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August 11th

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    Evening greetings everyone,

    Looks like we’re in for 4 days of rain starting Saturday. Inside decluttering is on my list! I can easily come up with 5 or 6 bags full of old clothing & unused. Household items to donate.
    Doc is now wearing a new cinch collar as suggested by the UPS guy & it works!!!! No more pulling & tugging on the leash to the point of pulling us off our feet. We both fear falling & breaking something important haha!

    Slo, getting help is really hard, I get it but it’s worth a try. Grandsons, nephews, their friends, whatever works. Glad your daughter pitched in & gave yo a hand. Maybe she can bring some college friends to help next time. It’s just too hard to do all this stuff ourselves. Sorry yo had to pull out of D2’s home so fast. I really do enjoy having the boys here once in a while & try to catch up with what’s going on with them.

    PQ, do you have an extra cell phone yu can leave in the meeting room on Monday? LOL It would be interesting to listen in on that meeting.
    Hope your son is really up to making another trip up north. We need to remember the young ones heal a lot faster than us oldies, haha. Btw, the kids don’t want to be paid in cash these days. One grandson uses Venmo & the other uses Cash App. I happen to have both on my phone from my craft fair days. Everything is different now.

    Mick, good luck & have a safe trip home regardless of the time of day.
    Doc certainly did get exactly what he kneeded from the UPS guy Lol. Thank the universe!! Now that all 3 trees are down in the chicken yard it really does show just how big it is. We used to have flocks of 30 or more birds at a time so they needed all that space.

    Hello to Det, Cyn & everyone.
    Have a nice night all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE a surprise invite to an English Pup for supper tonight, perfect way to start the weekend and a perfect excuse to not stick around work and help with the "Movie in the Park" tonight. Boss and accountant had been planning this way before all the unrest started. And of course it rained off and on all day. Boss was going to come in at 3pm as he'll be there till 11pm. He showed up at 9am and I asked him why he was in. He said he wanted to make sure the accounted didn't cancel the movie. He always figured if it rained he move it inside to the hall, accountant started saying if it rains she's cancelling. Perfect day for a surprise invite. LOL

      Mick...glad you got some decent weather for your last day. I think it's great that you and Julie love bimbling around in the van. I bet you have a few things to do when you get back, someone is waiting to meet you. No dramas at work today and I'm hoping childcare situation gets sorted out and everyone moves on with a positive attitude. On the other hand, accountant's employee review is on Wednesday and I won't be around to see what happens. Good luck with your 7:15am departure. LOL

      Lav...we had rain off and on all day today. In a way it helped as we've been blanketed in smoke all week. Some from the west, some from the east and some from the south. Just depends on which way the wind is blowing but all three of those directions have forest fires. Rainy days are perfect for decluttering. Well done on the cinch collar, sounds like that advice was ace. I told the childcare director to just turn the record on her phone. LOL I'm sure I'll hear all about it when I get back. There is no way my son is up to making another trip up north. I'm hoping it's more like wishful thinking. At least I'll be around for the next few days to asses the situation. Yup, everything is totally different now. LOL

      Slo...hope you're not overdoing things.

      Waves to Det, TG and everyone else. Have a good night all...PPQP


        Happy Saturday evening y’all!

        Gloomy & damp here all day, I think the big rain is holding off until the overnight hours. We have a flood alert up, expecting up to 4” of rain, geez. Glad I live on the hill above the creek, haha! YB has a record crop of elderberries this year,I never do anything with them, not my jam so to speak. The neighbor came across the road & picked a big basket full of berries & just now delivered a jar of elderberry syrup. Better find a way to use it up I guess. Her husband acme over & moved all the remaining tree cuts from the chicken yard for us, such nice people & young too, Lol

        PQ, so how did the movie work out? Did the show go as planned? It must be hard dealing with all the wildfire smoke coming from all directions, not good for the eyes & lungs for sure. Hope the rain helps clear it out. Wondering how the meeting went too. I hope your son decides to stay put & get in better shape before attempting to go back up north. The young ones are so fearless usually because they’re clueless. You learn that when you raise boys haha.

        Mick, glad yo are home safe, the bunnies too. Rest up for a while before yo take off again.

        Hello to Cyn, Slo, Det & anyone dropping by tonight.
        Hope we all have a nice night!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          MAE ALL...had a sunny day with intermitted bursts of rain/hail. They would only last about 5 minutes so all in all a good weather day. Unsuspected energy found me finishing laundry, sorting out garbage, recyclables, donations, etc. Actually had a couple of those Ah ha, that's where that went moments. LOL

          Lav...oh no, a flood alert! Glad you live on the hill above the creek reminded me of Mick being glad he lives at the top of a hill. (if my memory serves me correctly). I have never had elderberries either so good luck finding a way to use the syrup up. How nice that the husband came and removed the rest of the tree cuts for you. Being young they might be interested in expanding if you and YB actually downsize off your property. Just saying. On my way home from dinner with my brother, (6:30pm) I drove past the centre and although all 5 food trucks were there, only 4 vehicles were in the parking lot. They did move it inside because of the weather and about 8 out of the 50 rsvp's showed up. They should have announced that it would be inside in case of bad weather from the get go, but hey, it wasn't my event to organize. No more talk of son going back up north so far but you're right fearless/clueless was a lesson I learned raising the boys. LOL

          Mick...glad Lav mentioned you and bunnies were home safe and sound, I concur! Can't wait to see pics of you and grandchild!

          Slo..catch us up on what's happening, Det...hope everything is still going ok, TG...always thinking of you!

          Thinking of everyone else as well, Sam...would like to hear from you.

          Have a good night all....PPQP

