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August 18

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    I hope Mick is having a great time seeing Amy and baby Elouise & all. I loved holding that wee baby!!
    I wonder what happened to Argyl that he ended up like this? The two have each other anyways.

    Lav, you won’t have any parsley left by the sounds of it.
    The fatigue & irritability & sugar cravings of full moon time nearly did me in. Thankfully that’s done for a little while.

    PQ, you’re off your usual schedule! Hope dog-sitting is going well.

    I had PRP today, where they take my blood and spin it or something, and re-inject it into my foot & low back to promote healing. I hope it helps. I’m sick of being hobbled.

    I got my Internet hooked up yesterday in my new place. Bit by bit…
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Hey everyone,

      Today was the last of the cool weather days, tomorrow summer returns, oh well.
      A good friend of mine lost her husband yesterday, so sad. He had multiple myeloma & was on chemo which wrecks your immune system. He came down with pneumonia & it got him. We all lived on the same street back in the 80’s, our kids grew up together & were good friends. They had moved to a beach area in DE when they retired & were enjoying life until this hit.

      Slo, is that stem cell therapy you had? It’s an interesting science & making a lot of progress I hear. Hope you get good relief.
      The caterpillars are hungry little guys, wish I had more of their fav foods. I’m grateful to be done with the full moon too, it’s so ridiculous the way it affects some of us.

      Mick, I know you enjoyed seeing Elouise today!!! Isn’t it the best thing?

      hello to PQ, Cyn, Det & all.

      Have a nice night everyone.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        hiya are we doing today then? we had a real brutal morning ...the remains of Storm Lilian...blew a couple of the apple trees in pots over .and now its sunny and 22 degrees.. going out for a meal tonight ...Julies sil 60th ...we are going for a ruby murray ..looking forward to it ..going into Manchester so getting the tram down.Really nice day yesterday ..Elouise is a little star was interesting listening to Amy ..she already has plans for nursery etc ..dont know what you call it ..but its all outside with nature stuff ...learning through activity growing stuff and being outside .considering she is 17 days old that's forward planning
        I took some other pics on my proper camera ...they have come out really smart .

        hiya Lav ,,,how are you doing? hope all is well. .sorry about your friends hubby ..unfortunately thats one thing we cant sideswipe ..wind blew a load of apples off the trees this morning ..dont know what we are going to do with them ..there isnt enough to do tons with .hope you have a good weekend .

        hiya Slo are you doing? hope all is good .how do you feel after the blood spinning thingy?has it helped or too early days yet ....Yes it was lovely holding little un yesterday ...When they xrayed Argyl 2 of his vertebrae are triangulated and dont match and join together ..the vet reckons its a hereditary ailment ..I reckon as he gets older it worsens .He will get the best time I can give him for the rest of his days . Whatare you up to this weekend?

        hiya everyone else ...hope you have a good one .we have a bank holiday Monday
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Hey friends,

          Sunny & 79 degrees today, will be getting a little hotter each day going forward. The kids start back to school on Monday, it always gets hot for that. At least they have AC these days. When I was a kid I thought I’d suffocate in those hot classrooms with my woolen uniform, knee socks & long sleeved white blouses, LOL
          no wonder aI grew up disliking the heat so much!!

          Mick, people are very creative with their nurseries these days & that’s wonderful. I remember being too poor in those days to want more than the necessities. I’m sure Elouise will be happy in her surroundings. You had a pretty good storm if it knocked apples off your trees. My two apple trees are kind of hidden in our meadow area now but when I walk back there I see lots of gnarly looking little apples & the deer aren’t eating them for a change. Maybe there’s applesauce in our futures, haha.

          Hello to Cyn, PQ, Slo, Det & anyone else checking in tonight.
          Have a good night all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            The blood spinning is called PRP, platelet-rich plasma. The plasma apparently gets separated from the rest of the blood and concentrated, then injected; and hopefully helps to repair tissue. It’s worth a try! Early days yet.

            I remember the hot starts to the school year! I always wished we had had school uniforms at my Catholic school, instead of the ugly rags I had to wear, while the other girls had cute store-bought clothes; but maybe not if they were itchy wool! My daughters didn’t have air conditioning in their elementary school either, and it would invariably get so hot that first week!

            So sad about your friend’s husband, Lav; as many people can survive a long time with multiple myeloma. Sad about the one with the knee replacement too, as it’s not the same as having a real knee.

            Mick, now you don’t have to pick the apples! Just pick them up off the ground before they rot.
            It’s amazing how early you have to get on lists to get your kids into daycare and preschools. In some areas you really do have to start at birth! Especially for a fancy one like that.
            Julie’s SIL’s 60th…that’s my age. I hope you have a great meal out with everyone. Julie’s dad must be stable lately?
            I’m not doing anything this weekend in particular.

            I miss hearing the daily goings-on at the community centre, but hopefully PQ isn’t missing it!
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Hey gang,

              Hope everyone is doing well!
              It’s definitely warming up but not grossly hot yet. I am SO over summer it’s not funny. Stayed busy doing little things all day, looking forward to a new vegan Italian casserole for dinner tomorrow. I made a vegan pizza today but topped it with sliced leftover turkey meatballs from yesterday Lol

              Slo, I sure hope your new therapy does the trick for you.
              With all the TKRs we handled together at the hospital over the years my friend was extremely pleased with her husband’s surgery. No hospital stay, it was done at a free standing doctor’s hospital (10 bed place). No more long line of staples, the incision is ‘glued together’. His pain level was minimal compared to what we were used to seeing. I’m happy for him, his plan is to be back in shape when deer hunting season opens, I think he’ll be fine.
              So how did you manage to avoid those nasty school uniforms? Lucky you haha!

              Hello to the rest of the folks & wishing everyone a nice night!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                MAE ALL...checking in before this thread changes. Sorry for not keeping up but I keep loosing the wifi here at my brothers. Will try again tomorrow....PPQP


                  I love apple season!! I have my bag of freshly grown, local Zestar apples from the farmers market. There’s nothing like that kind of apple-a-day.

                  For some reason my Catholic school didn’t do uniforms. I would have preferred it; not only to level the playing field, but also because I like navy blue and green or red plaid, and I like a tailored white blouse. My mother probably still would have insisted that we wear those weird patent leather shoes that weren’t in fashion though.

                  I wonder if your friend’s husband had the PCL-sparing style of knee replacement? That’s what i originally had, and it was a good, more natural style of knee replacement. Until I blew out my PCL. Come to think of it, my revision knee replacement was glued rather than stapled. The hip replacements are much better now too.

                  Yes, I’ll definitely need air conditioning on tomorrow.

                  Hi, PQ!
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

