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4th August

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    I can post while I’m laying here doing my red light therapy (a band I wrap around various body parts) and my new ReBuilder thing with electrode pads on various body parts; trying to heal my severe peripheral neuropathy.

    Elouise is such a cute name! My new granddaughter is named Ayla. D3 asked for a baby name book for her 11th birthday, and picked out her boy name and her girl name at that time. Now she has a boy and a girl sporting those names!

    D2 is flying right back into action, and is planning another embryo transfer for the end of August.

    I did a fair amount of unpacking of boxes at my new place today; unpacking into closets & drawers.

    Lav, I noticed ex-HB has another large tree down in his backyard. Hopefully yours will get removed soon -like on Monday.

    There are some showings going on at that condo that I don’t want over the last few days, but no offers. I’m not sure whether to try staging it or dropping the price again next.

    PQ, hope your weekend is a relaxing change of scenery from the work week.

    Tomorrow I head up to see the three grandchildren and D1 for the day! They are furiously packing to move at the end of the month.

    Happy weekend to all; even the drenched traveler!

    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      MAE ALL,,,weekend has been a relief from the work week but then had to take on nursing duties at home. Oldest son got home from up north where he had been working on a ranch doing some fencing. On Thursday he fell onto a stack of fence posts, one of which was at an angle that pierced his back. He was taken to the emergency ward in Mayerthorpe where they determined he hadn't broken anything, including ribs, and hadn't pierced any vital organs. He then drove 4hrs to get home. He asked me how long it took for me to feel better after breaking my ribs and I said it was 2 weeks in hospital (due to a collapsed lung) and then at least another 2 weeks before I could lie on that side. He's been sleeping in a chair for 2 days as he can't lay down due to lower back spasms. He wanted a shower today and I was on pins and needles until he was finished and ok. Younger son actually has next week off from work so at least he won't be on his own and I won't have to worry.

      Lav...I hope that darn tree doesn't hurt your plants. Hopefully you can get it looked after by Monday. 85 is still too hot! Storm Debby is now reeking havoc in Eastern Canada with a month's worth of rain overnight. are you home, home now? Sorry the weather didn't cooperate for you. I am staying out of the circus at work. There's lot I'd like to say to my boss about what coworkers have told me but it's not my place. If and when they ask me to intervene, I will. Apparently they are all meeting next week, so we will see what happens. Good to hear Amy and Elouise are doing good.

      Slo...sounds like a lot of work doing your red light therapy and ReBuilder thing, hope it's helping. I'm amazed that an 11 year old would want a baby name book and then to be able to actually be able to give them to her children. There's forward thinking for you. LOL More power to D2 for not giving up, will keep her in my prayers. Good to hear that you've started moving things into your new condo. At least you've had some showings at the other condo, it's a start. Go with what your realtor suggests if you're happy with him/her. Not sure if I knew that D1 was moving. Is this something that was planned?

      Waves to all. Have a good night....PPQP

