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    MAE ALL...yesterday it dropped 15 degrees with a high of only 15C/59F. Still covered in smoke but there was quite a cold wind blowing. Dark and dreary, you'd think it was going to snow! It was a nice quiet Thursday, just the boss and myself working but the day seemed to fly by. If I don't do anything for the next 4 days I must get the oil changed in my car. Job done now I'm foot loose and fancy free. LOL

    Lav...none of the weeding has been done around the center either, just too dry and hard. Wow, you're going to have to be careful around Doc. It's not nice when us "Old" people get knocked off our feet. Wednesday's smoke actually came from Jasper AB. Winds shifted and a huge wall of smoke (300Ft) roared through the town. So much destruction. Winds are supposed to change around so we'll now get smoke from up north. What a pair your in-law's must have been. Good on your SIL raising above it all and raising what sounds like rounded, smart kids.

    Mick...I thought yesterday was Friday all day too. But I had an excuse as it basically was. Boss has got everyone documenting procedures for the jobs they are responsible for. I'm all for procedures and have done it all along. Accountant on the other hand seems to do what ever floats her boat at the time so she's finding it challenging. She asked me about one procedure where my responsibility ends and hers starts. Told her "that" part should be hers and she said she's not sure how long she's going to be here so I should be responsible. What is that all about??? Did you get the detecting stuff organized? Hopefully the weather cooperates for you on Sunday. good to see you "liking" peoples posts. My first thought was "he's back"! Hanging at your sisters place sounds perfect while you regroup. It's great that you have two recovery groups to draw on, that'll help with sorting things out for yourself. Totally understand the feeling of a bit fragile and unanchored, just know you're in the right place to deal with it for now. Glad you're back and look forward to catching up with your posts.

    Waves to the rest of the gang. Have a good all...PPQP


      Greetings friends,

      Half decent day here starting with a lovely 67 degrees this morning & 80 degrees right now. Sitting out on the deck watching the hummingbirds attacking the fresh feeders I put out this morning. Doc is in the house sleeping off his dinner underneath the coffee table, Lol

      Det, glad to see you checking in again. Welcome back to the USA, we’ve missed you but I did enjoy all your pics from your adventure. Wonderful that you’ve found support nearby, take advantage of that for sure. Can you pick up some sort of part time work to help pay off those credit cards while you’re figuring out your future? That would take some of the pressure off I would think. We will be here, you can count on us!

      Mick, I don’t know about you but I’m finding it’s easier to forget things more & more haha! I hope your detecting day is fun.
      Doc didn’t pull any stunts today because I was on him all day. He honestly doesn’t know how big/strong he is & thinks he’s playing while we are getting injured. You really can’t give him an inch, he always takes a mile if you know what I mean.

      PQ, I hope day 1 of your weekend was good!
      It’s a shame there’s so many wildfires burning at the same time. Today they reported one in California was started by a guy pushing a burning car into a gully, duh.
      My in-laws divorced right when my daughter was born, both immediately remarried, one divorced again & the other married a drunk woman so……yeah they were a huge mess Lol
      As a matter of fact, my daughter was born by emergency C-section & as I was being returned to my hospital room, still woozy from sedation my MIL was there waving her divorce papers in my face. I told her to get out, haha! That’s what you call a complete bi*ch in my book.

      Hello to the others & wishing everyone a nice night!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        mae all are we doing today then? hope all is well. overcast here but very very warm.Black clouds up above ...if its going to chuck it down then I would rather it happen today than tomorrow .

        hiya ppqp feels like Saturday to me ...oh yeah it is are you doing ?Don't understand what your boss is getting at when he wants you to write out your job procedures ? from what I see the first thing you need to establish is what you actually do ..thats your job specification .and then if required is a method statement on how to carry out each task..But what does it matter how the task is done providing it falls within the health and safety remit and timescale ..for instance ..say the task was make sure the floor is clean ..does it matter whether a brush or a hoover are used ..the outcome is the same .Anyways ...hope you have a good weekend ...yep all my kit is working ...thank goodness .

        hiya Lav are you doing today? hows that little puppy doing?yep I find it easier to forget stuff now ...why am I here ..what did I come in for keys ,wallet name it !!Th lavender in the garden is doing good smells ace ..hope you have a good weekend

        hiya Det how are you today mate ?

        big shout to everyone
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Good evening folks,

          We had a sunny 85 degree day here, not bad. We could actually use some rain at this point but I know I need to be careful what I wish for, Lol
          i made some headway on the weeds this week, the rest can wait a little longer I guess. I air fried a bone in chicken breast & made a roasted potato/carrot salad for dinner, pretty good. Used my Cuisinart air fryer for both.

          Mick, I hope you got your rain today so you have a clear day for detecting Sunday. No fun doing that in the rain!hope you find some real goodies.

          Det, how’s it going? Any progress on your future plan yet?

          PQ, I was pretty sure I smelled smoke this morning but nothing was visible & it cleared out as the morning went on. The fire pics from BC & the US west coast are terrible. Hope you enjoyed day two of your 4 day weekend.

          Hello to the rest of the group, hope we hear from TG (Cyn) soon. Haven’t hearing anything since she left for Tahoe.

          Have a nice night all!
          Last edited by Lavande; July 27, 2024, 05:39 PM.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

