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August 18

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    August 18

    Good Sunday morning,

    I am helping Young Daughter babysit Huxley this weekend, while older daughters are off being bridesmaids in a wedding. We were supposed to be babysitting him at D3’s house and meeting her new baby; but the contingency was always that we couldn’t come if Huxley was ill. And of course he fell ill from daycare, so we’re still local and at their house babysitting a sick kid.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

    Van life sounds fun for you & Julie, Mick!

    Lav, true I guess about the kids not wanting cash nowadays. Luckily I used Venmo to send the twin nephews their birthday money in July..
    I loved the birth announcement pillow you made, and that’s a clever idea too!

    PQ, one good thing about hardly anyone else deserving a raise at work this year is there should therefore be a bigger pool of compensation to shoot your way!
    Too bad about the dud gig going on at the community Centre this weekend, but, as you say; not yours to worry about since you weren’t involved in that one.

    I was sleeping here at D2’s house last night when I was awoken by what sounded like a shot & a shatter in the early dawn.
    Turns out the glass shower wall in the master bath of this house that they bought just broke, and glass showered all over! With seemingly no provocation! Thankfully none of us can be blamed as we were all sleeping, nobody was in there, no towels or anything were hanging off of it. So, not mine to worry about…but they will come home to a mess.

    That condo I bought for too much when I was trying to downsize won’t sell! Such a worry. I am having it staged this week, and have to drop the price for a second time. The people trying to buy it so far all have dogs; either too big or too many; and only one small dog is allowed there.

    Happy Sunday!
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      hiya all how are we doing today then? hope everyone i ok.really sunny day here ..managed to get some weeding done in the garden..We are taking Argyl to the vet this week hopefully tomorrow ...his paralysis is getting worse ,but he is adjusting himself to it ..We need to find out the best way forward for him.Dont know what the vet will say...but I know what I dont want them saying.

      it may mean we make more adjustments ...then so be it .

      hiya Slo how are you doing ? babysitting one sick Huxley? whats wrong? hope he gets better soon whatever it is ...

      hiya ppqp is your weekend going? hope all is well.

      hiya Lav are you doing? what are you up to this weekend ? is your weather good enough for gardening?I picked a load of tomatoes this morning and there is still a good few left .whatever you are doing have a good one ...

      Everyone else ..hope your weekend is going good
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Greetings everyone,

        I’m sitting on the deck between rain showers, the big stuff is coming overnight I believe. We’ve had combo weather today, it’s either raining or the sun is shining, strange.
        I have to tell you I made lentil bolognese sauce today & boy was it ever good! I think the homegrown onions & garlic (lots of it) really flavored the pot. I’m always on the lookout for hih protein non-meat/dairy meals & this one was great.

        Slo, sorry Huxley is feeling sick, daycares & viruses go hand in hand, always have. That’s so freaky about the glass shattering on it’s own like that. I guess it wasn’t tempered glass? Just imagine it that happened when someone was in the shower, eekkk!!!
        Mortgage rates are easing a little so hopefully your buyer is not too far off. Keep the faith!

        PQ, that’s a shame about the movie event being poorly attended. People organizing outdoor events should know to make contingency plans for weather, duh.
        glad your son is staying put for now, he’s learning as he goes just like the rest of them.

        Mick, never got to do any garden work today, I’m sure your garden missed you. Are yo doing anything special with the tomatoes?
        I sure hope Argyl is OK, changes to his routine are possible, I’m sure you will manage them. YB has decided on no more gardening should we stay here. It’s simple to go to one of the Amish roadside stands & get what we need. Let those young guys do the work & we’ll support them.

        Hello & good night to all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          hiya are we doing today then?hope all is good ..Managed to get an appointment at the vets this morning ..with the rabbit specialist ...they had a cancellation so it was all systems go .get thru Manchester in crap traffic ..I was dreading it ..All sorts of thoughts. hence Julie took him into the vets..I stayed outside in the car ...we had already had the discussion ...what will be will be..It turned out good though ..Yes he drags his hind quarters but he has adapted and will do more..Part of the problem is that Bonnie the lump every now and then decides to climb on him to make him know who the boss is ..but that strains any muscle he has ..He will never walk normally ..but as the vet says ..what is normal. Julie asked the question about putting him to sleep ..the vet said not a chance..he is in no pain has an appetite everything ..She has put him on Gabapentin for a fortnight see if that helps with the nerve endings ..Im so relieved .One thing I am going to do ...short term is fence the lawn off and use it as their area..The reason being is that he drags himself over the stones not to irritate or abrade him ,I will eventually take the stone out and put grass in .Its been a busy morning /afternoon .

          hiya Lav how are you doing?hope all is good ..So there is a chance you are staying put?get the two wee guys across the road to do the gardening .I went and got some horse manure from the fields and chucked it in a bucket with water ...use that as a feed.

          hiya everyone else hope you all had a good weekend .
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Good evening all,

            Weird, changeable weather today including sun during brief rain showers, dark clouds & gusty winds….the whole 9 yds as they say.
            I had to go pick up another med refill for my older dog, we should have her on our Rx plan to save me some money, haha!! Made a bunch of breaded chicken nuggets in the air fryer so we can eat for a few days. I didn’t get into any gardening today, maybe tomorrow. Can’t wait for the cooler weather to get here.

            Mick, glad Argyl was seen & a plan put in place for his care. Our pets are important, can’t deny that.
            so yuo got all the rain today, that’s OK I can wait a while. The Democratic National Convection starts tonight, I’m going to watch it on TV.
            We don’t need to go looking for horse manure, our neighbor’s horses drop it all up & down our road, Lol. Have fun with your find.

            Hello to all the other kids & wishing us all a good night!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              MAE ALL…was going to post yesterday, got interrupted and never got back to it. It was a fairly quiet day with the boss off but the accountant made up for it. I just don’t know where her head is at these days. I really think if she had advertised that the movie would move indoors if the weather was bad, they would have had a good turnout. It’s just typical of her organization skills.

              Slo…thanks for kicking off the thread on Sunday. Sorry to hear Huxley ended up getting sick but typical with the daycare setting. I hope you get to see the new arrival soon. My thoughts exactly as far as more funds for my raise. LOL Oh my, that shattered glass shower would have scared me silly. So lucky that no one was anywhere near it. Sorry you have to drop the price for a second time on the condo. Hopefully with the staging you’ll get some interest. It’ll be nice to get that off your plate!

              Mick…the weekend went good, I find myself doing as little as possible. LOL How fortunate you were able to get an appointment at the vets this morning, even if it meant driving through crap traffic. Gotta say I was a little surprised to hear you stayed in the car at the vets. That was a tough one for you. So glad it was a good outcome. Boy that Bonnie needs a good talking to. The vet sounded so positive, no pain, good appetite. Hopefully the Gabapentin will help. I bet you’re relieved. Sounds like a good plan fencing off the grass area for them. I’m so happy for you.

              Lav…your Sunday weather sounds like the weather I had on Saturday. Your lentil Bolognese sauce sounded good and I’m sure the homegrown onions & garlic made a big difference. I really have to up my game with protein, maybe I’ll check out Bolognese. LOL I think the accountant was hoping it would rain so she could cancel it. Why does she take things on if she isn’t really interested! Son did go out to a friends place last night so at least he changed out of his hospital gown. LOL He still hurts but is so much more mobile. He just said he’s thinking of going up north tomorrow to haul a building he bought at an auction. I just said really! I hope you have people helping you and he said yes there’s a few of them going to help. I’m sure he’ll feel better if he gets his yard put back in order. I agree that with the two of you the Amish roadside stands is plenty. That doesn’t mean he can stop decluttering! We shot up over 32C today, way too hot, I’m so done with summer and so ready for the cooler weather. Don’t think I’ll watch the DNC but I’m sure I’ll hear pieces of Biden's' address on the news.

              I’ll be heading out to my brothers’ about 7am in the morning. I’m giving him a lift to the airport and he’s buying breakfast on the way. The weather is supposed to be closer to normal, in the low 20’s, which is a good thing as they don’t have A/C.

              Thinking of the rest of the gang, have a good night all...PPQP


                hiya all...just a quickie ...just finishing fencing the lawn off specifically for the rabbits .almost done but thought Id say aquick hello before I go back out .We have rain all thisweek so doing it while I can
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Young Daughter & I drove to D3’s house all day yesterday, and are here meeting tiny, perfect little baby Ayla! And Young Daughter is busy chasing toddler Andy around. I’m too disabled for that.
                  Luckily D2 misinformed both of us about how long they were staying at the wedding that she was in over the weekend, so Young Daughter has these extra days off of work that gave us the time to drive & visit here now instead, for Plan B!
                  We knew Huxley would probably be sick, but got our hopes up when he wasn’t…until the day of. He had a very chest-y cough and thick mucus. Was definitely way under the weather all weekend and not himself. We did well getting him to sleep a lot.

                  I have an offer on the condo that I don’t want! Hopefully the stagers will be kind enough to just tear up the contract and not charge me.

                  Poor Argyl. It is so hard not to have our spines working right! (my issue) The grass adaptation should be much more comfortable for him.

                  Yeah, I find there’s no reason to garden when the Asians grow such quality vegetables that I can buy at the farmers market.

                  Happy dog-sitting, PQ! I hope you enjoy the change of pace and scenery.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    MAE ALL...settled into my routine at my brother's. Kinda feels like I never left. LOL

                    Mick...did you finish the fencing? I think that'll make a huge difference for Argyle. We supposedly have rain tomorrow but all in all a nice normal finish for the summer day camps.

           glad you got to meet Ayla. Let young daughter chase Andy around. With Huxley's chesty cough and thick mucus (I know the feeling. LOL) you did do well if you were able to get him to sleep. Best medicine ever. Good luck with the stagers and the unwanted offer, I have no experience when it come to real-estate, just don't want you to get shafted. Being here dog sitting alleviates me of all my "should's". LOL

                    Waves to Lav, will check in later to see how your day was. Have a good night all...PPQP


                      I said that wrong: it’s that condo that I don’t want; I DO want the offer!! And now I don’t want the stagers.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Got it!....makes much more sense. LOL


                          Hey all!

                          Well I waited all summer & just yesterday the swallowtail caterpillars showed up, they’re chewing up my potted parsley in the herb garden. Counted 5 of them last evening & tonight there’s 8 of them. I don’t think I have enough parsley, they’ve already decimated the dill, Lol
                          We had a temp in the 50’s this morning, SO NICE!!! We will have it again tomorrow then it’s going to get hot again, of course.

                          Slo, awesome you’ve gotten a buyer!!! I hope you can get rid of the stager without a hassle.
                          So good to hear you got to see the new baby, that’s wonderful. I hope Huxley feels better very soon.

                          PQ, happy dog sitting, sounds like fun. I kind of miss having the Insanity Twins here, they were tons of fun haha.
                          I love the taste of Bolongese but want to stay away from all the cholesterol & fat. Real Bolognese has beef, pork, milk & cheese in it & I can’t have that so I went for the vegan version. Lots of protein, way less fat & it was delicious.
                          I didn’t use zucchini noodles because YB would have had a fit haha, just used regular spaghetti. The young neighbors across the road just brought use 6 big beautiful beets from their garden. I will roast them tomorrow, yum.

                          Mick, your bunnies need to thank you for all your hard work for their benefit!!!

                          Hello to everyone else & wishing a nice night for all.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            hiya all how are we all doing today then? hope all is good .I finished the fencing yesterday ..put bot rabbits in the area soon as I did I knew Bonnie wasnt a happy bunny literally...I could see her sussing the fenceline up ....and then the next thing she was lying in the conservatory .I played back the security camera ..and yep over the fence she goes .Im not that bothered Ive seen her go over higher ..its mainly not to keep her in but to keep Argyl off the stones. As I say a short term until I get the stones up and grass down.
                            Going down to Amys tomorrow ...see my grand daughter for the first time .

                            hiya Lav how are you doing? hope all is good .Do those caterpillars turn into the swalowtail butterflies? they look really smart,We have rain strangely enough .Think Im going metal detecting this weekend .

                            hiya ppqp are you doing?are you still at your brothers?yes I finished the fence ...ha .when are you back in work?

                            hiya Slo are things .so you saw the baby Ayla yesterday did you ...Im down seeing Elouise tomorrow. I hate seeing Argyl as he is ...but the alternative isnt an option .plus he is happy enough Looked at the possibility of an operation but thats a non starter ..they reckon it would see him off.He is happy ,mobile and has an appetite. Plus Bonnie looks after him. Take care and look after yourself ..

                            hiya Det are things with you?

                            right folks have a good one .
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Greetings to everyone,

                              We fortunately had another cool & sunny day today, just perfect! I met two of my former coworkers for lunch, always great to catch up with them. One of their husbands just had a total knee replacement 3 weeks ago so he’s getting good home care. He’s just turned 75, a Vietnam vet. He wants mostly to be ready to go hunting when deer season opens in the fall. I’m sure he’ll make it just fine.

                              Mick, your bunnies have their own minds so you shouldn’t try to tell them what to do, haha!!! Glad everything is working out for them. Yes, the caterpillars are future swallowtail butterflies. They are going through my parsley so fast it’s incredible. Hope your weather dries out for weekend detecting for you.

                              Hello to PQ, Slo, Cyn, Det & everyone.
                              Have a nice night all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

