glad you had a quiet day at work long may it continue

            Hiya everyone else hope you are doing good

            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Hello friends,

              Still itching like a maniac but the steroids have stopped the spread of the poison ivy & I am grateful for that much. I seriously hate chemical use outside but I may have to consider hiring someone to eradicate the ivy that grows along the back of our property line under the white pines. I’m sure the cats explore under there & get it on their fur. Btw, Luna presented me with a dead mouse on the deck just before dinner Lol

              Mick, we all enjoy your trips & pics so please keep them coming. I’m sure you two will find something to do. We are probably going to take a day trip next week to attend the Kutztown Folk Fair. We have already talked to the older grandson & he’s will to come over & animal sit for the day (and make a little cash).

              Hello to PQ & anyone else checking in tonight.
              Have a good night all.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                MAE ALL....home from an exhausting day. We have the first grad of the season tonight and needed to set up for them by 4pm. It was an elaborate setup for 245 people, the issue was we had the bridge club in that room until 3:30pm. So it was a mad dash to take the bridge down and set for the grad. When the building super set up for bridge I suggested we put out a lot of the rectangular tables that the grad will need, just so they're already out and didn't interfere with bridge. We kinda snickered as we figured it would confuse the hell out of them. I had asked the bridge group to help out by ending as quickly as they could so we could start. They stepped up and were out of there by 3:00pm. God bless our building super, he had almost everything setup by the time the grad organizing group showed up, so he was able to leave at his usual quit time of 4:00pm. We didn't tell him that he's going to have to take it down tomorrow. There's another wrap-up party tomorrow afternoon so we'll be able to use a lot of the tables/chairs so they won't have to be put away.

                Mick...haven't had a chance to look at the pics but I will next. It's sad to see the once grand towns and hotels slowly deteriorate but change is a part of living. How great about the response to the dolphin pics. Water issue is getting sorted quicker than they expected but they've still got a ways to go. Yes, I'll think of you next Friday. LOL I have booked this Friday off as well, have a feeling I'll need it.

                Lav...I'm glad the steroids are starting to help. You might be wise to deal with the ivy since you've got a "few" felines to carry indoors. How nice for Luna to give you a present. I thought I was the only one who got messages from the electric company. LOL I'll definitely be checking out Mick's pics on messenger but then I start reading the posts and have to keep going back to get the full story. It's just too much right now.

                Missing the rest of the group posting here and hoping all is good. Have a good night...PPQP


                  Good evening friends,

                  Awaiting a big storm this evening that is supposed to bring a lot of rain & wind. Glad the generator had a checkup recently.
                  While the steroid is definitely reducing the inflammation & the spread of the PI it’s also keeping me awake at night. I actually slept from approx. 3 am to 5 am - that’s it!!!! Ugh! Tonight I will only be taking one tablet at bedtime instead of the two I had to take the past two nights so maybe that will help. Start out with a high daily dose then immediately begin to reduce it by one tablet/day. I don’t have any way to keep the cats away from that area, I’ll just have to avoid touching them for a while.

                  PQ, busy as usual but sounds like you have everything under control at work. That’s quite a big graduation party. Was it for a group or just one person?

                  Mick, thanks again for the pictures today, enjoyed them.

                  Hello to everyone & wishing a good night for all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    MAE ALL...a much quieter day today, thankfully.

                    Lav...the wind has come up and it's just starting to rain. This was expected until tomorrow and carry over into Friday. Good thing I have Friday off. Hope your storm isn't damaging, have you had to use the generator often? Sorry about the sleep, that sucks. Hope you have better luck tonight with reducing the dose. The Grad was for the entire graduating class. The event tonight is going to be much quieter and simpler. I liked the pic of Doc on the table.

                    Mick...had to check out the pics before posting here. Glad I did, Whitby looks fabulous, those are great pictures.

                    School finishes at noon tomorrow, childcare will have their hands full as the kids have been bouncing off the walls for a week now. Of course the weather will be the pits tomorrow so they'll all be indoors. Waves to everyone else. Have a good night...PPQP


                      Mae are we doing today then? Hope all is well. It is 06.37 am been awake for ages.but to be honest was in bed watching telly at is supposed to be starting to turn. Rain on Saturday so we have a couple of decent days left.Next week is a bi busy for me took
                      Not sure what we are doing today..either Filey or back to Bempton Cliffs. We love the coastal walk plus it gives me practice with the camera.
                      Ppqp....glad you managed to see the pictures as for the kids finishing school and jumping around..dont forget to give them a nice big drink of orange and a bag of sweets to take home!!

                      Hiya lav..hows you? Still feeling the effects of the PI?how long does it usually take to go?hope you feel better

                      Big Hiya to everyone else
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Greetings all,

                        Hot & sunny today as usual. Last night’s so called storm fizzled out at least around here. Checked my indoor weather station & saw we had way less than 0.25” of rain. I slept like a rock last night, wouldn’t have heard a tornado if we had on haha. The PI is improving slowly as is usually the case with this nasty stuff. I hate to wish summer away but…..

                        PQ, glad you had a quieter day yesterday. Another 3 day weekend is here for you, right?
                        I can just see those kids bouncing off the walls anticipating the end of the school year. That’s when the nuns used to get the ‘stick’ out & go after the kids, can’t forget that, ugh.

                        Mick, great pics again today, thanks!
                        Glad you & Julie had a nice hike too. Hope the weather stays half decent for you.

                        Hello to the rest & hoping everyone has a nice night!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          MAE ALL...apparently we had a monsoon roll through here last night, torrential rain, thunder & lightning, I didn't hear a thing! Son came down around 2am to increase the AC as once the rain stopped it got extremely hot in here with humidity. I guess that's proof I've had an exhausting week. LOL Cool, overcast and threatening to rain again all day but held off enough that childcare was able to keep the kids outdoors this afternoon.

                          Mick...I've decided to check MG for picks before posting here and glad I did. Great pics of the birds. You are getting to be a pro! You're allowed to lie in bed watching tellie, you're on holidays. Glad to hear you're going to have a few more days before the weather changes. It would be justice to send the kids home all hyped up on sugar but to be honest they don't need any help. LOL Apparently a lot of the girls, who were moving on to Jr. High were sitting around sobbing. They may have difficulties dealing with what life has in store for them. LOL

                          Lav...I think your storm forgot to head south and stuck around here last night. It has just started raining again and will now continue into Friday. Not that it matters to me as it's actually a 4 day weekend for me. July 1st is Canada Day and as a bonus boss is taking Tuesday off so really I count it as 5 days. LOL I'm really starting to wonder how some of the gang is doing, I may have to start reading through MG just to catch up with everyone.

                          Waves to anyone viewing, have a good night all...PPQP


                            Mae all how are we doing? Hopefully all doing good. It rained..yes rained during the night and very strong winds today. We went into Filey today .nice little seaside town .last day tomorrow and back home on actually looking forward to building the new hutch for the rabbits

                            Hiya lav how are you doing? Hope you are good. Yes we have had a pretty good time up here. Next one is the end of July beginning of August ...Scotland for 16 days .next week is busy for me..Monday wood delivered for hutch..Tuesday dentist Wednesday yet social diary empty .Thursday rabbits to vets for annual jabs Friday van to repair shop apart from that not a lot apart from build the hutch.have a grand day

                            Hiya are you doing today? Poets day. So you slept through a monsoon? Musta been tired..thanks for the comments on pics.hope you have a good weekend.

                            Hiya everyone else..hope you're well..have a great weekend

                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Greetings Mick, PQ & everyone!

                              Sunny & warm here, the weekend doesn’t look too wonderful in terms of weather. It’s a holiday weekend again & again we have no lans. Things sure have changed but not much I can do about that. To be honest, I’m tired of putting on holiday feasts, getting too old to give a crap about that stuff, haha. Slept well last night but woke up still itching so I guess that makes me an itch haha!

                              PQ, a 5-ish day break sounds awfully good to me, enjoy! Now we are being told it will rain Sunday, we will see. In the meantime I’m outside watering my baby plants. Good to hear you had deep sleep too, we need that from time to time just to remain human.

                              Mick, your trip is nearing the end but it sounds like it’s been a good one. You have a full dance card next week, hope all goes well.

                              Hello to all & I hope we all have a good night.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

