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4th August

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    4th August

    Hiya all how are we doing?just got to Edinburgh. The sit is pretty busy because of the tattoo and also the Fringe festival .weather is cloudy but warm .decent drive up.bit blowy but apart from that great.
    hope we are all doing well.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Greetings friends,

    I realized at 11 pm last night that I hadn’t posted. We’ve been busy cleaning up Friday’s storm damage, had another storm yesterday & another one going on right now, geez. Over 3” of rain has fallen so far so everything is well watered. Of course Doc is keeping us on our toes too, Lol. Just roasted a 6 pound chicken (not one of mine) so we will have lots of leftovers for the week.

    Mick, despite the early drama & weather you seem to be doing well on your trip. Have fun in Edinburgh, must be an interesting city I imagine.

    Hello to PQ, Det & anyone else dropping in tonight.
    Wishing a good night to all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Good Monday evening everyone,

      No rain here today but it’s still super hot & humid so nothing new. We never heard from the tree guy today so I guess we wait to have that tree removed. With the chicken yard fence being broken I just hope no predator takes advantage.

      Mick, I hope you’re having a good time & good weather too.

      PQ, quiet day today or no?

      Cyn, hope to see you posting soon. Same with you Det.

      Wishing everyone a nice night!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        3rd day in a row I’m the only one here? Uh oh!!!!!
        Everything is OK here, just waiting for more promised rain & we don’t even need it at this point.

        Hope everyone is OK & has a nice night!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          MAE ALL...

          Hi Lav...sorry for not posting earlier and making you talk to yourself. Glad nobody was hurt when that tree came down. Did the tree guy eventually show up? We got our whopper of a storm last night. We only got the rain here at my house but there was some huge hail storms throughout the city. News showing pictures of people stopping under overpasses on one of the highways that go through the city. That's a no-no. It was cold and overcast today, about 16C/60F. It looked like it was going to snow out there. It was a nice day at work, no boss and no accountant.

          HI Mick...hope your weather is holding up for you. I'll check FB to see if you've uploaded any pics.

          Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...PPQP


            Mae all how are we doing?..not long got to is absolutely hammering down with rain. The site is love..but you cant see b.gger all because of the rain and mist.Here for 2 nights and then on to Portree on the Isle of Skye. All well with Amy and baby Elouise. Not sure when they are out of hozzy. Im sure Amy could bang a couple of shifts in.
            haven't had the camera out apart from the tattoo..We all saw Embra last time I was up here. Plus it was mobbed..hopefully get some pics up this ways...hope all is well.this country is going through a bit at the moment Starmer is already the most hated pm.massive calls for his resignation. Take care all.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Greetings everyone,

              More rain for us today so that’s over 3.5” since yesterday. We won’t be getting the tropical storm Debby remnants until Friday with more rain & wind.

              PQ, thanks for coming to the party Lol. Hey enjoy that cooler weather, we’re supposed to get it too after all the rain moves out. Sick & tired of teh heat & humidity. Glad you had a nice day at work without the drama queen & king there haha!

              Mick, sorry you had to change your travel plans because of rain. Seems to be raining almost everywhere this week.
              I wanted to ask about Amy & the baby, glad they’re doing well. Our politics have been crazy as you well know but I’m feeling better about ours this week. Looks like we will have our first female president & she’s picked a strong guy for her VP. I haven’t heard about your PM, I’ll have to look him up.

              Hello to Cyn, Det & anyone else that may drop by tonight.
              Have a good night all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                MAE ALL....another cold, dark, wet, overcast day. It's a good thing we're above freezing, just barely, or it'd be snowing. Accountant texted that she'd be late getting into work, showed up for about an hour and then announced she was going to work from home and left. Don't know why she bothered coming in the first place. LOL There is no summer camp this week so it's very quiet at the community centre.

                Mick...congrats on being a new grandpa. How great to have your first grandchild and baby and Amy look great. Thanks for sharing the pics on MG. Sorry to hear about your weather, we're getting pretty much the same here. Will check out the rest of your pics, was looking for the baby. LOL My son's been keeping me up to date with what's happening with your politics, just feels like everything's gone crazy.

                Lav...this weather is just crazy. I'm impressed that your generator turned itself on and off. Is it a Generac? The city just announced that we're going back to Stage 4 water restrictions at the end of the month and it's supposed to last till the end of September. They've discovered some serious issues at one of the treatment plants. Just as well I didn't plant a garden this year. Drama Queen & King, I like that! Boss is back tomorrow and tit for tat I loaded up his plate. LOL Been following your politics as of course it directly affects us. I sure hope you get your first woman president, it does sound promising.

                Time to unplug and relax. Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night....PPQP


                  Good evening friends,

                  We’ve had another miserable wet day here, almost 4” of rain between yesterday & today so far. Tomorrow will bring more rain & high winds from TS Debby. I’m sure the rest of that broken tree will be falling tomorrow. No luck getting the tree guy here yet. Oh well!

                  PQ, the weather really does suck almost everywhere haha! Not much we can do but wait it out I guess. Yes, we have a Generac generator, it’s actually the second one we’ve purchased. This area is famous for power outages so it’s worth putting out the big bucks ahead of time. I need my coffee & the ability to use water & flush toilets Lol
                  sounds like your water company needs some serious upgrades. They’re always expensive so they’ll be passing the cost onto the customers I imagine. I think your accountant needs some medication, her behavior is bizarre to say the least.

                  Hello to Mick, Cyn, Pie, Det & everyone.
                  Have a good night all & keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow when the TS winds arrive.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    MAE ALL...the sun came out to play today. YAY Dry and in the 20's for the next week or so. Boss back today and did he stir the pot. He sent an email to the childcare directors relaying what their staff said about them when he met with them after their employee reviews. OMG the assistant director was in tears and started writing her resignation letter. The director is pissed because the boss virtually brought this all on himself. When the directors met with their staff nobody had anything negative to say. When the boss met with the same staff they had nothing positive to say. The accountant is on his radar as well. This is all happening prior to our employee evaluations coming up this month. On the other hand he told me that when I do my self evaluation he expects to see a lot of exceeds at expectations.

          's probably just as well the tree guy didn't get out yet, now he can do it all in one visit. I hope Debby has lost a lot of it's punch before it gets to you. City Council strikes again. Of course they're blaming it on the previous council. Doesn't help that they've voted in raises for themselves the last 3 years. The unfortunate thing is the roads they'll be tearing up are on my route to all my appointments in September. I'll have to practice new routes before then. LOL Just heard on the news that the provincial government is cancelling the long covid treatment centers. Made me think of TG.

                    Mick...I haven't checked MG but I hope you get better weather in Portree.

                    Waves to any of the gang reading along. Have a good night all...PPQP



                      PQ, is the assistant childcare director really quitting? I suppose she might, if she doesn’t want to work with people who stabbed her in the back.
                      Thankfully the boss fully recognizes your value.

                      Congratulations to Granddad Mick! My daughter D3 gave birth to a healthy daughter this week too!
                      I am currently living with D2 & her HB & Huxley, and she is dealing with another failed embryo transplant. Today is the day she was to find out if it took, but she started bleeding yesterday.

                      I’m in a big real estate mess. Have mostly landed on my feet in a new condo that I bought in my same condo neighborhood as the one I sold; can move in soon after the carpets are cleaned and the planned work on the driveway is done. I’m trying to sell the smaller condo that I bought to live in that I can’t stand, and it’s not selling.

                      Generac! That’s a company from right near where I live! I have watched them grow over the last 30 years.

                      Wishing you all a good day.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        MAE's the weekend. YAY It was a fairly quiet day and I kept busy helping the wedding party set up this afternoon. They're a couple from the church that rents from us on Sundays so they have a little more leeway with things. They're a great group and I know that there'll be no issues tonight. Accountant was in today but she was pretty quiet. Apparently she also received a few nasty emails from the boss yesterday.

                        Slo...good to see your post here. Congrats on the addition to the grand kids. Sorry to hear about D2 and the failed transplant. That's great news that you were able to buy again in the same condo neighbourhood. Ya, it might be a bit of a challenge selling the smaller condo but if you can hang in there it will eventually happen. I really think the assistant director is all talk and no action.

                        Lav...I think I saw on MG something about a tornado warning? Hope everything is ok at your place.

                        Mick...also saw that your travels got extended by 3 hours because of weather. I hope things have improved for you.

                        Waves to anyone else reading the thread. Have a good night all....PPQP


                          Good evening kids!

                          We’re fortunate that the TS moved mostly north of us so we just had more rain, nothing terrible. It’s on the way to New England now I believe.

                          PQ, wow that’s a lot of heavy BS going on at your work, what a shame. Glad you are recognized separately from the childcare folks. I hope they can straighten themselves out soon.
                          I’ll take that cooler weather any day, enjoy it while you have it, haha! As far as the roadwork goes - ugh! I guess there’s no getting around it at this point, things need to be fixed.
                          that piece of the broken tree is now touching the ground & leaning heavily on the fence. I was hoping it would break off completely today so we could cut it up like we did with the other side.

                          Slo, great to see you. Congrats on the new granddaughter, awesome. Sorry to hear your other daughter is having trouble again, sad for her. I’m sure it must be very disappointing. Having you there with her is probably a big comfort. Glad you found a new place that suits you. I hope you have a realtor actively helping you to find buyers for the other place. Some realtors are better than others, this I know. How’s your mobility these days, better I hope.

                          Mick commented that his ferry ride was cancelled today due to weather so he had to drive an extra 3 hrs to get where he was going.
                          Like I said last night the weather seems to be crappy everywhere.

                          Hello to the rest & wishing everyone a nice night!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Hiya all how are we doing? Hopefully all is good. We have just got back from our trip.saw sea eagles 2 golden eagles..but not close enough to photograph. Plus it's no stopped raining since yesterday. So all in all a disappointing day. Definitely wasnt value for money
                            slo..great to see you on here congratulations to you too..hopefully things can get sorted for you.
                            hiya lav how are you doing? Hope all is good with you

                            Hiya are you? That sounds like a real circus you have got at your place. Phone off and enjoy the weekend

                            Amy doing good..Elouise also

                            Take care all and have a good weekend

                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Hey all,

                              Finally a rain free day here, yay! Pretty warm at 85 degrees, dreaming of much cooler temps.
                              We’re still waiting for help with that stupid tree, hopefully Monday but who knows really. The way it’s hanging down on my flower bed I’m afraid it’s going to wreck my plants there.

                              Mick, sorry about the rain, geez you can’t catch a break. At least you got away, better than nothing I guess.
                              glad Amy & Elouise are doing well. Bet you can’t wait to see them.

                              Hello to PQ, hope your weekend is quiet & hassle free.

                              Hello to everyone else & wishing a nice night for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

